Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,472: The 7th level of the way to forge the gods

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Cao Jiushao never expected that Qin Chuan would use the forbidden bead.

Under such circumstances, no matter how confident Cao Jiusa was, he was still panicking. After all, the opponent was not a fool. Since he dared to use the forbidden beads, it meant that Qin Chuan felt that he could kill him.

Qin Chuan knew that his name was Cao Jiusha, and yet he dared to do this, which must be something special.

A young man has two powerful treasure beasts and an even more terrifying unknown monster. How can he be an ordinary person? He can compete with the realm of a powerful person against his own semi-immortal realm. This is enough to show that the other party is extraordinary.

The battle continued, Cao Jiushao's dragon-slaying dagger was extremely sharp and rushed towards Qinchuan.

Qin Chuan did not dodge, and when the Forged God Sword hammered out, his thoughts moved.

Yin and Yang fire!


Cao Jiushao's expression changed, the hairs all over his body suddenly stood up, and he almost instinctively shrank back and exited.

Qin Chuan felt that it was a pity that the other party had just escaped the entanglement of the Yin and Yang Fire Dragon. If he could entangle him, the battle would basically be resolved.

Especially if it can wrap around the neck, even if the current level of yin and yang fire is not very high, it can still kill the existence of the semi-immortal level.

Cao Jiushao was scared, really scared. This young man had a terrifying fire. The moment before made him feel cold to the bone.

He is good at close combat, but it is very dangerous to fight close to a warrior with powerful fire.

It might be okay for others, but this Qin Chuan is very fast, which is scary.

Suddenly he found himself at a disadvantage.

This time Qin Chuan took the initiative in the battle. Cao Jiushao did not dare to fight Qin Chuan in close combat. He just wanted to buy time and escape when the time for the forbidden beads was up...

But he wanted to do this, but Qin Chuan didn't allow it.

Qin Chuan took the initiative to attack, but Cao Jiusa could only defend in fear.

It is said that no matter how good the defense is, it cannot always prevent the attack. Attack is the best defense. There is no defense that cannot be broken. What's more, Cao Jiushao is now panicked and frightened, which has seriously affected his combat effectiveness.

Qin Chuan would use Yin Yang Fire Dragon to interfere from time to time.

As time passed, Cao Jiushao's clothes were soaked with cold sweat. One of the times, Long Baobao succeeded and drew a deep blood groove on Cao Jiushao's arm. If he hadn't dodged quickly, the entire arm would have been gone. .

Cao Jiushao felt more and more desperate. He didn't feel the monsters were scary before, but now that he was dodging blindly, the terror of these monsters was reflected.

Another blood flower bloomed. This was the precious beast Vajra Rat biting Cao Jiushao's shoulder and refusing to let go.

At this time, the dragon leopard beast is soaring!

Qinchuan's Golden Dragon Vine and others were all used.

This time, Cao Jiushao didn't even have time to kill the King Kong Rat.

But the precious beast, the Diamond Rat, moved forward little by little, crawling towards Cao Jiushao's throat, and its sharp claws scratched wounds on his body.

This time, Cao Jiushao couldn't care less, and stretched out his hand to hit the precious beast Vajra Rat.

Qin Chuan kept staring, and at this moment, he directly struck with a sacred blow.

The holy attack is sure to hit, cannot be dodged, and its attack power is four times that of a normal attack.

When a person is hit, there will be a brief dizziness. It is very short-lived. The greater the force and damage, the stronger this feeling will be, just like if the force is too great to a certain extent, you will faint.


The holy strike can ignore a large defense. This strike stunned Cao Jiushao for a moment. The five Tibetan and Six Palaces were hit with great pain, and suffered minor injuries that were not serious.

The precious beast King Kong Rat had already bitten his throat.

The sharp claws slashed wildly, bursting Cao Jiusha's throat in an instant. The skin on the throat was fragile, and the teeth and claws of the precious beast King Kong Rat were so sharp.


Cao Jiushao grabbed the diamond rat at his throat and tried to pull it off, but his strength was disappearing, and his entire neck was almost split open, and blood spurted out.

He fell down unwillingly.

Cao Jiu killed him.

Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. Cao Jiu Sha was a nightmare for many people, especially being assassinated by him. Very few people could survive. It was a pity that such an honest battle was fought, and Qin Chuan used the yin and yang fire to completely frighten the opponent, so he could naturally win.

Qin Chuan took away the divine wind boots and the dragon-slaying dagger.

He wanted to go back and study these kamikaze boots.

This is a treasure, but Qin Chuan still wants to forge his own, such as the Liufeng Divine Boots he once forged, which were very powerful at that time.

If it is forged now, it will definitely be stronger than that then, as well as the talisman.

Now Qin Chuan wants to find something useful for his own forging from these kamikaze boots.

It's still late now. After dealing with things here, Qin Chuan doesn't want to rest anymore and directly studies the kamikaze boots.

It can actually become a treasure, and it is the most important treasure of Cao Jiusha. This must be unique.

Qin Chuan has a way of forging gods.

So he has a good eye for forging, not to mention he has golden eyes that can see things that others can't.

With this research, Qin Chuan really saw something special.

Qin Chuan does whatever he thinks of.

So Qin Chuan started forging in the middle of the night.

Master Chu Qingzhu did not rest, but drank tea not far away and watched Qin Chuan work.

If you see something useful, give it a try, and then continue to explore. Sometimes you have to forge several boots in a row to feel the essence.

Time passed little by little.


A breakthrough in the way of forging gods!

Seven levels of realm!

This made Qin Chuan stunned. The Way of Forging the God had not been broken through for a long time. The sixth to seventh floors were also small barriers. Unexpectedly, they had broken through now.

The way of forging the God determines the ability and forging ability of the Forging God's Hammer.

Of course, it also determines Qin Chuan's vision and ability in forging.

This breakthrough was an unexpected surprise. He really didn't expect that he could break through to the seventh level of the Way of Forging God.

Originally, Qin Chuan was not sure about forging such super-strength boots, but now he feels that he can complete it.

The seventh-level god-forging method can be used to obtain a small artifact at the level of the semi-immortal realm. It is quite good to think about it.

The next thing to do is to integrate the Forging God's Way and the Forging God Hammer.

The ability of the God-forging hammer that has been tempered for thousands of times is reflected at this moment. It has been accumulated and accumulated, and it has easily adapted to the current way of the God-forging. At this time, the use of the God-forging hammer looks more uncanny and more primitive.

Qin Chuan was very happy and excited, and continued to study this pair of kamikaze boots.

A warrior's strength is divided into his own strength and external objects.

Your own strength is your realm, combat skills, magical powers, avenues, etc. These are the most important.

But in addition to these, there are some factors that are also very important, and are even as important as cultivation and combat skills to a certain extent, namely magical weapons, treasures, and magic weapons.

A powerful weapon, or a battle armor or battle skirt with excellent armor, etc., has an unparalleled effect on a warrior.

In this way, Qin Chuan continued to study the Kamikaze Boots, and several days passed unknowingly. If he wanted to truly explore it clearly, Qin Chuan estimated that it would take at least a week.

Qin Chuan was not in a hurry, and slowly explored, he could also increase his realm of God Forging and increase the power of his God Forging Hammer.

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