Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1534 You are ugly and dirty

Prince Jinlong was very calm and stopped Young Master Baihu again.

At this time, everyone in the White Tiger Villa was extremely angry. Qin Chuan had said something before, and the White Tiger Villa must not give in. If Qin Chuan was not defeated today, the White Tiger Villa would be completely disgraced.

No one expected that what was originally a martial arts exchange would turn into a competition between the God of War and White Tiger Villa.

But this does not affect it. On the contrary, everyone is looking forward to it. It seems to be more interesting, more attractive and exciting than martial arts exchanges.

Everyone is very excited, such beautiful excitement is not common.

A man walked up to Baihu Villa again.

The middle-aged man is fat and fat, but his whole body is like iron bumps. As he moves, the earth makes a thumping sound, and even the earth trembles.

He is holding a huge short stick in his hand, which is as tall as a person but as thick as an adult's thigh. Holding it in the man's hand, it seems to have no weight at all. It is completely black and exudes cold light and ice. It makes people feel very uncomfortable when they are close. Comfortable.

Unmoving as a mountain!

When this man stood in front of Qin Chuan with a big stick in his hand, Qin Chuan felt that this strong man's way of cultivation was as immovable as a mountain, remaining unchanged to cope with all changes.

The strong man didn't say anything, he just stood there, as if waiting for Qin Chuan's attack.

Qin Chuan looked at the strong man and smiled, "Don't move. Do you think it's okay to just stay still?"

The battle begins!

Qin Chuan didn't panic, then stretched out his hand and struck out.

Golden Dragon Vine!

If you can, don't move.

Then the funniest scene appeared.

The big fat man ran around in embarrassment. Well, he originally felt like a strong man, but when he ran away, he felt like a big fat man.

The big fat man felt the danger, which was still fatal, so he avoided it desperately.

At this time, Qin Chuan was no longer polite. The precious beast White Jade Tiger rushed forward and cooperated with Qin Chuan's golden dragon vine.

The big fat man cultivates to be as motionless as a mountain.

Now running around, his actual combat strength is greatly reduced. In fact, Qin Chuan deliberately slowed down the Golden Dragon Vine to give him time to escape, otherwise the big fat man would not be able to escape.

Needless to say, the speed of the precious beast White Jade Tiger is much higher than that of the big fat man who is not good at speed.


Blood spatters kept coming out of the big fat man's body, and he could hear the fat man's loud screams every time. Whenever he wanted to hit the precious beast White Jade Tiger with a big stick, Qin Chuan's golden dragon vine arrived.

This forced him to continue running away. He was embarrassed, funny, extremely funny, a serious fat man, and finally jumped up and down, making many people laugh.

The faces here at Baihu Villa are extremely livid.

They were also embarrassed.

Puff puff...

As more and more blood splattered on his body, Qin Chuan simply covered the big fat man with a golden dragon vine and slowly tightened it. The big fat man was suddenly covered with bruises.

"I give up!" the big fat man shouted.

Qin Chuan put away the golden dragon vine, and the big fat man stepped down in despair.

At this time, Qin Chuan fought several battles in a row, all of which ended easily.

This makes some people who want to see Qin Chuan's strength very impatient.

Young Master Baihu frowned even more at this time, and Prince Jinlong also frowned slightly.

You must know that the big fat man before was very powerful and could not fight back directly in front of Qin Chuan, but the big fat man still had merit. After all, he tested one of Qin Chuan's abilities, which was the Golden Dragon Vine, which was terrifying.

Baihu Villa is now in great disgrace. If Qin Chuan is not defeated, it will be completely humiliated.

Baihu Villa went up alone again.

When Qin Chuan saw this person, he was slightly startled.

This is a woman, not very young, but definitely not old, well-maintained, with a voluptuous figure, like a snake or a butterfly, like a ripe peach, with a fair face, big watery eyes, and an even more enchanting and eye-catching figure. As I walked around, the flower branches trembled wildly, and a swaying air came to my face.

"Little brother, you are really handsome. My sister likes you very much." The woman smiled softly.

Although she spoke violently, her behavior was very well behaved, and her demeanor was just like that of the most dignified woman from a good family. This extremely contradictory temperament made many people around her swallow their saliva.

When people see this woman, they will think of a bed, and then they will think that it would be very exciting to torment her.

Qin Chuan really didn't feel anything, he just looked at her calmly.

He could tell that women practiced the art of charm, and the intensity of it was very high.

Those watery eyes seemed to be dripping with water. The water mist gradually enlarged and seemed to appear in front of Qin Chuan.

Those pink lips, especially those delicate lips, slowly opened and closed, and the pink tongue flashed inadvertently, and the sound that came out was very magnetic and magical.

"Is sister beautiful?"

Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile: "You are ugly and dirty."

The woman suddenly withdrew from the state, her face was extremely ugly, and she stared at Qin Chuan, but she knew that she was excited.

In fact, she really felt that Qin Chuan was very good-looking, and he was even the most attractive man she had ever seen. She even thought about having sex with Qin Chuan before killing him.

But Qin Chuan's words immediately made her angry.

"I will make you unable to live or die." The woman's aura suddenly changed, and she stared at Qin Chuan with cold eyes.

"You're far behind." Qin Chuan said.

Dance like crazy!

The surrounding world suddenly began to rain with flowers.

These petals are actually highly poisonous, and the woman is like a flower fairy among the petals, walking on the petals silently, flying flowers and picking leaves can kill people.

Qin Chuan could see it, and Qin Chuan shook his head and typed it out casually.

Golden Dragon Vine!

The way of life.

Life drain!

The golden dragon vine is not aimed at women, but to absorb the surrounding life force.

These petals require a lot of vitality to maintain. Once they don't have enough vitality, they will wither instantly.

The petals turned to zero and fell one after another.

The woman was stunned, and a flower vine appeared in her hand.

Pink, delicate and delicate, only as thick as a thumb, it looks like a work of art and exudes a charming fragrance.

He rushed directly towards Qin Chuan, and then whipped the flower vine in his hand towards Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan suddenly raised his hand.

Diamond Dragon Claw!


The dragon's roar sounded, and the precious beast White Jade Tiger rushed past.

The speed is dizzying.

The woman's movement to avoid Qin Chuan was in front. Just when her movement to avoid had reached a point where her old strength was exhausted and new strength had not been regenerated, the precious beast White Jade Tiger moved.


A deep gash was made on the arm by the precious beast White Jade Tiger, and blood surged wildly.

The woman stepped back, and a green halo appeared on the flower vine in her hand, exuding really powerful vitality, and then she could see with the naked eye that the injury was slowly recovering.

Soon, it was back to normal.

The woman stared at Qin Chuan bitterly.

Qin Chuan smiled and summoned a monster again.

Treasure beast dragon leopard beast.

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