Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,528 There is evil in the body of the Golden Dragon Prince...

Qin Chuan's current level of painting can be said to be very high.

For Qin Chuan, painting is more of a pleasure and a way to cultivate his mood. Although some people use painting to enter the Tao, and there are three thousand avenues, all of which lead to the sky, Qin Chuan has never thought of himself entering the Tao through painting.

Qin Chuan painted Ye Qingcheng.

Ye Qingcheng watched from the side, and Qin Chuan relied on her figure in his mind, from the first encounter, then the first healing, her expression, and then to the second encounter, especially her cautious expression.

The painting is so good and so cute that one can't help but feel pity for it.

With a smile on his face, Qin Chuan painted one painting after another, as if a real person was standing in front of him. After all, he had reached the realm of painting charm.

One after another, Ye Qingcheng's confidence and elegance in front of Qin Chuan were painted, showing the change in his expression from the beginning to the present. Qin Chuan was very satisfied with it.

And Ye Qingcheng was very touched and happy. What's more, Qin Chuan could draw so well, and he could draw so clearly every detail of their relationship from first to last.

When Qin Chuan stopped, he didn't expect that he had been painting for almost a whole day. He didn't know when Ye Qingcheng came, so he just watched here all day.

When he met Ye Qingcheng's eyes, Qin Chuan trembled slightly. Ye Qingcheng's eyes at this moment were so gentle that they were so gentle that they were rare to see several times in his life.

Qin Chuan really didn't expect that a person's eyes could be so gentle.

He held her hand and smiled: "Let's see if your husband can draw well!"

"Okay!" Ye Qingcheng did not refute Qin Chuan's verbal advantage. He didn't even know how to describe it. He just said a good word with great force.

"Now I realize that our Qingcheng is actually very cute. Look at this picture, does it look like a frightened little rabbit?" Qin Chuan pointed to one of the pictures with a smile.

"Qinchuan, you are so kind." Ye Qingcheng said softly.

She kept looking at these paintings without letting her eyes go.

"Then how to reward me?" Qin Chuan smiled.

Ye Qingcheng blushed, stood on tiptoes and kissed Qin Chuan's face gently.

Although they kissed many times,

But this was the first time that Ye Qingcheng took the initiative. The feeling was different, very different.

"I want these paintings." Ye Qingcheng said while holding Qin Chuan's arm.

"I'm all yours, and I'll give you whatever you want." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Disgusting!" Ye Qingcheng smiled and began to carefully put away the paintings.

Qin Chuan helped her frame it directly.

Wu Qingxue came in at this time and was extremely envious after seeing her. Sometimes, impressing a girl is done accidentally.

At this time, Wu Qingxue was particularly envious of Ye Qingcheng.

These paintings are really beautiful and can be preserved for a lifetime. They are priceless treasures for one person and one woman, especially those painted by the beloved man.

Ye Qingcheng carefully put it away.

At this time, Qin Chuan smiled and said, "Aunt Xue, is something wrong?"

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?" Wu Qingxue snorted softly.

Qin Chuan is also used to it. After all, Aunt Xue is a woman, and it is normal to have some petty tempers, but after all, Qin Chuan still respects her.

"Nengneng, if you need anything, just give me your instructions." Qin Chuan said with a greedy smile.

Wu Qingxue also had no temper, this guy was very thick-skinned.

"Qinchuan, the Northern Xinjiang Empire's royal family, the Golden Dragon Prince, may target you, so be careful." Wu Qingxue said.

Qin Chuan had expected it, and was not surprised. It was difficult enough for the other party to delay it until now. Qin Chuan even felt that he had suppressed the other party.

"It's okay, there's nothing to fear from these people," Qin Chuan said.

"Qin Chuan, don't underestimate the Golden Dragon Prince. Although he is a younger generation, it is said that there is a demon in his body, and his strength is very terrifying." Wu Qingxue said.

"Devil?" Qin Chuan was stunned.

"I'm not very sure, but I got it from special channels. This is his companion monster. It's said to be the soul of a demon dragon. It's very scary." Wu Qingxue said seriously.

Qin Chuan didn't look carefully at first. When he sees him again, he must use his golden eyes to see what kind of monster he is.

Qin Chuan was still very curious about the demon in the body of the Golden Dragon Prince. He wanted to know what form this monster or demon was.

"What's going on with them?" Qin Chuan asked.

"The martial arts exchange in the Northern Xinjiang Empire is about to begin, and they should try to play tricks on this martial arts exchange." Wu Qingxue said.

"Do we have to participate?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Yeah!" Wu Qingxue said.

"What time?" Qin Chuan asked.

"There's still half a month left."

"Tell me about this Northern Xinjiang Empire martial arts exchange!" Qin Chuan said.

Wu Qingxue nodded: "This is the largest martial arts exchange in the Northern Xinjiang Empire. It is held once every three years. All first-class cities will participate, because resources are allocated according to the ranking of the competition. If you do not participate, there will be no resource allocation."

Half a month later it happened to be the three-year Northern Xinjiang Empire Martial Arts Exchange.

It seems that the other party wants to test his own strength in this martial arts exchange. In fact, Qin Chuan also wants to know the other party's strength.

Fortunately, Qinchuan is now half-stepping into the half-fairyland, and several monsters and precious beasts are half-fairyland existences. When fighting alone, he can say that he is a beast tamer, and he doesn't have to worry about group battles.

Although there is still half a month, Qin Chuan really wants to go to the capital for a stroll.

Wu Qingxue said that you can go there now. In fact, many people will go there in advance, and many people will even go there a month in advance.

Fifteen people passed through the War Temple this time, and these were also people participating in the war, including Qin Chuan and the two women.

Teleportation array!

After visiting the capital once, Qin Chuan now has no good impression of the royal family.

The appearance of the War Temple was quickly spread to the ears of all forces.

Some people were unhappy, and some people would try to curry favor with them. Several times in a row, everyone saw the energy of the God of War Temple in their eyes.

But Qin Chuan was too lazy to deal with these people. Seeing that he could resist the rules, he came to get close to them, saying that they should be friends and help each other.

These people don't want to take any risks, so Qin Chuan naturally won't give them any convenience.

There is nothing in the world that can be gained for nothing.

Qin Chuan was not afraid of offending people, so he did offend some people.

Qin Chuan and Ye Qingcheng went shopping.

In the palace, a group of people were still discussing something.

"I heard that Qin Chuan has arrived in the capital, why don't we invite him to tea?" Prince Jin Long said with a smile.

"Isn't it good that there will be a conflict when we meet now!" said the younger brother of the Golden Dragon Prince.

"There won't be any conflict, don't worry, let's go together!" After finishing speaking, Prince Jin Long took the lead and walked out.

Qin Chuan and Ye Qingcheng were happily shopping. Qin Chuan looked back. This sight made Qin Chuan narrow his eyes. The Golden Dragon Prince and his entourage were walking towards him with smiles. It seemed that they were here to find him.

Thinking of the demon in the body of the Golden Dragon Prince, Qin Chuan looked over curiously.

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