Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,445 Shenlong Terrace, Tianxing Gold

This stone platform made Qin Chuan a little excited.


It is also called the Shenlong Platform. Legend has it that it was the platform borrowed by Long Tengfei. This thing is a good thing for the dragon clan, and it is also a treasure in itself, because the Shenlong Platform is an attack magic weapon.

Qin Chuan walked over. Canglan didn't know what he was talking about, but he followed him.

The golden pupil saw the position where the dragon totem was carved on the dragon platform and locked onto it.

Then with a flick of his finger.

A drop of blood flew out.


The golden light on the Shenlong Platform suddenly burst out, especially the dragon totem on it. The golden light was flowing, as if it was coming to life. Suddenly, the Shenlong Platform disappeared.

Qin Chuan took a look, well, where the nine dragon heads were, there was a faint golden light. This golden light had a slight nourishment on the nine dragon heads.

Although it is very small, very small, but the victory is continuous, day after day, year after year, the benefits of continuing like this are still huge, not to mention that with the entry of Shenlong Platform, the Nine Shenlongs have broken through a new realm.

The nine divine dragons in the fifth realm.

And the strength has also broken through.

The fourth level of the powerful realm made Qin Chuan a little dazed. This opportunity was really important to a person. A small realm could make countless people unable to break through despite their lifetime efforts.

But if you have the chance, you can break through so easily, and it even feels a little too easy.

This breakthrough lets Qin Chuan know that the Shenlong Platform is not simple and can allow the nine Shenlongs to break through. This thing itself is a good treasure.

The nine divine dragons at the fifth level have one more ability, or it can be said that they are integrated with the ability of the divine dragon platform.


This ability is called Shenlongtai.

With the help of the Nine Divine Dragons to launch the Shenlong Platform attack, a dragon platform as huge as a hill crashed down, carrying the power of dragons and the power of gold and stone. It had terrifying lethality, and had a chance of being stun and reducing speed and reaction.

“Your luck is really unstoppable.

Canglan said enviously.

Although he didn't know what benefits Qin Chuan got, he knew that it must be a big benefit, otherwise the cultivation level breakthrough was still a very critical stage, and he actually easily broke through to the fourth level of the powerful.

This third to fourth level can be regarded as a small chasm-like existence, and it was actually crossed like this.

Qin Chuan smiled, he was indeed lucky...

The two people left the hall, and Qin Chuan also let go of the two huge stone lions and the golden dragon vines.

Shenlong Terrace, Golden Dragon Vine, Qin Chuan smiled, his Golden Dragon Vine should be even more powerful.

The Shenlong Terrace also has a huge impact on the Golden Dragon Vine.

Continuing forward, a palace appeared again not far away.

There are also two stone lions at the door.

These two stone lions are smaller than the two stone lions we encountered before, but they feel more solid and concise.

Old rules!

Qin Chuan was about to try the current golden dragon vine, so he simply took action.

Bang bang!

The two golden dragon vines are almost instantaneous. The size of the golden dragon vine has not changed much, but the golden divine eyes can tell that the toughness and sharpness have doubled or tripled.

The benefits of Shenlong Terrace are really extraordinary.

As a dragon cultivator, it was a great opportunity for him to encounter the Shenlong Platform.

He still restrained the two stone lions easily.

The two people entered the palace again.

Well, it's still an empty existence.

But there is finally something in this palace.

This time Qin Chuan did not move: "You come first!"

Cang Lan smiled and said: "Those who are destined to get treasures can get them. There is no need to do this. Everyone competes fairly and relies on ability. Whoever has the ability and this blessing will get it. Those who cannot give in will get it."

Qin Chuan nodded: "Okay!"

Cang Lan is right. Those who are destined to get treasures will get them. Without this fate, you won't be able to use them. Just like the Shenlong Terrace, if Qin Chuan gets it, it will be a treasure. It is definitely a very good treasure, not even worse than a treasure, but If you give it to Canglan, let alone if he can’t get it, it’s useless even if he gets it.

Qin Chuan didn't care about Canglan anymore, but wanted to see if there was anything he needed here.

This is?

Qin Chuan saw a large piece of yellow stone, as big as a person.

Star Gold!

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up. Tianxing Gold and Tianxing Silver are used to make death-free silver medals. Needless to say, Tianxing Gold knows what it does. Such a big piece, Qin Chuan put it away directly. He was not as excited as he was now when he got the Shenlong Platform.

It's not that Shenlong Platform is inferior to Tianxing Gold. In fact, strictly speaking, for Qin Chuan, Shenlong Platform is countless times better than this piece of Tianxing Gold.

Maybe Qinchuan now has a real baby dragon, or he has nine divine dragons himself, so the divine dragon platform is precious, but he can still control it, and of course he is happy.

This day's star gold mainly made Qin Chuan feel novel. After all, this was the first time he had seen this kind of thing. If it weren't for his golden eyes, he probably wouldn't have recognized it.

This thing is mainly used to make the legendary death-free gold medal, which is much better than the death-free silver medal.

The silver medal for immunity from death can be used once, and the gold medal for immunity from death is said to be usable at least three times.

But the advantage of the death-free gold medal is not just that it can be used more often than the death-free silver medal. The most precious thing is that in some powerful life-and-death tribulations, using the death-free silver medal may not necessarily save your life, but using the death-free gold medal will be safe. , it can be seen that the power of the death-free gold medal lies more in the power of withstanding the calamity of life and death.

Qin Chuan put away Tianxingjin.

At this time, Canglan also walked over with a smile.

"It seems like the harvest is good." Qin Chuan smiled.

He saw that Canglan's expression was particularly relaxed, so he must have gotten something good.

"Well, it's not bad. This time it's not in vain." Cang Lan smiled.

The two men walked out.

"Let's go, there is still one last palace. I hope we have better luck, so that we can survive the coming turmoil and even defend the Immortal Sword Sect." Cang Lan smiled.

Qin Chuan was stunned and did not ask again. Canglan had said before that the Immortal Sword Sect had reached a critical situation.

When the two came to the last palace, they were stunned again.

Still a stone lion.

In other words, it should be a jade lion.

And the size is only one meter.

The stone lion before was like a small mountain, but now the lion is like a mini lion cub, one meter in size, green as jade, if you don't look carefully, you might think it is a real lion cub.

A pair of big and flexible eyes kept moving.

This is a mechanism beast. This is the top-level mechanism beast that Qin Chuan has ever seen.

Qin Chuan tried using the Golden Dragon Vine.

But what surprised Qin Chuan was that the opponent directly overflowed from the gap in the golden dragon vine like running water, and then returned to the cute little lion appearance again.

Qin Chuan was a little stupid. What kind of material is this?

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