Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1547: Another catastrophe of life and death, golden thunder...

"I understand, don't think too much, I just came to see you." Qin Chuan smiled.

Qin Chuan had met Qian Fei's grandfather once before. He really hoped that Qian Fei would recover and go back. He could see the longing and worry in the old man's eyes.

There is also the fact that there is only one way for Qin Chuan and Qian Fei to go without any accident, which is to restore their memories.

"Are you disappointed in me?" Qian Fei said softly.

For some reason, she felt uneasy when she saw that Qin Chuan seemed to want to give up on her. This was an instinctive reaction of her body.

Qin Chuan was stunned and smiled: "How is that possible? I will come to see you. Take care of yourself."

"You are not allowed to leave today, please treat me to dinner!" Qian Fei walked to Qin Chuan and said seriously.

"What I wish for!" Qin Chuan sensed Qian Fei's thoughts and nodded with a smile.

Qin Chuan made delicious food and left a lot of delicious food for her.

He stayed here for two days and then left. Concubine Qian sent him far away.

Qin Chuan returned to Linhai City and the Temple of War, but after arriving here and returning to the courtyard, he did not find Ye Qingcheng.

He didn't pay attention, but he searched around and couldn't find it, so he had to look for Wu Qingxue.

"Back!" Wu Qingxue was very happy after seeing Qin Chuan.

"You're back, Aunt Xue, where is Qingcheng?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Qingcheng said something happened and he needed to leave for a while." Wu Qingxue said.

Qin Chuan thought that Ye Qingcheng had a black dragon, so self-protection would definitely be no problem.

Not really worried.

What Qin Chuan has to do now is to break through. In Linhai City and the Northern Xinjiang Empire, it would be better to break through to the semi-immortal realm as soon as possible.

The next day, after Qin Chuan told Wu Qingxue, he went to find a place to survive the calamity of life and death.

Qin Chuan felt that there should be no problem with breaking through the life and death of the semi-immortal realm, but he was still a little worried. He was also afraid of failure. After all, the expectations for this breakthrough were very high.

I found a small island in the North Sea, and there is a high mountain on the island. It has full spiritual energy and an excellent location.

Qin Chuan set up a formation here, but he did not immediately start to live through life and death. Instead, he spent some time observing here. After all, this place is remote and above the sea to see if there is any danger.

Fortunately, there was a formation, and Qin Chuan was still relieved. After all, there were still formation-eating beasts in the semi-immortal realm.

Three days later, without seeing any danger, Qin Chuan entered the formation and began to survive the calamity of life and death.

Qin Chuan has brought the gold medal to avoid death.

Soon thunder was rolling in the sky.

Although Qin Chuan had expected it to be thunder from the sky, he was actually looking forward to earth fire. If it were earth fire, it would be easier to survive the calamity of life and death because of the fire.

Thunder kept falling.

Qin Chuan cheered up and began to absorb thunder and lightning.

Today's thunder and lightning are relatively small, so Qin Chuan looked for the thicker ones, which can break down the muscles and bones and temper the body.

These thunder and lightning are meant to temper the physical body and break the muscles and bones.

Surviving it is to prepare you to break through to the semi-immortal realm, so that your body can accept the vitality of heaven and earth in the semi-immortal realm. The purpose of absorbing thunder and lightning is to shape the cauldron of the physical body.

If you fail, all your previous efforts will be wasted. The previously absorbed lightning and tempered physical strength will also disappear, and it will also cause harm to the body. Although there is protection from death-free gold medals, if you fail, you will generally not be able to survive the tribulation of life and death for a short period of time.

One, two, three...

Qin Chuan was still very relaxed, until he reached the seventh level, the pressure became much greater.

The reason why it went so smoothly was mainly because the Golden Eyes could analyze the pros and cons and know where one's limits were.

If the amount of lightning absorbed each time is the limit, the tempering effect will be the best, so that you can find the one that suits you among the more terrifying thunder in the future.

Every time it is absorbed is a huge pain, dense thunder and lightning, some as thick as a water tank. If you are hit by that lightning, even if you have a gold medal to avoid death, you don't know whether you can be safe.

The seventh thunder and lightning, Qin Chuan has been looking for a suitable thunder and lightning.

At first it absorbed big ones, but now it absorbs small ones. It's the seventh wave of thunder and lightning. There is at most one small one among the ten, and the distance has to be right near you. You still have time to rush over, and you have to calculate whether you are. It can successfully absorb and at the same time avoid the thick thunder and lightning around it.

The seventh wave of thunder and lightning passed.

The eighth wave came soon. At this time, Qin Chuan was already feeling very strenuous and needed to muster all his energy. In this dense thunder and lightning, one careless move could ruin all his efforts.

In the calamity of life and death, not one of the ten people could succeed, which shows that the success rate is very low.

Every day, many people survive the tribulation of life and death, but only a few succeed.

The eighth wave of thunder and lightning left Qin Chuan with little time, but Huan could not find a suitable one. The thunder and lightning was too terrifying and could not be absorbed at all.


This line is too thin. Will it be absorbed or not?

Absorbing lightning that is too small, one is difficult to get through later, but not absolutely, unless you can find very thin lightning again.

Even if you find it, are lucky, and survive it, the semi-immortal realm after passing through the life and death calamity is the same realm, but the actual combat strength is very different. This is inseparable from the size of the absorbed thunder and lightning or earth fire. Relationship.

That’s it!

Qin Chuan saw one. This lightning was a bit big, but not too big. Now that he had no choice, this one was the most suitable.


The eighth wave passed, and Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

There is one last wave.

Soon, a thunderstorm came from the sky, like a rain of thunder and lightning, which made people's scalp numb just by looking at it.

This last wave was truly terrifying.

Qin Chuan shuttled and dodged in the thunder and lightning, not daring to relax. Once he failed, all his previous efforts would be wasted, and he would not be able to survive the calamity of life and death for a short time.

A small one.

Unfortunately, it was too small and Qin Chuan gave up. This last flash of lightning was particularly important.

It will directly affect the strength of the semi-immortal realm.

Time passes little by little!

However, the time of this last wave will be relatively longer, and the time of each wave will increase incrementally from the beginning.

Almost at a glance, there were huge thunder and lightning, and Qin Chuan was a little anxious.

Because there is not enough time.

No longer able to hesitate, Qin Chuan swept around, but the thunder and lightning around him was beyond his ability to withstand. The smallest one was as thick as an adult's thigh. This was a direct killing rhythm.


A thunderbolt that was only as thick as a thumb appeared next to Qin Chuan. He took action without hesitation. There was no time, just keep it small!

But Qin Chuan soon discovered something was wrong, because the lightning, which was only as thick as a thumb, was golden.

Qin Chuan had already begun to absorb the golden lightning at this time.

Qin Chuan was stunned by this absorption. It was so terrifying that Qin Chuan felt as if he had been hit by a hill. However, the effect of the death-free gold medal did not appear, and he did not directly exit the life-and-death calamity, which made Qin Chuan relieved.

As long as you can bear it, there is hope.

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