Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1557 The second wave of beasts, the array master

This is not something that one person can stop. It is a miracle that Qin Chuan can do this. The damage caused by one person to the monster is worth hundreds or thousands of people.

Qinchuan summoned the Golden Dragon Bear of the Earth.

Earth Golden Dragon Thorn!

The Earth Golden Dragon Bear roared, and a large area of ​​huge Earth Golden Dragon Thorns rose into the sky. Today's Earth Golden Dragon Bear also exists in a semi-fairyland, and this Earth Golden Dragon Bear is also different from what it used to be.

Boom boom!

It's still about causing chaos.

To increase the intensity!

Qin Chuan cooperated with the Golden Dragon Thorn of the Earth and directly performed the Great Yin Yang Hand Covering the Sky Divine Dragon Seal.

There is a huge handprint in the sky, gray and simple, covering the sky and the sun. Among them is a golden divine dragon, a black divine sword, and the sound of dragons and swords can be heard all the time.

Nine steps against heaven!

A small world was shrouded, and it seemed to become fragmented all of a sudden. Then, as the huge Yin Yang hand covering the sky divine dragon seal fell, it hit the small world and completely collapsed.

There were a large number of casualties, and the monster beasts behind collided again, and some even turned their heads to retreat, because if they rushed forward, they would die. The smell of destruction and danger made the monster beasts instinctively turn back.

This caused more casualties than what Qin Chuan had killed.

There was actually a gap between the monsters in this line. Many people looked at Qin Chuan in surprise. The little monster happily hugged Qin Chuan's arm: "Brother, you are so powerful!"

As for Long Ziyang, his eyes were very bright. Qin Chuan's performance really shocked him. He had underestimated him before.

Qin Chuan's shot made many people find confidence in victory.

The battle continues, and the casualties continue. Qinchuan is not omnipotent, and he cannot take care of them all in the beast tide, but he can take care of as many as he can. Buddha pays attention to the word fate, and saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

Qin Chuan considers himself a good person, with a normal, kind and helpful heart.

The fighting continued, and the situation became increasingly fierce.

The Taiyin Sect suffered a lot of casualties, and the people who came from Two Worlds City suffered even more casualties.

However, in order to defend the City of Two Boundaries and their homeland, the warriors' blood was aroused. Qin Chuan killed the enemy here. Once he had free time, he would help treat people's injuries, and the wounded would also be sent away. There are monsters that can quickly Send people to Two Realms City.

The second wave gradually came to an end. After the second wave was beaten back, everyone had some free time.

Prepare for the third wave. If the third wave can be defeated, then the hope of victory will be more than half.

Dozens of elders gathered together to discuss matters.

Long Ziyang was also among them.

One of the elders walked towards Qin Chuan.

But instead of looking for Qin Chuan, he was looking for the girl who knew the formation.

The elders want to carry out a big move, which requires formations. This girl's formations are very powerful, even if they are in the inner sect, there are very few, but this girl also chooses not to enter the inner sect.

Needless to say, the importance of girls here. The increase of strength by two and nearly three times is a sudden increase in life. But in the beast tide, strength is life.

But this is the need of the sect, and no matter how unwilling they are, they cannot refuse.

"We are going to kill the king monster in the beast tide. Only by killing the king monster can we end this beast tide and allow the beast tide to return to the Yin and Yang Mountains." The elder said to Qin Chuan and others. .

Although the woman has always been calm and calm, her face is a little pale at this time. After all, she is a young girl. If she goes to the depths of the beast tide to fight the king monster, there are monsters that can kill her instantly. Even if someone takes care of her, there are many Might be killed in one hit.

The elder seemed to see the girl's fear, but he couldn't find a good formation master, and there was nothing he could do at this time.

The girl also knows that she cannot refuse, but she is definitely afraid.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Elder, let me go!"

When the elder heard this, he saw Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan didn't say anything and directly activated the Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation.

Shroud this elder.

Golden light shone everywhere, and a huge Buddha shadow shrouded it. It was solemn and sacred. It was much more powerful than the girl's formation. The momentum of this formation shocked people at first sight.

The elder fainted immediately, and it took him a while to come back to his senses: "Okay, okay..."

He didn't expect that there would be such a powerful formation master hiding in the outer gate. This was really unexpected.

Not to mention that the elder was shocked, even Jinxiu and others were extremely shocked.

Qin Chuan rubbed the little demon's head: "Be careful!"

"Well, don't worry, brother, I'll be fine. You have to be careful." Xiao Yao said worriedly.

The girl who knew how to do formations nodded towards Qin Chuan and cast a grateful look.

Qin Chuan smiled and left with the elder.

Jinxiu looked at Qin Chuan angrily. This guy was disgusting. She brought him here and left without even saying a word to herself.

The elders always said hello to Jinxiu when they left.

Jin Xiu also respectfully sent the elder and Qin Chuan away.

Although Jinxiu is an outer sect disciple, everyone knows that it is easy for her to enter the inner sect, and her future achievements will definitely be high.

"Sister, is your brother handsome?" Xiaoyao said with a smile beside Jinxiu.

Jinxiu was stunned and angrily knocked on the little demon's forehead: "What are you thinking about?"

"Don't you think my brother is different from others?" Xiaoyao looked at Jinxiu.

"More annoying than others." Jinxiu said.

"I think my brother is better than other men." Xiaoyao said happily.

"Little girl, why do you like him?" Jinxiu asked.

"He is my brother, my brother!" Xiaoyao said seriously.

"Sister, do you think you will become my sister-in-law?" Xiaoyao asked seriously.

Jinxiu was stunned for a moment, then she realized what she was doing and hit the little demon slightly hard: "No nonsense!"

Sometimes an unintentional remark can make people think a lot. I don’t know whether this is considered unintentional on the part of the speaker, but intentional on the part of the listener. People often have psychological hints, will twist things away, and will go into misunderstandings because of a word. , and also get out of misunderstandings because of one sentence.

At this time, Qin Chuan had already reached the inner gate area.

Long Ziyang was stunned when he saw Qin Chuan, and even more surprised when he knew the purpose of his visit.

There are already two formation masters here, but the formations of the two formation masters An Zhiyong can affect forty people, so two more formation masters need to be found. After all, there are almost eighty people here.

The Great Elder is a very kind-looking old man.

"Young man, Xiao Wu admires your formation very much. Can you let the old man see it?" the old man said kindly.

"Don't dare!"

Qin Chuan said respectfully, and then used the Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation.

The old man's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands happily: "This should surpass the twelve-level formation. Young man, how many seats does your formation have?" The old man was very excited.

Qin Chuan was also shocked by the old man's eyesight.

"Sixty!" Qin Chuan said.

The other two formation masters were shocked when they heard this. They had always thought that they were the most outstanding formation masters, but now compared with others, they were completely scum.

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