Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,542 Monkey King fights Qinchuan

The Master Sword Immortal no longer had the calmness he had before, and he seemed not as elegant as before.

On the contrary, the ugly and ugly Mr. Monkey attracted the attention of many people.

The Rules Palace has always been speechless among the younger generation. The royal family has the Golden Dragon Prince, the White Tiger Villa has the White Tiger Young Master, the Phoenix Sect has the Phoenix Girl, and the Sword Sect has the Sword Immortal Young Master.

The Palace of Rules is one of the largest forces in the Northern Xinjiang Empire, but the younger generation is not living up to expectations.

Mr. Monkey is a direct descendant of the Rules Hall, but unfortunately he is too ugly. From the bottom of his heart, the Rules Hall does not want to use him as a signboard.

The battle continues, and it is only a matter of time before Master Sword Immortal is defeated.

Rather than being defeated, it would be better to save some face for yourself, so Master Sword Immortal admitted defeat.

"I admit defeat!" Master Sword Immortal laughed.

"I didn't hear it!" Mr. Monkey said coldly.

"It's up to you whether you want to hear it or not." Master Sword Immortal said.

"I didn't hear it, so do you think you can leave?" After Master Monkey said that, he rushed towards Master Sword Immortal again, his moves even more ruthless than before.

The Sword Immortal Master frowned. He was not seriously injured, so he had no choice but to speak again: "Don't push people too hard, you are not worthy!"

Mr. Monkey looked at Mr. Sword Immortal with a sneer: "What? Are you so arrogant when you admit defeat?"

"This is a martial arts exchange. What's the difference between your behavior and a villain's success?"

"I'm willing, I'm proud. No need to talk about it. I'm a man. The winner is determined on the battlefield. Well, it's already been decided. You can't do it. You really can't do it." Mr. Monkey said with a proud smile.

The Master Sword Immortal ignored him and walked straight away.

"Hey, Master Sword Immortal has lost. This Master Monkey is really powerful, but he is ugly."

"What's the point of looking good? Can it be used as food?"

"It's beautiful and delicious. I'd rather not eat because I want a handsome man." A woman said.

"Superficial, superficial!" an ugly man said sadly.

Mr. Monkey did not go down.

Instead, he focused on Qin Chuan.

"Qinchuan, I want to challenge you!" Mr. Monkey said.

Qin Chuan actually knew this would happen when the other party looked here.

The conflict between himself and the Hall of Rules is actually quite deep. The Hall of Rules is a large sect. If there is no certainty of victory, there will be no large-scale action.

After all, the conflict between Qinchuan and the Rules Palace is not big or small.

Qin Chuan has grown step by step. Now, what the Rules Hall wants to do now must be cautious, because Qin Chuan is too evil. If he cannot kill Qin Chuan, he will face Qin Chuan's crazy revenge. A few years later and decades later , the palace of rules may disappear.

So they can only use some other methods, such as the younger generation fighting Qin Chuan.

Just like Mr. Monkey fighting Qin Chuan today.

In fact, it was Master Monkey's own wish to challenge Qin Chuan. He was very confident in himself. He did not think that he would lose to Qin Chuan. If he defeated Qin Chuan, then his position in the palace of rules would be absolutely unshakable.

Qin Chuan walked onto the martial arts field. He had no good impression of this Monkey Master.

Naturally, Mr. Monkey doesn't have any good impression of Qin Chuan. What's more, in Mr. Monkey's view, Qin Chuan, like Mr. Sword Immortal, is a pretty boy that he hates.

"Do you know what I hate the most?" Mr. Monkey raised his head and looked at Qin Chuan with disdain.

"Why do you hate meddling in my business?" Qin Chuan said with a sneer.

Mr. Monkey was stunned. In his opinion, such a graceful and handsome man would not speak like this in such a public place. He was always polite and polite, and how could he dare to say half a dirty word? This also made Mr. Monkey The most disgusting thing about the young master is that he actually knows that many people who are charming on the surface are worse than beasts behind the scenes.

So this kind of behavior is disgusting. Everyone is a man, and he doesn't like handsome men pretending to be gentlemen.

He didn't expect Qin Chuan to speak directly like this, so he was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came back to his senses: "Interesting, I hope you can still be so tough with your mouth in a while."

Mr. Monkey looked proud and looked at Qin Chuan with playful eyes, as if Qin Chuan was a plaything in his palm.

Qin Chuan shook his head and looked at Mr. Monkey and said, "Has anyone told you that you are pitiful?"

Mr. Monkey's face suddenly became ugly. This sentence was more hurtful than saying he was ugly. It is said that the uglier the person, the stronger his self-esteem. Although Mr. Monkey's status, family background and cultivation are all outstanding, he feels very pitiful. , which is why Qin Chuan said he was pitiful and made him feel bloody all of a sudden.

"I will make your life worse than death." Mr. Monkey gritted his teeth and said to Qin Chuan, his eyes as fierce as a poisonous snake.

After saying that, Mr. Monkey shrank and rushed towards Qin Chuan.

Golden Eyes!

The Sword Immortal Master could not avoid the Monkey Master's attack, but Qin Chuan could easily dodge it, but Qin Chuan did not dodge.

Qin Chuan, who had mastered the divine power of heaven, violently blasted out the forged sword and hammer.

Mr. Monkey was immediately blasted away.

Like a shadow, the secret of wind!

Qin Chuan's figure appeared in front of Mr. Monkey in a flash. The same moves, at least in Qin Chuan's view, they were the same moves.

Yin and yang forged divine hammer.

But there is an image of a divine dragon on it. The attack seems to be carrying a heavy blow from the divine dragon, and it also has the dragon's posture and smoothness.


Mr. Monkey resisted again, but his figure was knocked away again.

Then everyone saw that the people who could not be beaten by the Sword Immortal Master were powerless to fight back in front of Qin Chuan.

Mr. Monkey's defense was astonishing, but Qinchuan's Yin-Yang Avenue and Yin-Yang divine power constantly reduced Mr. Monkey's endurance.

What's more, Qinchuan's attack power itself is very strong. If it weren't for the super defensive ability of the tortoise shell in Mr. Monkey's Turtle and Snake Avenue, he would have been defeated long ago.

Even now, I am just struggling to survive.

Qin Chuan didn't seem to be in a hurry to defeat his opponent every time. Instead, he used his opponent as a test subject to train himself, and finally forced his opponent to admit defeat.

Mr. Monkey tried many times to reverse the situation, but he found that he had no chance. The more he fought, the more angry and uncomfortable he became. In the end, he almost wanted to vomit blood.

I had no choice but to admit defeat.

Today's battle made many people feel satisfied. Master Jianmen Sword Immortal was defeated. Master Monkey's performance was amazing, but the most amazing one was Qin Chuan.

At this time, Qin Chuan gave people an unfathomable feeling, because at this level, no one felt that Qin Chuan was using his full strength.

For a time, Qin Chuan was in the limelight, and many people were speculating about Qin Chuan's strength and origin.

After all, it is really shocking that a half-step and half-wonderland can have such actual combat strength.

This time, the martial arts exchange seems to have turned into a battle between the four geniuses.

Many people turned their attention to the other two people, the Golden Dragon Prince of the royal family and the Phoenix Girl of the Phoenix Sect.

The Golden Dragon Prince remained calm.

Not far away from the Golden Dragon Prince is the Phoenix Gate. The most dazzling thing in the Phoenix Gate is a woman among them.

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