Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,455 Do you know that you are very...

The head of the Tu family died, and the head of the Tiangang Sect, that fierce man, sat down on the ground.

Qin Chuan walked towards him. The middle-aged man was trembling all over, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing, and kept retreating.

"I was wrong. I don't want to die. Don't kill me." The middle-aged man said as he backed away.

"If I had known this, why bother? Didn't you feel great just now? Very happy? Everyone must consider the consequences of doing things and be responsible. Since you do this, you must think of this result. Haven't you never thought about it?" Qin Chuan sneered. said.

Just when Qin Chuan was within three meters of the middle-aged man, the leader of the Tiangang Sect suddenly rushed towards Qin Chuan.

The sand of Tiangang!

As the leader of the Tiangang Sect rushed over, a sheet of sand like cold stars covered Qin Chuan.

Seven-star reversal!

Qin Chuan's eyes narrowed, and he immediately changed positions with the leader of the Tiangang Sect with a seven-star reversal.

Then the Tiangang Sect leader was sprinkled with his own Tiangang sand.


Soon the Tiangang Sect leader turned into a pool of blood. The Tiangang Sand was extremely poisonous and there was no antidote. Once attacked, there was basically no possibility of survival.

The leader of the Tiangang Sect probably never imagined that he would die in the hands of his own Tiangang Sand!

At this time, Master Chu Qingzhu walked up the stairs again and walked towards the stage.

Elegant as a fairy, strolling leisurely in the courtyard, raising your head slightly, there is a grand and fairy atmosphere, as if you are ascending the path to immortality, just like walking on the fairy ladder.

This time no one is stepping up.

Master Chu Qingzhu walked to the top.

This also means that Master Chu Qingzhu has become the master of the Immortal Sword Sect.

Master Chu Qingzhu said a few words and announced the positions of others. The ceremony was completed, and then he invited everyone to eat and drink.

The Tu family had already left.

Tiangang Sect too!

As for what these two forces will do in the future,

It's up to them to choose.

Qin Chuan became the leader of the Water Sword Sect.

Master Chu Qingzhu can be said to have taken over this turbulent sect, but fortunately, the people have changed. Besides, with Chu Master Qingzhu’s strength, it is unclear whether he can turn things around.

The hidden dangers in Fairy Sword City are still there, but no one should come forward for the time being.

Qin Chuan is not too worried, but now that Master Chu Qingzhu is standing as the leader of the sect, she owns the Five Elements Crystal Beast. There are too few people who want to hurt her, but she is the leader of a sect now, and usually she will not run away. .

After sending away the others, they were people from the Immortal Sword Sect who drank and ate together to enhance their relationship.

Canglan and his wife are also there. After all, he is also the head of the branch clan, just like Qin Chuan.

Master Chu Qingzhu was sitting next to Qin Chuan. On one side of Qin Chuan's leadership was Cang Lan, and on the other side of Cang Lan was his woman...

Mr. Che was very happy and had a few more drinks today.

"Although I am old, my eyes can still see things. I can tell you that the achievements of the Immortal Sword Sect in the future are limitless. This time a lot of young blood has been added, so I hope you will seize this opportunity. Master Chu will bring You go out into the wider world.”

Cang Lan smiled and drank the wine, and said with a soft smile: "Young Master Qin, I can't even be jealous of you now."

"What are your plans in the future?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I thought I would always follow the Demon Sect, but I am confused now. Maybe I will still follow the Demon Sect in the future, but it will not be an ordinary Demon Sect, and I may not join the Demon Sect again," Cang Lan said.

"Are you worried that you can't control your true feelings?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Well, I'm afraid of losing myself. It's already happened once." Cang Lan said.

"You've seen the Great Demon King and the Great Demon God lose themselves." Qin Chuan said.

Canglan was stunned, yes, those big demons and big demon kings are all overlords of one party. When they reach the level, they are all overlords and giants of one party. The evil people at that level are beyond imagination. They say that there are three thousand or ten thousand avenues. At that time, it may be just one step away from enlightenment.

Once you achieve enlightenment, no one will see whether you are a human or a monster, or how you got there, but everyone will see the results.

"I can help you eliminate this hidden danger. You will never lose yourself at any time, but you have to agree to one condition." Qin Chuan said.

"What conditions?" Canglan asked. This was his biggest hidden danger, which had always been on his mind. No matter who he was, he didn't want to lose himself. The consequences would be disastrous.

"Don't hurt innocent people!" Qin Chuan said.

Qin Chuan would not ask the other party not to kill people, or anything like that. He said that the conflict was between both sides, no matter whether good people or bad people were killed, there was no killing for no reason, so Qin Chuan only wanted him not to hurt innocent people.

Canglan nodded: "I can promise you this. Even if you don't help me, I can promise you this condition."

Qin Chuan smiled and nodded.

Yuan Su and Demon Lord are both inheritors of the Demonic Way, and they also have Black Eyes. Qin Chuan's medical skills plus the Golden Eyes can eliminate Mo Na's demonic heart that makes people lose their mind, also called the source of confusion.

We didn't break up until it was almost dark.

Qin Chuan and Master Chu Qingzhu went back.

Master Chu Qingzhu still lives in the small courtyard of Shuijian Sect and has no plans to move into the mansion where the sect leader lives.

Qin Chuan smiled and walked into the small courtyard with Master Chu Qingzhu.

"Why are you laughing?" Master Chu Qingzhu asked.

"No!" Qin Chuan smiled.

"Speak quickly!" Master Chu Qingzhu stopped Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan opened his arms: "Come on, give me a hug!"

Master Chu Qingzhu blushed and hugged Qin Chuan gently: "Tell me, why are you laughing?"

"It's because of you. Being with you makes me feel better than being a god." Qin Chuan smiled softly.

"You will lie to me by saying good things." Master Chu Qingzhu leaned in Qin Chuan's arms.

Qin Chuan held her waist and said in her ear: "No, I didn't lie to you. I like you and I can't wait to put you in my body."

"Disgusting!" Master Chu Qingzhu said softly, but with a smile on his lips.

"How about you disgust me too?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"No!" Master Chu Qingzhu said simply.

"Come on, just one sentence!" Qin Chuan leaned close to her ear.

Now the two of them were almost rubbing each other's ears, and the hot breath was blowing on Master Chu Qingzhu's ears and neck, making her face turn slightly red.

"What are you talking about..." Master Chu Qingzhu whispered.

"I don't know, tell me what you want to say." Qin Chuan smiled.

"I have nothing to say..."

Qin Chuan looked at her, Master Chu Qingzhu blushed slightly: "You bastard, I can't tell you!"

Qin Chuan smiled: "Okay, let's not talk anymore. Wait until you want to say something. Do you know that you are really cute now?"

Xueyu's face was pink, her fairy eyes were a little bright, and her long eyelashes were dark and dense, trembling slightly.

"You know how to talk nonsense." Master Chu Qingzhu hugged Qin Chuan and buried his face in Qin Chuan's arms.

"Let's go eat!" Qin Chuan picked her up and walked to the hall.

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