Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1501 The Mighty One is at the Peak

Boom boom!

The man at the head of the Demon Sect was so miserable that he was knocked dizzy by a high mountain fall. One of the times he was thrown directly caused internal injuries, and the subsequent several blows only added to the injuries.

"We admit defeat!" the man yelled unwillingly.


The last time, Gao Shan threw him on the martial arts platform.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and his internal organs were injured again by "Moving the Mountain". This time, he was seriously injured, but luckily, Gao Shan shouted to admit defeat, and Gao Shan did not take action again.

This time the Demon Sect had lost all face, and the group left in despair with two people whose life and death were unknown.

The Temple of War is naturally excited and very excited. After all, they are very aware of the situation today.

But at this time Wu Qingxue walked up to Qin Chuan: "Okay, you are really a monster!"

Qin Chuan trembled for some reason, with a hint of danger. Fortunately, this danger seemed to be cunning and not fatal, just like when he faced Yuan Su.

This is the danger coming from Wu Qingxue.

This is a danger akin to an attempt.

There are many such attempts. For example, a man is attracted to a woman, and a woman is attracted to a man. There are many types of attraction, such as beauty, ability, treasure...

"Just so so..." Qin Chuan said quickly.

At this time, Gao Shan and others also came around.

"Good brother, you are still a powerful spiritual formation master. This is great. The Temple of War has always been short of spiritual formation masters. The Demon Sect relied on a spiritual formation master this time. If it weren't for Brother Qin, we would definitely have to do it today. Suffer a loss." Gao Shan said happily.

Others are also very excited. The ten people on stage know this best. If you have such a partner, once you need to fight, you only need to give yourself a position, and your combat power will increase. It makes you excited just thinking about it.

This battle was fought exhilaratingly.

Fan Wan happily said that he cooked for three days in a row.

This time everyone was extremely excited again.

After they dispersed, Wu Qingxue asked Qin Chuan to go to the main hall with him.

Ye Qingcheng went out with Bai Yulong and the others.

After making a pot of tea, Qin Chuan quickly poured a cup for each of them.

Wu Qingxue looked at Qin Chuan with a smile.

"Aunt Xue, don't look at me like this, I'm thin-skinned."


"With your shamelessness, how could you say this?" Wu Qingxue said angrily.

She thought about the first time they met, this guy gave her a bear hug. Thinking about it, she felt that she was at a disadvantage, but she was not angry. Now she looked at this guy more and more.

He is very good-looking, and he should be too young originally, but the two long strands of snow-white hair on his temples make him not only have a fairy charm and elegant handsomeness, but also look a lot more mature.

Wu Qingxue was stunned, when had she ever thought about a man's appearance and age? She lowered her head slightly, and no one noticed a faint blush on his face.

Whatever you want to do, you will quickly return to your natural state.

Qin Chuan didn't speak while drinking tea. He was very quiet and comfortable, without any formality, as if Wu Qingxue was his relative in his own home.

Wu Qingxue could also feel this feeling. She felt Qin Chuan's feeling. They said that comparing one's heart to one's heart is a heart-to-heart exchange, so unconsciously she felt that she was really close to Qin Chuan. At that moment, she really loved Qin Chuan. Treating Chuan as a relative, this feeling is very comfortable.

It's just that the position of this relative is a bit vague. He is not a brother, but he is not a nephew either. He doesn't have to be called an aunt to become a nephew, so she herself doesn't know what position to give her.

"You are really my lucky star. Tell me, whatever reward you want, as long as I can give it to you, I will promise you." Wu Qingxue said happily.

"Any request is acceptable?" Qin Chuan looked at Wu Qingxue with clear eyes.

Wu Qingxue didn't see anything in Qin Chuan's eyes, but it was a bit unnatural to be stared at like this. She said angrily: "What are you looking at?"

"No, Aunt Xue, how old are you this year?" Qin Chuan asked.

"The reward is cancelled." Wu Qingxue said angrily.

"No, I'll mention it now." Qin Chuan said quickly.

"Don't mention anything excessive, or I'll beat you." Wu Qingxue was afraid that Qin Chuan would bring up anything excessive.

"I want you to be nice and not do anything risky or crazy." Qin Chuan looked at her and said seriously.

Wu Qingxue was stunned: "What do you know?"

"I don't know, I just occasionally see that you are worried, and it seems to require a lot of determination." Qin Chuan shook his head and said.

Wu Qingxue looked at Qin Chuan's sincere eyes and was slightly startled. Her heart warmed and she gently lowered her head: "Why are you so nice to me!"

"You are my Aunt Xue!" Qin Chuan said.


"We have a great fate. I actually regard you as a relative." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Wu Qingxue also laughed, this sentence was true, the two of them thought of getting together.

"Okay, I promise you, I will be fine!" Wu Qingxue said.

"I won't stop you, but when you want to do something, tell me and I will help you share your worries. I am a spiritual formation master, a powerful spiritual formation master that you can't imagine. Maybe there are some things. If I help you, You don't have to take risks." Qin Chuan said seriously.

"Well, okay, I'll listen to you." Wu Qingxue smiled.

It feels good to be cared about, especially by a man, a man who makes you happy.

Return to your own courtyard.

Now Qinchuan also has a small courtyard, but Ye Qingcheng does not live with Qinchuan. Instead, he lives with Wu Qingxue. Qinchuan did not force it. Take your time. The two have not known each other for a long time. Way to go.

Otherwise it would be unfair to her.

Give her time to get to know herself.

Qin Chuan thought of the elixir Gao Shan gave him.

Break through, and strive to break through to half-immortal as soon as possible, so that you can gain a better foothold in Linhai City and the Northern Xinjiang Empire.

A simple formation was set up, and a sign was erected outside to tell people not to disturb them.

Run the Hundred Dragon Divine Power Skill once to adjust the state to the best.

Swallow the elixir.

Starting to operate, the power of the divine dragon slowly moves forward in the body. The Hundred Dragon Divine Power Technique is now becoming more and more powerful. This is Qinchuan's basic technique.

With the elixir, it is not difficult to break through to the peak state of the mighty.

It can almost be described as smooth.

Two hours later!



The peak state of the mighty!

Qin Chuan opened his eyes. The peak state was very different. Every breakthrough after the ninth level was a leap and a huge improvement.

As long as you can reach the semi-immortal realm, you will have considerable capital, and dragon babies and other monsters can become semi-immortal realms.

Qin Chuan is looking forward to it. He has set his sights on the Nine Dragons Divine Power. As long as his Nine Dragons Divine Power breaks through again, he will definitely be able to reach the half-step and half-immortal realm.

When the time comes to survive the calamity of life and death, and I have the gold medal to avoid death, I will definitely be fine. The semi-fairyland is not far away.

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