Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,489 Mermaid, Blue-scaled Mermaid

This palace is very large. From a distance, the palaces stretch endlessly. This is a huge underwater city with wide streets and gorgeous night pearls. It is like a dream world.

When he walked onto the street, Qin Chuan's eyes were opened. There was really a mixed bag of fish and dragons here, but the people who could live here were not ordinary beings.

Mermaids are among the top in terms of combat effectiveness. There are thousands of races in the underwater world, and there are even bloodlines of some ancient war clans. The mysterious sea is an unknown existence that is more terrifying than you imagine. There are countless treasures and opportunities here, but it is also more dangerous.

For example, the legendary ancient golden battle shrimp race, the ancient golden battle crab race, the ancient golden arowana, even the dragon race, the ancient ferocious beasts...

The more common races include murlocs, mermaids, clam spirits, turtle immortals, war shrimps, war crabs, snakes... and other races.

Those who can be here are all of noble blood, and they look like humans. They only fight in their own bodies when fighting. They usually look like humans, but some even have a trace of animal form even when they are in human form.

Qinchuan has always known about the land world and the ocean world, but has never had the chance to enter.

This time I came in accidentally, and it turned out that this place was really different from what I imagined, completely different.

The vast underwater world is full of spiritual energy, and it is also very exciting here. The sea world and the land world are two unrelated worlds, at least here in the sanctuary, they are two unrelated worlds.

The underwater world belongs to the deep sea, and almost none of them come ashore, just like humans don't come here.

There is no interest relationship, and there is no conflict, so Qin Chuan, a human being, is actually very friendly, and many people will say hello to Qin Chuan.

But there are evil forces and bad people everywhere. This is an unchangeable fact.

Many people greeted the woman along the way.

"Hello, Miss Ye!"

"Hello, Fairy Ye!"

"You are quite popular here." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Because I am a guardian here," the woman said.

"Guardian?" Qin Chuan was stunned.

"The underwater world does not want the peace you imagine,

This place is even more turbulent than the land. This is my home, so after I came back, I became the guardian here. "The woman smiled.

She was beautiful, but she couldn't let go in front of Qin Chuan. She was cautious, as if she was afraid that she would say the wrong thing or something.

At this moment, a man ran in covered in blood. When he saw the woman, he quickly said, "Miss Ye, it's not good, the shark is here again."

The woman frowned: "How are you?"

"I'm fine, Miss Ye, you have to be careful." After saying that, the man quickly left and went to find a doctor.

"Sorry, I have to take care of something. Can you wait for me at home?" the woman whispered.

Qin Chuan looked at the woman's pitiful appearance and sighed: "Let's go, I'll go take a look with you."

It's not that I'm really indifferent to this woman Qin Chuan. Before, I just felt that we met by chance, just like two crossed lines. After crossing once, they will never meet again, so there is no need.

But meeting again is a kind of fate. After all, she saved the other one by herself. She solved the fairy cloud problem in her body by herself. She had already died of this problem once, or it could be said that she had sealed herself.

For the person he saves, he has more or less unspeakable feelings, such as not wanting something unexpected to happen to her. Subconsciously, he seems to feel that a certain form belongs to him, either as a possession or as a feeling.

The woman's eyes lit up and she smiled happily: "Really!"

Unconsciously, he hugged Qin Chuan's arm, and she didn't even realize it.

Just when Qin Chuan took a breath, his arm sank into a soft spot.

This woman's figure is truly perfect and hot, with her chest so pointed and straight that it's hard to look away from her just by looking at her.

The woman seemed to realize that she was too enthusiastic and jumped away in fright, as if she were a frightened kitten or little rabbit.

Qin Chuan was also stunned by her cuteness.

There is a reason why women are not on guard against Qin Chuan. After all, there was such a good opportunity when he found Qin Chuan because Qin Chuan was the Nine Yang Cauldron she was looking for. As long as they had a relationship, her crisis would be relieved. She could do anything. He was ready, but he used his own medical skills to heal himself...

This made her have a lingering problem in her mind, and she even lost confidence in her appearance.

But now when she saw Qin Chuan looking at her in a daze, she felt happy all of a sudden. She didn't know why, she was just happy, but she lowered her head and felt uneasy.

"Let's go!" Qin Chuan shook his head and said.

The woman seemed to have thought of something else. She blushed and stepped forward to lead the way.

This time, he didn't speak. Qin Chuan was thinking about when to go back. He could teleport here and there. In addition, he seemed to have no available quantity of Tianmen Escape. It was so difficult to get here without setting up a Tianmen Escape. , it would be too hurt to go back.

If you want to set up Tianmen Escape again, you need the Five Elements Immortal Flag to break through.

But when can this be upgraded?

While thinking about it, I had already reached a square. At this time, there was a big mess there, and many people were injured. At this time, a man was sitting on a lounge chair in the center of the square, holding a wine glass in his hand, drinking.

This is a tall and mighty man, about 2.45 meters tall, as strong as a bear, wearing a green robe, with an angular face that looks very mighty.

Blue-scaled shark!

Mermaids and mermaids can be considered the same race. Mermaids are also a natural fighting race with powerful abilities.

When the shark saw the woman, he had a faint smile on his face, but soon he saw Qin Chuan, and then his eyes narrowed, showing a hint of surprise.

He was sure it was a human.

"Qingmu Jiao, you have gone too far." The woman frowned and said.

"Miss Ye, are you working too hard as the guardian of Yuling City? How about I guard it with you?" the green-scaled shark said with a smile.

"I don't want to kill you. If you still don't know whether to live or die, I don't mind killing you," the woman said.

"Haha, kill me? Do you dare? If you dared, you would have killed me long ago. If you kill me, everyone here will die. They are people from your Ye family's ancestral land. Are you willing to watch them die? Agree to my conditions. , I will let them go, otherwise, I will kill them slowly until you agree." The green-scaled shark smiled.

Qin Chuan was slightly stunned. This underwater world is really more cruel than on land. There is only one way here, and the strong is respected. There is no reason at all.

The woman frowned. Sometimes when she encounters a rogue, she has no choice. How many good women have fallen into the hands of rogues.

They will do whatever they can to force you to submit, no matter how nasty.

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