Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,450 Master Chu Qingzhu’s Immortal Killing Sword

"A bunch of ants!" The voice of the demon-blood demon bear sounded again.

"Do it!" Mr. Che said and rushed out first.

At this point, there is no way out. If they don't kill this demon king, all of them will die here.


Roaring impact!

The devil-blood demon bear let out a thundering roar, and the sound was like waves, rolling directly in. The roaring sound was like a strong wind, sweeping past. Mr. Che was the first to bear the brunt, and his body stiffened and his reaction was slow.


Qin Chuan's figure flashed next to Mr. Che, and he shouted like a Buddha.


Then he left with Mr. Che, all of which happened in an instant.

Mr. Che breathed a long sigh of relief. He almost walked around the gate of hell before. The blood-red bear paws and bloody mouth, as well as the blood-red eyes, all had a bloodthirsty light. Mr. Che was still in shock. .

Mr. Che looked at Qin Chuan, surprised that Qin Chuan could actually rescue him in that situation.

It wasn't until this moment that I realized that Qin Chuan was not simple.

What is your strength?

Although the half-immortal was among the weakest half-immortals, he was also a half-immortal warrior, which shocked him extremely.

Mr. Che looked at the huge demon-blood demon bear with a wry smile on his face. He was very bitter and helpless. He underestimated the demon-blood demon bear. He and his team couldn't do it together. The gap was a bit big.

Bang bang...

Several people rushed over, but in one round they were beaten several times and flew back, their faces turned pale, and one even vomited blood.

How to fight this?

This demon-blood demon bear is a bit too powerful.

"Auntie, you're ready!"

After Qin Chuan finished speaking, the Twelve Flower Goddess was given to Chu Master Qingzhu.

Master Chu Qingzhu held a snow-white sword in his hand.

Qin Chuan was beside him, and he directly used the Golden Eyes at this time.

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

Golden light swept across!


The wrath of supernatural powers!

The seven-story Demon-Suppressing Immortal Tower can reduce the strength of monsters and monsters by 10%.

This greatly reduced the strength of the demon-blood demon bear, and its aura suddenly became much weaker.


The demon-blood demon bear not only roared, but also looked around. He wanted to know who was weakening him so much.

At this time Master Chu Qingzhu took action.

The immortal sword is ruthless!

A sword passed by, and a streak of red snow flashed past.


Blood flashed and splattered out.


As soon as the blood came out, the demon-blood demon bear went berserk and its strength increased dramatically.

The blood continued to overflow, and soon the entire body of the demon blood demon bear turned red, with demonic flames raging into the sky.

Qin Chuan was very calm, but Chu Master Qingzhu didn't react at all.

But the expressions of others changed drastically. Even the Great Elder Wan Long was so frightened that he kept retreating and wanted to escape.

Swish, brush, brush!

Qin Chuan summoned three monsters, two treasure beasts, and a baby dragon.

As soon as the baby dragon came out, it hung on Qin Chuan.

The two treasure beasts attacked from the earth.

The demon-blood demon bear is also good at earth attributes, so he can feel the approach of the two treasure beasts. Even the demon-blood demon bear is a little uneasy when facing the treasure beasts. After all, he now has wounds and several flaws on his body. Once he is attacked by the treasure beasts, If the beast succeeds, there is only death.

The body has great benefits. It has a huge momentum and a sense of oppression. When injured, it can weaken the injury, but it also has disadvantages. One of them is that the danger of the seven orifices is increased. After all, the ears, nose, and eyes are so big. The treasure beast can completely benefit from these. If you get in somewhere, it will be difficult to save it.


A scene that shocked Qin Chuan appeared again.

Baby Dragon took action and rushed directly towards him. His small body could only be considered insignificant in front of the demon-blood demon bear.

But the huge demon-blood demon bear actually trembled when it saw the baby dragon, and its huge body was trembling.

Then the baby dragon stretched out its little dragon claw, and the fleshy little dragon claw slapped it directly.


The huge body of the demon-blood demon bear was actually taken a few steps back by the baby dragon.

You must know that the demon blood demon bear exists in the semi-immortal realm.

It is much stronger than the baby dragon.

But even in this gap, Long Bao was able to repel the Demon Blood Demon Bear after being amplified by the Twelve Flower Goddess and the formation.

A dragon is a dragon, just like a cat and a mouse. No matter how big the mouse is, it will tremble when it encounters fur, and may even have no choice but to run away.

The dragon is an existence like the king of beasts. In principle, it is not the natural enemy of other monsters, but in fact it is not much worse.



The huge demon-blood demon bear couldn't dodge at all. Although it was at a high level, it was weakened. The most important thing was that it was frightened by the baby dragon, coupled with the oppression of the two treasure beasts, and was hit by Qinchuan's Shenlong Platform.

This hit did not cause dizziness, but it slowed down the demon-blood demon bear again.

Reduced response.

Chu Master Qingzhu's long sword passed by, and the snow-white sword light fell from the air like a sharp arrow.

Sword rain slashes!


Blood flowers bloom on the body of the demon blood demon bear.


The demon-blood demon bear became even more violent, and its strength increased again.

Golden Dragon Vine!

This time, the demon-blood demon bear instinctively avoided, but one of its legs was entangled by the golden dragon vine. Qinchuan's current golden dragon vine is amazing, its flexibility and sharpness are terrifying.

The Divine Dragon Platform has a huge influence on the Nine Divine Dragons, as well as the Golden Dragon Vine.

The Nine Divine Dragons can directly affect the strength of the Golden Dragon Vine.

The demon-blooded demon bear that couldn't move at once became Qin Chuan's target.

At the same time, he also became the target of Qinchuan's two precious beasts.

The demon blood demon bear saw the situation and let out a horrified roar.

But at this time, his huge and thick legs became a burden, and even if he wanted to break off the limb, he couldn't do it.

The great yin and yang hand covers the divine dragon seal!

Immortal-killing sword!

The Immortal Killing Sword is used by Master Chu Qingzhu.

The snow-white long sword, with a flash of light like lightning, suddenly fell on the huge head of the demon-blood demon bear.


Qin Chuan's Great Yin-Yang Hand-Covering Heaven Divine Dragon Seal was stopped before it could be used, and the two precious beasts had just arrived.

The huge head of the demon blood demon bear was chopped off.

Immortal-killing sword!

Master Chu Qingzhu's Immortal Killing Sword is so terrifying, but it needs an opportunity to use it. For example, it was restrained by the golden dragon vine before, otherwise it would not be used at all.

Mr. Che was stunned for a long time.

"Haha, good boy, Master Chu Qingzhu's Immortal Killing Sword is getting more and more powerful." Mr. Che said happily.

The Great Elder Wan Long has disappeared.

Everyone else was there, but now they all looked a little embarrassed.

Because they didn't take action.

Qin Chuan stepped forward to check the body of the demon king. Some of the bear bile, sternum, bear skin, bear paws, etc. could be used as medicinal materials, and some could be used as materials for refining weapons.

Now Qin Chuan also knows why Master Chu Qingzhu can practice the Immortal Slaying Sword so well. This is mainly because she has immortal clouds in her body, which is determined by her physique.

Mr. Che looked at Master Chu Qingzhu thoughtfully.

He greeted everyone with a smile: "Let's go, the Demon King has been killed by Master Chu and Qin Chuan."

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