Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1526 Yin-Yang Fire Breakthrough

It’s really painful and feels like life is worse than death.

But the opportunity cannot be missed. Qin Chuan feels that there is hope if he is not directly burned, so he must seize this opportunity. Once he succeeds, his cultivation will be greatly improved.

Especially the yin and yang fire has always been a trump card. If it can be broken through, the biggest improvement will be in actual combat strength.

Time passed little by little, and Qin Chuan felt that he was no longer himself, and could only rely on his will to support him.

Qin Chuan even felt that he was taking a bit of a risk at this time.

Because now it feels difficult for him to let go, but fortunately, Qin Chuan has opened three life portals, so he has an extra life and a half, but this does not mean that he can survive safely.

If the Sunstone is too violent and powerful, maybe even one and a half more lives will be of no avail.

With no way out, Qin Chuan could only grit his teeth and hold on, trying to mobilize all the available strength in his body.

Yin and Yang diagram!

The way of life!

The vitality is repairing itself bit by bit, but the damage to the body still continues. The Yin Yang Fire Seed and the Nine Nether Earth Fire Seed are frantically absorbing the energy of the sunstone.

But most of them are yin and yang fire.

Jiuyou Earth Fire is not suitable for Sunstone, and the energy it can absorb is limited.

The yin and yang fire is very suitable. It quickly and greedily absorbs the energy in the sunstone, and the energy in the sunstone can also be seen to be reduced a little bit.

This gave Qin Chuan hope and the confidence to continue, feeling that there was a high possibility of success.

Qin Chuan already felt as if his body was on fire, and he even felt that his internal organs were beginning to be slightly injured.

Over time, the injury slowly worsened.

This is because Qin Chuan's body is strong enough. If it had been anyone else, he would have been reduced to ashes.


It wasn't that he had a breakthrough, it was that Qin Chuan felt as if his internal organs were on fire. At that moment, he felt a little confused, and large mouthfuls of blood poured out of his mouth.

The Yin-Yang diagram and the way of life for all things are no longer enough to restore his injuries.

At this time, Qin Chuan was actually panicking. It was really too risky this time. He was so excited when he saw the Sunstone, and saw that the Sunstone could upgrade to advanced fire. At the same time, he was too confident in his body, but he still Underestimating the horror of Obsidian.


Just when Qinchuan's internal organs were injured to a certain extent, a bright light came out of a life portal.

The powerful breath of life poured in, repairing Qin Chuan's injuries all of a sudden. The previous pain completely disappeared. At this time, his whole body was filled with the feeling of spring breeze. At that moment, it really seemed like he had gone from hell to heaven.

After recovering, Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, because now he was almost certain to succeed.

Because the energy of the sunstone is less than one-third.

Half an hour later.


The yin and yang fire flashed and directly grew a lot in Qin Chuan's body.


The yin and yang fire has broken through!

Seventh level realm.


At the same time, Qin Chuan's strength also broke through.

The mighty one has reached the perfect state, and he has almost reached the mighty one’s great perfect state.

The yin and yang fire broke through, and Qin Chuan suddenly felt a cool air rising in his body. This was the yin from the yin and yang fire after the breakthrough. The yin and yang were quickly balanced, the injury recovered, and the whole person instantly entered an excellent state.

The yin and yang fire of the seventh level is a huge leap compared to the previous one. The seventh level is considered to be an advanced level. The first three levels are low level. Levels 4 to 6 are intermediate levels. Level 7 is considered a step. Enter an advanced realm.

The gap is unimaginable. Qin Chuan only now knows the huge difference between the seventh level fire, especially the Yin and Yang fire. Qin Chuan can't even imagine how terrifying its power is.

After all, the yin-yang fire itself is terrifying, and now it has reached the seventh level. There are also the reasons for the yin-yang avenue and yin-yang diagram in the realm of harmony between man and nature. Thinking about it is exciting.

Looking back, she saw Ye Qingcheng looking at him not far away. Seeing the concerned eyes, Qin Chuan felt warm in his heart, and he was next to her in a flash. At this time, the meteor shower outside had stopped.

Two people rode a black dragon to travel in the not-so-deep sea water.

Qin Chuan sat cross-legged on the black dragon's back, while Ye Qingcheng sat in his arms. She held Qin Chuan's neck with both hands, her head rested on Qin Chuan's shoulder, and her forehead touched the side of Qin Chuan's face.

Light fragrance, exquisite figure.

"You're dishonest!" Ye Qingcheng said softly with a red face.

"If we hold her like this, if I'm honest, how can we have babies in the future?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Ye Qingcheng blushed: "I won't have a baby with you, bad guy."

"Ah, if you don't want to be born with me, who will you be born with?" Qin Chuan was anxious.

"You bastard!"

"How about having a little bastard?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

After returning, Qin Chuan hesitated again whether to try to use the Millennium Red Fruit, wondering if he could break through to the Half-Step and Half-Immortal Realm.

Qin Chuan is now at the Perfect State of the Mighty One, just shy of the Great Perfection State of the Mighty One.

In principle, it is possible to achieve half-step and half-wonderland.

But the probability of an accident is not small, so Qin Chuan has been hesitant.

If we were in the Dzogchen realm of the Mighty One now, Qin Chuan would not hesitate to use the Millennium Red Fruit.


Qin Chuan's eyes lit up and he decided to try to refine a pill using a thousand-year-old red fruit.

After thinking about it, Qin Chuan made it and added a lot of precious materials.

The success rate of Qinchuan's alchemy is basically very difficult to fail, but this time the situation is special.

Because you can only refine one pill, normally you can refine more than ten pills, so it is easy to explode the pill in this case.

What Qin Chuan has to do now is to work hard to control the number of pills, the less the better.


After successfully refining the elixir, Qin Chuan opened the Chaos Furnace, which now contained two elixirs.

Although Qin Chuan tried hard to control it, he had no choice but to separate one pill into two pills. If one pill had broken out, it would have exploded and turned into a powder.

Two, each one is equivalent to the energy of five thousand-year-old red fruits.

After thinking about it, Qin Chuan felt that he could still break through.

The worst is to not be able to break through and reach the peak of the Great Perfection of the Mighty One. If you can no longer rely on your own efforts to break through, it is rare to make a few bets in life. It is best to make a break if you make a break. If you don't break through, it is just a waste of time.

Qin Chuan spoke to Ye Qingcheng and then went to retreat.

Find a place with a good environment, set up a formation, and release the monsters.

Qin Chuan did not take medicine immediately to achieve a breakthrough, but slowly worked on his body, adjusted his mood, and even went out to see the scenery and the lives of some wild beasts and monsters every day.

It seemed that I had forgotten to break through, and ten days passed without me noticing.

ps. Asking for votes, recommendations, assists, rewards, packages, explosions...

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