Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,495 Going to sea, the Northern Empire is near the sea...

Like a beautiful little fox.

Qin Chuan took her hand.

The woman smiled happily and cautiously moved closer to Qin Chuan, with their shoulders touching.

"My name is Qin Chuan, what's your name?" Qin Chuan said.

Until now, neither of them actually knows the other's name, which has to be said to be amazing.

"My name is Ye Qingcheng." The woman said with a smile.

"Qingcheng, what a good name." Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

"Qin Chuan, am I dreaming?" Ye Qingcheng looked up at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan smiled, stepped forward and gently bit Ye Qingcheng's nose.

Ye Qingcheng trembled, hugged Qin Chuan, and lay shyly in his arms.

Qin Chuan held her waist, and the two of them cuddled together like this. The sea breeze blew by, everything seemed so harmonious and beautiful, and the powerful black dragon crossed the horizon.

The speed is like sparks and flowing clouds.

Two days later, the hazy shadow of the city could be seen in the distance, which was land.

Before dark, we finally arrived at the city.

Linhai City!

This name is really apt. It is really close to the sea and the North Sea. It has a good geographical location. It is said that you rely on the mountains to eat and the water to eat. Beihai is an adventure place for many people.

When approaching Linhai City, he had already asked Ye Qingcheng to put away the black dragon.

Such a big monster is still very flamboyant, after all, it is a dragon monster.

Qin Chuan doesn't know what kind of force this Linhai City is now, so he should keep a low profile. It would be great if he could reach the semi-immortal realm now.

Now the sky has darkened and the lanterns have begun to light up.

Qin Chuan and Ye Qingcheng were walking on the streets of Linhai City. The aura of this city was very strong and very ancient. It was certain that this was very far north of the Holy Land.

The street was very lively, full of people, including warriors, but mostly ordinary people.

I still feel friendly here.

Soon Qin Chuan knew the general situation here.

Linhai City is the northernmost city in the Northern Xinjiang Empire. Although it is not the capital, it is one of the largest cities in the Northern Xinjiang Empire. It has a special geographical location and is rich and powerful.

The Northern Xinjiang Empire was divided in chaos. The royal family, aristocratic families, sects, and some city lords all worked almost independently. This was a chaotic country. All of this was due to the inaction of the royal family, and finally broke out.

The royal family is still a royal family in name only, but unfortunately it is almost in name only.

There are many big empires and powerful forces around, and they are all waiting and watching. Everyone wants to swallow up Linhai City, because this city is in a great location, near the sea, rich, and has a better strategic location.

However, no one dared to try it easily. Although it was divided, the strength of the Northern Xinjiang Empire was still there.

Linhai City is also a place of princes, the sky is high and the emperor is far away.


The head of Linhai City is actually the God of War?

Qin Chuan was very surprised. In this case, Qin Chuan planned to go to the Temple of War to have a look. Qin Chuan still belonged to the Temple of War.

Of course, if the War Temple is very unbearable, let’s talk about it separately.

Linhai City is very big, but the City Lord's Mansion is also close to Beihai, so the distance is quite short.

City Lord's Mansion, War Temple!

Two huge buildings next to each other.

It seems that it is true that the War God Temple controls Linhai City.

Qin Chuan thought for a while and decided to go to the Temple of War. He was the inheritor of the God of War.

A temple after another.

Looking at the huge temple in front of me, it seems that the War Temple here is very powerful.

But it is only normal to think about a force that can dominate and dominate one party.

"What's wrong, you two?"

The gate of the War Temple was stopped by guards.

"I'm looking for your palace master." Qin Chuan said.

"Wait a moment, I'll go ask you for instructions." The guard hesitated and said.

Qin Chuan didn't expect that this place was quite friendly, and he had a better impression of this war temple.

They say you can tell the quality of a force by looking at its guards.

After a while the guard came out: "You two, follow me."

Qin Chuan and Ye Qingge followed the guards directly to the nearest and largest palace.

"The palace master is waiting for you two inside." The guard left after saying that.

Qin Chuan and Ye Qingcheng walked in directly.

This is a large and empty hall. There is a stone case in the distance. At this time, someone is looking down at something.

A woman!

Qin Chuan was stunned when the woman raised her head.

Shocked and speechless.

Because Qin Chuan knows her.

This is a woman who looks like a young woman. This woman brings Qin Chuan back to a few decades ago, when he was still in Panshi Town. During the martial arts exchanges between Panshi Town and Nanhai City, the judges were all old men. There was only one woman, and that was Young woman, Qin Chuan remembers her very clearly.

She looked unchanged, her skin was white and delicate, her eyes were narrow and deep, her purple pleated skirt made her plump figure even more convex and concave, and she had an intoxicating smile on her mature and charming face.

Her beauty is a kind of charm and temperament, which is unfathomable, just like the clouds in the sky, either coming out of the dust, not eating fireworks, or making you feel elusive.

But she was slightly startled when she saw Qin Chuan.

She always felt that Qin Chuan was a bit familiar, but after all, Qin Chuan was young at that time, and now he is a grown man, but the outline made her feel familiar.

But I couldn't remember it for a while.

"Hello!" The woman put down what she was doing and came over.

"Aunt Xue!" Qin Chuan laughed.

As soon as the woman spoke, Qin Chuan knew that she was the young woman from Panshi Town. In fact, Qin Chuan was sure of it before, but after all, it had been too long. Now when he heard her speak, he was sure.

Her voice is the most special, very recognizable, slightly hoarse, but super magnetic. The special feature is her smile. Qin Chuan can be sure that it is not wrong.

Moreover, he specifically asked what this woman's name was at first, but he only knew that the child called Aunt Xue, Nanhai City. Later, Qin Chuan went to Nanhai City and did not meet her again, and there was no news about her.

The woman was stunned, he knew her, but why couldn't she remember him?

"Panshi Town!" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The woman's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and then the shadow of the only boy she remembered in Panshi Town overlapped with this man.

"It's you!" The woman looked at Qin Chuan in surprise.

Qin Chuan smiled: "My name is Qin Chuan, Aunt Xue. I'm so happy to see you."

Qin Chuan knew that this woman actually didn't know her name, so he introduced himself and even came forward to give her a hug.

The woman was also stunned. She was hugged by this guy, and she was still very tight.

Qin Chuan was really happy. The three most beautiful things in life were the night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, the time when he was named on the gold medal list, and meeting old friends in a foreign land.

Meeting an old friend in a foreign country can be compared with the first two, which shows how happy it is for a lonely person to meet an old friend outside.

The fragrance is fragrant. The fragrance on this woman is very pure, very light, but very clear, refreshing and refreshing.

The woman was also speechless. There was nothing she could do about being taken advantage of by this guy today. Her name was Aunt Xue...

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