Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1517: Go to Flower Palace, Soho, Nei...

Qin Chuan wouldn't be too worried even if he dared to come to the Hall of Rules with a crazy heart.

There is Ye Qingcheng and Black Dragon, plus formations.

A week passed like this, and there was no news from the Rules Palace. It was as if this matter had just disappeared, as if it had never happened.

This is an attitude. If nothing else, this matter will be settled in the future for some time.

Qin Chuan also breathed a sigh of relief. The conflict between the War Temple and the Rules Temple had come to an end for the time being.

But we can't relax.

Fortunately, Ye Qingcheng is here now, working together with Wu Qingxue, and with the black dragon, there is no danger.

In this way, Qin Chuan decided to go home and take a look.

Before leaving, Qin Chuan left a mark on the formation. If the formation was broken, Qin Chuan would feel it and he could come as soon as possible.

Qin Chuan rarely used this ability, but now he found that this ability is still very useful, especially for Qin Chuan who has Tianmen Escape.

Holy mountain!

Qin Chuan went to the Holy Mountain first, after all, he just went to Tingfengxuan not long ago.

As soon as he walked in, he saw that the little girl was already toddling around. She was like a porcelain doll, carved from pink and jade, and looked indescribably cute. The two girls looked at her and laughed while teasing the little girl.

He didn't even notice that Qin Chuan was coming.

But the little girl discovered it. When she saw Qin Chuan, she didn't know if they were really connected by blood. She opened her little arms towards Qin Chuan and made Qin Chuan's heart melt instantly.

The two girls were naturally happy when they saw Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan picked up his daughter. The little girl stretched out her small hands to hold Qin Chuan's face. Her small face and small mouth were pressed against Qin Chuan's face, and a lot of saliva drooled on Qin Chuan's face.

The two women wanted to laugh while watching it, but the scene was really good.

Qin Chuan enjoyed it very much. He hugged his daughter tightly and kissed her apple-like little face many times, which made the little girl giggle. Her innocent and milky sounds were really the most beautiful in the world. One of the purest sounds.

Qin Chuan held his daughter in one hand and gave the two girls a gentle hug.

"Little girl grows up so fast." Qin Chuan sighed.

"Children become more energetic every day. If you don't see them for three days, you can see changes." Mu Yuwu said with a smile.

Now the little girl is also in the stage of learning to speak, and can even speak unclearly about mother, aunt, and father.

The little girl is young, but every time Qin Chuan sees the little girl, he finds that she likes to pester him.

Naturally, Qin Chuan's hair will also be mentioned.

Qin Chuan had no choice but to explain kindly.

The little girl pestered Qin Chuan at night. Usually the two girls and the little girl lived together.

There is an extra Qin Chuan tonight.

The atmosphere is weird.

Soon the little girl fell asleep in Qin Chuan's arms.

Qin Chuan, one on each side.

It was quiet at this time.

Langyuan's hand was held by Qin Chuan, and her body trembled.

Mu Yuwu's hand was also held by Qin Chuan, and she leaned up from one side.

She is more courageous.

But Langyuan still escaped.

Next door is her room.

"Qin Chuan, go to sister's room!" Mu Yuwu said with a smile.

Qin Chuan didn't move.

"Come back later, I miss you!" Mu Yuwu said softly.

Qin Chuan did not go to Langyuan immediately, but to Mu Yuwu.

Soon the enchanting and moving chants came out, ecstasy and bone-crushing, charming and sultry.

It wasn't until late at night that Qin Chuan arrived at Langyuan.

Naturally, Langyuan couldn't sleep. She heard the movement next door clearly.

A breakup is better than a wedding, and Langyuan has not experienced it many times in total. Now I see Qin Chuan and I am still a little uneasy.

Qin Chuan washed up and held her in his arms.

Langyuan trembled slightly and squeezed into his arms.

"Yuan'er, I miss you." Qin Chuan said softly.

"I miss you as well!"

After living for three days, Qin Chuan did not go home. Under normal circumstances, a cultivator like Qin Chuan would basically give up his home. There was nothing he could do if he didn't give up. But because Qin Chuan had the Five Elements Immortal Flag, he didn't. got rid of this trouble.

It is said that cultivators should eliminate emotions and desires. In fact, there are three thousand avenues, all of which lead to the sky. As long as it suits you, it will be fine.

Although it is convenient to go home, the family has become accustomed to the current life over the years, so he does not want to break it and can go home every once in a while.

The place Qin Chuan wants to go today is Baihua Palace.

I haven't seen Su Ho for a long time.

It was very easy to go this time. A Tianmen Escape was set up directly in Baihua Palace.

In fact, Su Ho would still visit the Qin family in Snow Wind City every once in a while, but Qin Chuan never met him. Qin's mother had always asked Qin Chuan to visit Su Ho, but Qin Chuan never paid attention to it. .

So Qin Chuan felt a little guilty.


A young and beautiful woman shouted in surprise after seeing Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was stunned, but he still recognized her.

Su Baobao, brother Su Ho's daughter, has grown up after so many years. The scene when she was taken away by Baihua Palace is still vivid in my mind. The little girl burst into tears, and she has grown up in the blink of an eye.

Qin Chuan almost forgot about her, and in Qin Chuan's impression, she was still the little girl who was only five or six years old.

"The baby has grown up!" Qin Chuan didn't know how to express his concern for her.

That was when I was a kid, but it's a pity that we haven't seen each other for so many years.

Now she is tall and graceful, she has grown up, she is the niece of her own woman, but in name she is the daughter of her own woman, then she is her own daughter.

But after all, he is not his biological child, he has grown up.

I haven't watched him grow up since he was a child, so he is naturally unfamiliar.

Su Baobao and Qin Chuan were actually separated. He smiled and said, "Mom is inside, I'll take daddy there!"

"Okay!" Qin Chuan smiled and nodded.

"Dad hasn't come to see mother and me for a long time." Su Baobao smiled softly.

Qin Chuan looked at her apologetically: "I'm sorry!"

He really felt sorry, and this apology also included feelings towards Su Ho.

"Daddy, you never have to say these three words. I know it's not easy for you, daddy. I just miss you all the time. I really hope you come to see us. I am very happy that you are here, and my mother will definitely be even happier." Su Baobao said with a smile.

Qin Chuan sighed, feeling even more guilty, and said softly: "You have grown up!"

"Well, people have to grow up."

The two people walked and chatted and arrived at a hall.

"Mom, look who's here." Su Baobao said happily as soon as he entered the room.

Qin Chuan also saw Su Ho.

She is still as beautiful as ever, nothing has changed.

She also has one of the best physiques.

Wonderful Bone Treasure Body!

Seeing Qin Chuan, Su Ho was in a daze and stood there stunned for a moment.

Her tall figure can be said to be almost perfect. The spotless coarse clothes she wears give off a taste that only belongs to her. Her plump breasts can be seen even through the clothes. They are extremely round, sexy, beautiful, plump and enchanting.

The most conspicuous thing about her pure and clean face is her quiet and unruffled eyes, which are so clear, calm, and so beautiful that it makes you mesmerizing.

Straight legs, sexy plain waist, and plump and round, the plumpness is just right, and the curvature of the curve connects seamlessly with the plain waist.

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