Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,434 Quasi-Holy Son, from the Holy Son...

Qin Chuan feels that he understands, maybe he can only understand the limitations of what he can currently understand.

This is a matter of personal vision.

"Qin Chuan, what are your plans for the future?" Mrs. Lang asked with a smile.

"Auntie, I want to go to a bigger world." Qin Chuan said.

Mrs. Lang smiled and said, "Are strength and status really so important to men?"

Qin Chuan shook his head: "Actually, I don't care about status. As long as my strength can protect the people I want to protect, I have to work hard to improve myself. I want to find my friend. I want to find her. I must be very strong." .”

"This friend of yours must be a girl!" Mrs. Lang looked at Qin Chuan with a smile.

"Yeah!" Qin Chuan nodded.

"Okay, then work hard, Auntie supports you." Mrs. Lang said with a smile.

Langji looked at Qin Chuan. He knew that Qin Chuan was not the only woman who was his daughter. A father naturally wanted his daughter to be happy, but he didn't know what to say.

His status and strength are all brilliant, but he is powerless when it comes to his daughter.

He respects his daughter's choice, but he is afraid that her daughter will not be happy.

He is very satisfied with Qin Chuan, and the most important thing is that his daughter is satisfied.

They are content with what they have. In fact, before they were worried that their daughter's eyesight would be too high and they would not know if they would be able to find a man they like in this life. Now that they have her, they should be happy.

The normal game is actually almost over here.

The last one is a multi-person battle. Because casualties are easy to occur, the requirements are stricter. There are very few people participating, and it is more of a demonstration.

Each time before the final multiplayer battle, one to three quasi-holy sons will be selected.

This is decided upon by the judges through deliberation.

This time Qin Chuan became the quasi-holy son without any controversy.

Many people cheered when it was announced.

Many people were envious, but only Qin Chuan was calm, as if he had known this would happen a long time ago.

Qin Chuan saw the Holy Son smiling at him. That smile was like a spring breeze, and only Qin Chuan could feel the bone-chilling coldness in it.

But Qin Chuan really doesn't care. Qin Chuan can now protect himself more than enough.

Now I have an understanding of this holy door.

The Holy Sect may have the existence of transcendent powerful beings, but they are definitely very few, so rare that it is unimaginable, and there will never be such a fight between a few quasi-Holy Sons and the Holy Son.

As long as the Holy Sect remains alive, no matter how much trouble you make, their existence will simply ignore you.

As long as he doesn't surpass the powerful, Qin Chuan feels like he can have a good time now.

Qin Chuan walked onto the martial arts platform.

The great elder announced that Qin Chuan was the eleventh quasi-holy son.

Qin Chuan looked at this old man. He was thin but upright, with a bookish air, broad forehead, energetic, and a pair of bright eyes that seemed to see through everything, making you feel that there was nothing to hide in front of him.

"Thank you, Great Elder!" Qin Chuan thanked him.

Qin Chuan couldn't see through the Great Elder, so he didn't even know how sincere he was when he thanked Qin Chuan.

Becoming a quasi-holy son, he will have a higher-end villa and enjoy a lot more resources. Unfortunately, Qin Chuan has no sense of belonging to the identity of this quasi-holy son. In his opinion, this place is hypocritical. A place with a little sense of belonging.

But Qin Chuan knew that he would be able to let go of everything soon, and within a week at most, Langji would come forward.

At that time, everything will naturally be faced by Langji.

Qin Chuan didn't go to live in any manor, he just went to look around.

Went with Langyuan,

When they came out, a group of people came over.

Qin Chuan recognized someone.

The sword roars!

He had a deep impression on this person at first, and he also understood a lot from Jian Ming's moves and artistic conception.

The Jianliu City Jian Family is also a branch of the Holy Sect, the Jiliu Holy Sect.

Walking at the front was a sharp-edged man, very young, but not a young boy.

He has an awe-inspiring demonic aura, but he is not a demon.

Qin Chuan suddenly thought of someone.

One of the Quasi-Holy Sons, a sword demon, and a being capable of competing with the Holy Son.

"Hello Mr. Qin, I am Jianliucheng Sword Demon. Nice to meet you." The man said with a smile.

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. Qin Chuan smiled and said, "I'm glad to meet you too."

Although Qin Chuan didn't know why the sword demon came, he could make some guesses.

The Sword Demon and the Holy Son are rivals, it has been made clear.

This Jianliucheng seems to be really not simple.

It is said that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, so a few people sat down in the Xinzhuang courtyard of Qinchuan.

"Mr. Qin, I don't like beating around the bush. You should be able to tell that I am at odds with the Holy Son. I also have some news that I want to tell you. If Mr. Qin doesn't believe it, you can pretend that I didn't say it. I just want to have sex with Mr. Qin." Friends, please cooperate, but I also promise that what I say is true." Sword Demon looked at Qin Chuan and said.

"Mr. Jian, please speak." Qin Chuan smiled and nodded.

The main thing the sword demon talked about was the Holy Son's plan to attack Langyuan, and the dangers Qin Chuan would face after becoming the quasi-Holy Son.

Qin Chuan knew that the other party was telling the truth.

"Brother Qin, although I am a quasi-Saint Son, I have never thought about becoming a Saint Son, nor have I ever thought about competing for the sect leader. I just want to kill the Saint Son for revenge," the sword demon said.

Qin Chuan was stunned at such a huge hatred.

"To be honest, my wife, the woman I loved most, committed suicide after being insulted by him." The sword demon hesitated and said.

In fact, very few people know about this matter.

Qin Chuan did not expect that the sword demon would say such private words, and thought that even if Langji controlled the Holy Sect, he would need the help of many people.

"Brother Jian, then we will be brothers on the same front from now on, and I guarantee that your wish will come true." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The sword demon was stunned, a little excited, and looked at Qin Chuan eagerly: "Really?"

"Of course, we'll see, it won't be long." Qin Chuan smiled.

A week passed quickly, and the multiplayer battle was coming to an end.

Today the Holy Son suddenly appeared on the martial arts platform.

"It's the Holy Son!"

"So handsome, a perfect man."

"A villain used despicable means to become the Holy Son. If Langji were here, who would be his turn?"

"Victory and defeat, no matter what, the one who stands to the end and lives to the end is the winner in life."

"The Holy Sect martial arts competition is coming to an end. Everyone has seen that there is one person who has performed very well and has become a quasi-Saint Son. Everyone knows that I like to compete with powerful people, so I challenge him today. "The Holy Son said with a smile.

Qin Chuan smiled and looked at the Holy Son on the stage, without speaking or moving.

"Qin Chuan, I challenge you to fight." The Holy Son suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a smile.

"This Holy Son challenges a person who has just become a quasi-Holy Son. Is this suppression or jealousy?"

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