Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,508 Blood Soul Bead, the Brand New Blood Emperor...

Qin Chuan actually didn't want to kill them all. It wasn't that he didn't dare, but it was unnecessary. It was better to vent his anger and let them feel angry and shed some blood than to kill them.

Qin Chuan also knew that the other party did not want to die, so Qin Chuan looked at the middle-aged man in the Hall of Rules calmly, confidently.

Only then did your man realize that he had underestimated Qin Chuan and suffered a huge setback.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and finally took out the treasure he had grabbed. However, this tenfold compensation was a bit difficult. In the end, he used a lot of things to replace it, almost losing all the accumulation of these ten people over the years.

In the end, it can be said that he left in a very embarrassed manner.

But Qin Chuan said something when leaving.

"Remember, next time you come, bring enough stuff, because it may be the stuff that buys your life."

The middle-aged man trembled and left.

Naturally, the middle-aged man had no intention of just letting it go. He suffered such a big loss. If he didn't get it back, he felt like he would suffer internal injuries.

As soon as they left, the people in the Temple of War cheered. Most people didn't know why Qin Chuan was so tough and could shock the opponent. After all, Qin Chuan was only in the realm of a powerful person.

Qin Chuan knew that the person who shocked the other party was everyone in the Temple of War, because the middle-aged man felt that everyone in the Temple of War would take action together. There were only less than ten of them, so they were naturally no match.

And he saw deep confidence in Qin Chuan's eyes, without any uneasiness or panic. This was the feeling that convinced them.

This is a trump card. What people fear is ignorance about the future. The middle-aged man feels that he can no longer control the next situation.

The people in the Hall of Rules have left. As for whether they will come again, Qin Chuan doesn't care so much, and Qin Chuan doesn't care.

Recovering the treasure this time made everyone in the Temple of War feel very happy, because this was a joke. Now that the joke has disappeared, they feel refreshed. They say don't be angry if you are injured.

After all, there are very few people who can bear the humiliation and bear too many things without being affected.

Lu Guangzong and others thanked Qin Chuan again.

Although Qin Chuan said you're welcome, these people were still very grateful.

I don’t know how to describe it, I thank you uncontrollably.

All the compensation from the other party belongs to Qinchuan.

Qin Chuan didn't intend to take it, but he accepted one of them. It was still useful to him.

Blood Soul Pearl!

This is also a treasure that is covered in dust. Most people really can't discover the benefits of this thing. In fact, if Qin Chuan wanted it before, it would be of no use, but now that he wants it, it is really useful, even very useful.

It's Qin Chuan's Blood Emperor Bone.

Other things were also treasures, but it was a pity that Qin Chuan didn't like them, so he naturally didn't take them.

Qin Chuan, who got the Blood Soul Pearl, did not use it immediately. Instead, he started to use it after returning to his small courtyard.

Blood Emperor Bone is wearing armor and is fully armed, even his eyes are not exposed.

Then Qin Chuan put the Blood Soul Pearl through the black eye hole and directly into the brain of the Blood Emperor Bone.

Before that, Qin Chuan also used blood and blood essence to integrate into the Blood Soul Bead.

After a while, the blood of the Blood Emperor's bones was ablaze!

Even armor couldn't stop his blood.

Qin Chuan didn't panic and watched quietly.

Blood Soul Bead, well, this Blood Soul Bead actually has some seals sealed on it. This is the mark of consciousness. Since it can be sealed, it must be a very important existence.

Qin Chuan doesn't know what's going on now, but he can see that the Blood Emperor's bones are undergoing huge changes at a very fast speed, his body is strengthening, his strength is improving, and his size is getting bigger.

Boom boom...

The armor breaks...

Qin Chuan was a little stupid. What a powerful force it was to break the armor he forged into pieces. This was a material that could not be harmed by the sharp weapons of the gods at this stage, but it was actually exploded by the bones of the Blood Emperor Bone. .

This made Qin Chuan's eyes brighten.

This blood soul bead not only contains consciousness and skills, but also seals a mysterious power. The blood emperor bone absorbed this mysterious power, and its strength increased dramatically.

He is now five meters tall, extremely strong, and has a golden armor on his body.

This is a magical power in the Blood Soul Orb, a passive magical power.

Immortal Armor of Gold.

This magical power has no consumption, is automatically cast, and has amazing defense. In addition to amazing defense, it can also automatically resolve 10% of the damage.

At this time, the Blood Emperor Bone looks more like a huge gold and iron giant. Most people can tell that it is a puppet at a glance, but this puppet looks very powerful and domineering.

The most important thing is that this strength actually surpasses Qin Chuan's two realms.

You must know that under normal circumstances, you can only be strong to a small level.

But now the Blood Emperor Bone is two levels stronger.

The Dzogchen state of the Mighty One.

As long as he reaches the Dzogchen realm of the Mighty One, this Blood Emperor Bone may become a semi-immortal being.

In principle, this may be the case, but it is not clear exactly how. However, since the Blood Soul Bead can break this restriction, it is enough to show that the Blood Soul Bead is not simple.

It's a surprise to reach a higher level, but this one seems to be just the blood emperor bone, and other treasure beasts and other monster beasts have not changed much.

The Blood Soul Pearl only broke through one of the restrictions of the Taotie Immortal Beast Stone. Without the Taotie Immortal Beast Stone, maybe the Blood Emperor Bone could break through even more.

The Taotie Immortal Beast Stone is a double-edged sword, with advantages and disadvantages. It can improve you or suppress you, all based on the master's realm.

But in general, the benefit is the greatest. After all, the improvement of the treasure beast dragon baby is too slow. With the Taotie Immortal Beast Stone, it is different. The realm of the treasure beast can always follow its master, and it can also transcend a realm.

Qin Chuan put away the current Blood Emperor Bone and did not try the power of the Blood Emperor Bone.

The days when Fan Wan cooked have passed, so now when eating, it is up to you to decide who is in whose courtyard, or go to Zongmen Restaurant to eat.

After the last time, Ye Qingcheng lived with Qin Chuan.

But it's just living together, but this progress is not slow.

Ye Qingcheng felt that he was the happiest person in the world now, huddled in Qin Chuan's arms like a kitten, with a happy smile on his face.

Qin Chuan had to endure the temptation in his heart.

The moonlight came in, and the soft halo in the room became more and more holy.

Qin Chuan looked at the woman in his arms, and she became more and more astonishingly beautiful. At this moment, his beautiful eyes were blurred, and her tranquil look made people's hearts move. With a faint smile, she was dignified, holy, beautiful, quiet, elegant, and enchanting...

Qin Chuan slowly leaned forward, breathing a little quickly. Ye Qingcheng seemed to feel Qin Chuan's heat, closed his eyes slightly, and even slightly pouted his sandalwood mouth like a work of art.

A cute mess.

Qin Chuan couldn't help but directly sucked the lips that fascinated him, nibbling greedily, as if he was eating fine wine. The loud sound made Ye Qingcheng's body tremble.

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