Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1549 2 Boundary City, Taiyin Sect

Wu Qingxue's smile was a bit forced.

"Well, I will, Aunt Xue, you also have to take care of yourself." Qin Chuan said.

"Come for a walk with me!" Wu Qingxue thought for a while and said.

Qin Chuan nodded: "Okay!"

The two people walked slowly. In fact, the two of them had nothing to do with each other. Qin Chuan had met her many years ago when he was a teenager, and they had not even spoken to her. After seeing her again after so many years, they just felt familiar.

"Will you come here again in the future?" Wu Qingxue said casually, as if carelessly.

In fact, he didn't know what Qin Chuan's answer would be, or even what answer he expected.

I just feel a little reluctant, a little melancholy, and a little empty inside.

She didn't like this feeling, it was a bit depressing and heavy.

In fact, this world would be the same without anyone, time can erase everything, and besides, she hasn't reached that level for Qin Chuan yet.

"Yes, as long as you don't bother me, Aunt Xue, I will come back to see you." Qin Chuan smiled.

Wu Qingxue smiled.

In a word, she didn't know what answer she wanted before, but now he knows, this is the best and most satisfactory answer.

Wu Qingxue knew that this sentence might just be Qin Chuan's perfunctory comment, but it was enough.

Qin Chuan left that day and went to Taiyin Sect.

The Taiyin Sect is located on the Yin Yang Mountains, in the Yin Vein. The Yin Yang Mountains are the largest mountain range here and are also legendary mountains, a legendary dragon vein and spiritual vein.

Qinchuan first used the teleportation array to reach the capital of the Northern Xinjiang Empire.

Then go to the Two Boundaries City from the teleportation array in the Imperial Capital.

The Two Boundary City is the city where the Taiyin Sect is located, and the Yin and Yang Mountains pass through the Two Boundary City.

The City of Two Realms is a huge city dominated by this world.

It is not one force that dominates this side;

It is not a city, but it is the closest to the Northern Xinjiang Empire and the area of ​​​​the world facing the North Sea. The Taiyin Sect is definitely one of the largest.

The Northern Empire can be teleported directly to the Two Realms City.

It is said to be a city, but this city is too big. It is probably not smaller than the Northern Xinjiang Empire. It is a truly giant city.

The aura of the Two Realms City is full, and there is a special aura that Qin Chuan has never felt before. This aura makes people feel calm and focused.

Very comfortable!

This is a city that feels very ancient, but it is not ancient. It is bustling and noisy, and it does not feel shabby at all. It has an ancient flavor and a kind of historical decay.

This is a kind of breath accumulation.

Although Qin Chuan had just arrived here, he found that he already liked these two cities.

Qin Chuan was not in a hurry to go to Taiyin Sect.

The Yin-Yang Mountains pass through the two-boundary city, and the two-boundary city is divided into two.

On one side is the Taiyin Sect, which is the largest sect and one of the rulers of the side.

But there is also the other half of the city, which is dominated by one party and a huge sect.

Sun Cult.

Legend has it that these two factions were founded by a pair of senior brothers. They were harmonious at first, but later gradually became estranged. However, they were not rivals, just competitors. They were even allies. When encountering foreign enemies, the two sects were still united. of.

Consistently external.

This is done very well. In times of peace, the two sides have always stayed within their own boundaries and not interfered with each other. Each side dominates and dominates the other side.

This was found out by Qin Chuan after searching some classics and inquiring about it, which made her have a better impression of this sect.

When he came here, Qin Chuan really became a person again. He didn't know anyone here. In this strange city, he felt a little lonely. It is said that what people fear most is not enemies, not opponents, not danger, but loneliness. .

Once a person feels lonely, truly lonely, it is a terrible thing and will be more terrible than any danger.

Therefore, practitioners need to find a Taoist companion, and a Taoist companion is even one of the four indispensable treasures for cultivation.

It was noon. Qin Chuan looked at the restaurant in front of him and was going to have something to eat. Being here alone was actually quite leisurely. It felt like he was far away from the hustle and bustle. Because he didn’t know anyone here, he felt that it was very quiet. Lonely quiet.

It's a nice experience occasionally.

This restaurant is calling for customers!

It's a big restaurant.

The decoration is luxurious, and there is a lot of traffic in front of the door, which is extremely lively.

There is a beautiful maid at the door and a clean carpet.

As soon as he entered, the maid greeted him warmly and guided Qin Chuan to the seat he wanted to take.

Qin Chuan chose the lobby. There were many people here and he could watch various aspects of life. This was a good enjoyment for Qin Chuan.

The lobby was lively, and everything was available. This restaurant was very efficient, and Qin Chuan's order arrived soon.

What Qin Chuan ordered was naturally the signature dish here. Each dish was not cheap, and he ordered a lot by himself.

Tasting delicious food is also a kind of enjoyment. It is easy for a strong person to eat a table of food, so as long as it is delicious, there is no need to worry about not being able to finish it.

"What a coincidence, can I sit here?" a voice said.

Qin Chuan was startled, the voice seemed familiar, and he looked up.

Well, Phoenix Girl!

Qin Chuan still recognized this woman. After all, she was a great beauty. It was rare to see her, so her memory would be deep.

She looked at Qin Chuan with a smile, but did not sit down.

"Welcome!" Qin Chuan stood up and motioned for the Phoenix girl to sit down.

It was really a coincidence that I met her here, but I suddenly thought of the Taiyin Sect. Since the Taiyin Sect gave him the token, he should also have given it to her. It turned out to be the case. I really thought it was such a coincidence.

Phoenix Girl smiled and thanked her and took a seat.

The two of them were eating, and there was constant talk around them.

Qin Chuan was very calm and did not talk to Phoenix Girl. After all, the two of them only met once. After today, even if they join the Taiyin Sect in the future, they will be just acquaintances.

Phoenix Girl was quiet, but very curious. Looking at Qin Chuan occasionally, he could feel that Qin Chuan didn't deliberately use this to arouse his ideas. He really didn't take himself seriously...

This surprised her slightly. Beautiful women are all confident, especially at the level of Phoenix Girl. She is very confident in her appearance. There are few men who are indifferent to her.

"You should also go to the Taiyin Sect!" Phoenix Girl asked softly.

Qin Chuan nodded: "Yes!"

The Phoenix girl wanted to beat up Qin Chuan. She cherished words like gold. She was not good at words, but she took the initiative. This guy was so disrespectful...

But she couldn't say anything, and the situation became a little awkward again.

"I also went to Taiyin to teach!" Phoenix Girl said.

"What a coincidence!" Qin Chuan smiled and nodded.

Phoenix Girl resisted the urge to hit Qin Chuan, gritted her teeth and smiled: "What a coincidence!"

Qin Chuan seemed to feel a hint of Phoenix Girl's emotional fluctuations, and asked himself to be more enthusiastic: "Can you eat enough? Do you want some more dishes?"

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