Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,462 The 7 evil female corpses fuse with the blood emperor bones

If you want to really get rid of her, you must resolve the resentment in her heart.

"If you have any wishes, I can help you fulfill them, but the condition is that you are not allowed to harm others again," Qin Chuan said.

The Qisha female corpse looked at Qin Chuan, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she let out a sharp laugh, which made Qin Chuan a little confused.

The reason why Qin Chuan wanted to do this was because he wanted the power of merit, and he could also successfully walk up to the seventh floor of Tianyun Tower.

"I have a wish. If you can help me fulfill my wish, I can give you my Seven Evil Spirit Beads." The Seven Evil female corpse looked at Qin Chuan and said.

Qin Chuan didn't know what the Seven Evils spirit bead was, but at this time the Seven Evils female corpse spoke: "You can use my Seven Evils spirit beads to fuse a puppet, and this puppet will have the Qi Sha evil spirit."

The Qi Sha female corpse's eyes lit up slightly when she heard the words, but it was hard to say whether she could get it or not. Her goal was no longer the Qi Sha spirit bead, but the power of merit.

After killing the old demon who slaughtered the city last time, the power of merit was activated. Now it is a level of merit power. However, if you want to cultivate the body of merit and the power of merit, there is still a lot left to do. After solving this seven evil female corpse, you can increase the power of merit. It is no less meritorious than killing the old demon who massacred the city.

Because the corpse of the Seven Evils had absorbed the energy of attraction and the Earthly Treasure Spirit Bead, which was an oversight by Heaven, so if Qin Chuan could resolve it, he would naturally gain a lot of merit.

Merit cannot be seen, but it actually exists in the body. Only those who truly cultivate the power of merit can understand it. It is like the Shujuan Qi. Can the Shujuan Qi be seen? But it does exist, the Confucian spirit, etc. are all like this.

Perhaps Qin Chuan was the first to ask about her wish, perhaps because of the obsession in her heart, or because Qin Chuan was easily convinced by others.

The others were let go and could continue going up, but they still dared to break in, so they all chose to return to the hall from Tianyuan, which leads to the third floor.

Only then did Qin Chuan say, "Tell me what you wish for. As long as it's not something harmful to nature, I'll try my best to help you fulfill it."

"I am a member of the Mei family. The Mei family was destroyed thousands of years ago. The Mei family in Tianyun land. It was the Bei family who destroyed my Mei family. They kidnapped me, tortured me, and insulted me using despicable means. They used this to Forcing my father, forcing him to abandon his cultivation..."

"Did your father really abolish his own cultivation?" Qin Chuan asked in surprise.

"My father loves me the most. He can't bear to see me being humiliated. He even knows that I have to abolish my cultivation and is indifferent.

But he did it anyway. "

Qin Chuan didn't say anything, nor did he feel that his father was stupid. He could understand that he should protect his daughter while he was alive, at all costs.

"They killed my father, but the head of the Bei family still didn't let me go. He is a beast and a demon. I want you to catch him here and kill him with my own hands." The Qisha female corpse said through gritted teeth.

"It's been a thousand years, is he still alive?" Qin Chuan asked.

It has been a thousand years. Even if he is alive, he is still an old monster. He doesn't even have a few years to live. Besides, can such an old monster defeat his opponent? That is the top existence in Tianyun Land now.

"Alive, with his level of cultivation, he will have at least three to five hundred years of life." Qisha Female Corpse said with certainty.

"I don't think I can do that for the time being." Qin Chuan said with a wry smile.

The Qisha female corpse was silent. She also knew it, but she couldn't live without Tianyun Tower.

Qin Chuan suddenly thought of his Blood Emperor Bones, and looked at the Qi Sha female corpse with bright eyes: "Can you trust me?"

"I have no choice. Since I am talking to you here like this, I believe you." Qisha female corpse said.

"I have a blood emperor bone here that can be fused with you, but then you will be like my puppet and cannot do things against my will. You can leave here, and I will let you do what you want to do in person, and I will I can help you, please think about it yourself, this is just my suggestion, we can also think of other ways." Qin Chuan said.

The Qisha female corpse did not express her stance immediately, but she was not angry either. Looking at Qin Chuan, he didn't know how to choose. The man in front of him was not a bad person, but he knew people and faces but didn't know his heart. Once he chose, he would be a puppet. If the other party did something evil, Heart, oneself will truly be beyond redemption.

She didn't care, but she didn't want to.

Qin Chuan didn't say anything, because it was good that the other party didn't directly fight with him. They didn't expect to succeed, they just wanted to solve this problem as soon as possible.

"I promise you!" Qisha Female Corpse said seriously.

Qin Chuan was stunned for a while, and it took him a while to react. He said in surprise: "Aren't you afraid that I will lie to you?"

"Why are you lying to me? I am just like this. The woman next to you is a fairy. Just because she is by your side, I trust you. If you really lied to me, then I will admit it." Qisha female corpse said.

Qin Chuan did not expect that Master Chu Qingzhu was the reason.

Qin Chuan took out the Blood Emperor Bone from the Zhongfu Essence and Blood Pool and handed it to the Qisha female corpse.

Now he is learning how to fuse the blood emperor's bones with the female corpse, but he will become Qin Chuan's puppet. He has his own consciousness, but cannot go against Qin Chuan's wishes. He is a puppet.

The Qisha female corpse slowly merged with the Blood Emperor's bones, and then Qin Chuan discovered a surprising scene. The Qisha female corpse actually became plump, no longer as skinny as before, and her skin was as delicate as jade, and her hair became jet black. Glossy.

The most important thing is that the cultivation level is extremely terrifying.

The Qisha female corpse's cultivation level was already terrifying, but after being fused with the Blood Emperor's bones, her strength became even more terrifying.

At this time, she was dressed in black, and she was completely different from the previous Seven Evil female corpses. She had great vitality, strong vitality, and strong vitality. This had broken away from the category of living corpses.

"Master..." The Qisha female corpse shouted unnaturally.

"There's no need for this. My name is Qin Chuan. Let's do this. You call me Qin Chuan and I'll call you Qisha." Qin Chuan said.

The woman nodded.

"I have no other requirements for you, except that you don't kill innocent people indiscriminately. Except for your enemies, you don't kill people for no reason." Qin Chuan said.

"You can go find some information now, and you can leave Tianyun Tower now." Qin Chuan said.

Qisha, as long as his resentment disappears, she will disappear too,

Qin Chuan and Master Chu Qingzhu walked towards the third floor.

Qisha did not follow, but went out through the exit next to San Cong.

After so many years, she couldn't wait. She let those people know that she was still alive, and she wanted to make it difficult for them to sleep and eat...

Qin Chuan and Master Chu Qingzhu entered the third floor.

As soon as he entered the third floor, Qin Chuan pulled Master Chu Qingzhu to stop.

Qin Chuan stared at a dark place.

There are a pair of eyes like emeralds, cold and aloof, and there is a hint of Xiao Sha.

The eyes moved and a figure came out.

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