Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,464: The Hand of Earth's Yin, the Dragon-Subduing Technique...

More than a dozen old men besieged the Qisha female corpse.

But the current Qisha female corpse is completely beyond the level of these people, and it can almost kill one of them in two or three moves.

In a moment, all ten of the other party fell down.

The Qisha female corpse returned to Qin Chuan: "Thank you!"

"The Bei Monster is too strong. The best I can do now is a tie with him." Qisha female corpse said with a frown.

"Let's go and mess around with that shell monster." Qin Chuan said.

If the Qi Sha Female Corpse can tie with the opponent now, then after weakening the opponent, it should be able to win. However, the Qi Sha Female Corpse can only tie with the opponent now, so after weakening the Qi Sha Female Corpse, it may not be able to win.

But one thing is for sure, a tie is no problem.

The three people walked towards Bei's house.

The Bei family is a behemoth and the master of the Sky Cloud Land. It has been dominating the Sky Cloud Land for almost a thousand years. This kind of heritage is naturally extremely rich.

No one in the land of Tianyun can shake the Bei family.

The Mei family was fine, but it was a pity that it was destroyed by Bei Yaokai, the head of the Bei family, in a cruel way. As for whether there are any survivors, I don't know.

But the Mei family was once a large family, and there should be survivors.

The female corpse of the Seven Evils is full of resentment. In fact, the demise of the family is not unacceptable. The winner is the king and the bandit is defeated. However, the methods used by the Bei family made her resentment disappear from the body. It happened to be the land of the Yin Corpse, plus the energy of the earth and the Seven Evil Spirits. Pearl created such an existence as the Seven Evil Female Corpse.

"Before, the shell monster was scared to death when he saw me." Qisha female corpse said.

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly, could he not be scared to death? The person he killed thousands of years ago suddenly appeared. It would be strange not to be scared.

Unknowingly, the three of them had arrived at the door of Bei's house.

The magnificent door is extremely luxurious.

At this time, the door was heavily guarded. After seeing Qin Chuan and the others, one of them left quickly.

The Seven Evil Female Corpse will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but the people who harmed her back then cannot be left behind. It has only been a thousand years, and there are only three or five old monsters left at that time.

With the character of the monsters, it is not easy to leave a few behind.

Shelly Monster is a person who can share the joys and sorrows, but everyone needs friends, especially the older they get, so he left a few behind for nothing, just to get together and reminisce about the past.

People are most afraid of loneliness. Loneliness, once lonely, is really the most terrifying demon. Many old monsters die alone in the end, so at that level, it is the happiest to have a close friend and an old buddy.

Bei Monster is lucky to be the dominant one, and he also has a few old friends. Although he is not in charge of the Bei family now, he is the ancestor of the Bei family, and the younger generations are extremely respectful when they see him. He is the backer of the Bei family.

Maybe it was because the Qi Sha female corpse found the shell monster once before. This time, not long after they arrived, an old man walked out.

He is old, but he is full of energy, his face is red, and his calm eyes are a little dim, which makes people feel an indescribable feeling at a glance.

He was holding a dragon-headed crutch in his hand.

Walked out slowly.

He looked at the Qisha female corpse.

"After all these years, even if I did something wrong at the beginning, I will apologize to you." The old man said to the Qisha female corpse.

His expression was as calm as water, and there was no sign of apology.

"If this gentleman hadn't stopped me from killing innocent people indiscriminately, do you think your Bei family could still be so peaceful?" The Seven Evil Female Corpses used Yin Qi, and the Yin Qi alone could cause numerous casualties to the Bei family.

The old man's face changed slightly and he said, "Now that you can put down your resentment, let's reconcile!"

"Reconciliation is okay. You have lived for a thousand more years. As long as you die, I will reconcile and let go of this grudge." Qisha female corpse said.

The old man doesn't want to die, he also wants to make further progress, so that he can open the entrance to life again, and even leave here to go to a wider sky.

"I've already apologized to you, but at such an old age, you still don't want me to die in peace?"

"Hahaha, old thing, you still have hundreds of years to live. If that's the case, then I will take your life myself." After saying this, the Qisha female corpse rushed towards the old man.

The hand of the underworld!

A jet of black energy emerged from the hands of the Qi Sha female corpse, making her palms look silver and terrifying, extremely ferocious.


The shell monster was surprised. The strength of the Qisha female corpse suddenly increased so much?

Before, he had no power to parry in his hands, but now he can actually resist him, truly resist him.

The method of subduing the dragon!

The dragon-headed crutch of the shell monster is more like a big dragon, neutralizing the attack of the Seven Evil Female Corpse. No matter how the Seven Evil Female Corpse attacks, it cannot break through the opponent's method of subduing the dragon.


Divine Eyes Immortal Power!


The expression on the shell monster's face finally changed. It was a bit too scary to lose 20% of his strength.

But even so, Qisha Female Corpse still had a slight upper hand.

But it is really difficult to kill the shell monster.


At this time, the nine divine dragons in Qin Chuan's body let out a low roar.


The nine divine dragons were affected by the dragon subduing method, which was anger.

Suddenly, a few old people walked out of Bei's house. Although they were not as good as Bei Monster, they were just a little bit behind. Qin Chuan saw that it was no good and left quickly.

But it’s not easy to leave at this time.

He simply used Tianmen Escape.


Qin Chuan took Master Chu Qingzhu and Qisha female corpse to use Tianmen Escape and returned to Fairy Sword City.

It is safe for the time being. Tianyun Land is very big. Even if the Bei family is the master, it will not be easy to find the Immortal Sword Sect.

The Qisha female corpse was very upset, and Qin Chuan advised her: "Don't worry, I found this, this can help you."

What Qin Chuan took out was the Seven Treasures Spiritual Bead.

The Qisha female corpse was puzzled, Qin Chuan smiled: "This is the Seven Treasures Spiritual Pearl, and it is accompanied by the Seven Evils Orb. If you put it back in its place, together with the Seven Evils Orb, your strength will increase, and you should be able to defeat it by then. "

The Qisha female corpse happily took it.

Qin Chuan found a place in the Immortal Sword Sect for the Qisha female corpse to live.

Qin Chuan and Master Chu Qingzhu returned to their small courtyard.

"Qinchuan, the Bei family will find this place soon." Chu Master Qingzhu said.

Qin Chuan was stunned: "Really?"

"As long as they are in the land of Tianyun, they can find it quickly, and they will be here within a week at most." Master Chu Qingzhu said with certainty.

Qin Chuan was stunned and smiled: "It's okay, you don't have to go back when you're here."

Master Chu Qingzhu smiled: "It seems you are confident, so I won't worry."

"Let's go to dinner. It's been a long time since we had a good meal." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Well, I want to do it too." Master Chu Qingzhu said.

"Okay, I'll teach you!"

The two of them came to the kitchen. Even if they had never done it before, they knew how to wash and chop vegetables. The main thing was the heat and seasoning.

What Qin Chuan enjoys now is the process. Not everyone can see a fairy-like woman cooking.

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