Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1570: Conspiracy, bloodthirsty dragon capturer

Zhang Jiuming and the head of the Sikong family talked very politely.

Zhang Jiuming may not become the leader of the Sun Sect in the future, but he will definitely be able to influence the Sun Sect.

The head of the Sikong family now has influence over the Taiyin Sect.

When either party is inconvenienced, they will seek help from the other party.

For example, this time, it was inconvenient for the head of the Sikong family to take action, so if he wanted to get rid of Qin Chuan, he had to borrow a knife to kill people. If this knife is good, Zhang Jiuming is the best knife.

However, the head of the Sikong family asked Zhang Jiuming to take action, which required payment, and the payment was not small, but in order to get rid of Qin Chuan, the cost of fighting was worth it.

It was a trivial matter for Sikong Tenglong to be beaten, but Qin Chuan's performance had already threatened the head of the Sikong family. In time, his own family would not be able to stop this young man, so he had to get rid of Qin Chuan for this reason.

Any tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind!

The growth of a peerless genius is bumpy and extremely difficult, especially for someone like Qin Chuan who has no big tree behind him and is being targeted.

But there is also one thing. Anyone who wants to deal with a truly peerless genius must think clearly, because if he misses, he will face crazy revenge. This is why the Sikong family wants to use some indirect methods.

"Master Sikong, I want to see that Qin Chuan?" Zhang Jiuming said.

"no problem."

Qin Chuan is very popular this time, and this martial arts competition will naturally be arranged. This cannot be refused. You are an inner sect disciple, so you naturally have to comply with some arrangements of the sect.

During the meal, many people were together. In a large hall, the table where Qin Chuan was sitting was not far from the table of the head of the Sikong family.

And Qin Chuan noticed a man looking at him, and Qin Chuan was also stunned when he saw this man.

Because the other party's physique is very similar to a tame beast Qin Chuan once had.

Pig with nine lives!

But this person is different. This man's physique seems to be more powerful. He has nine life essences. Every time he loses one, his strength will double, and the lost life essence will be restored every three days. speed recovery.

Full recovery probably takes less than a month.

This is a very terrifying ability.

Very strong physique.

Just with this physique, you will reach a very high level.

And he himself is very strong. The most important thing is that this person is very young.

Also, he is very close to the head of the Sikong family.

Here in Qinchuan are Xiaoyao, Jinxiu, and the grandchildren of the great elder.

When Qin Chuan looked at each other, Zhang Jiuming gave Qin Chuan a smile.

But this smile seemed a bit playful to Qin Chuan, it was a slightly weird smile.

Qin Chuan also smiled, very indifferently, as if facing the air.

the next day!

The martial arts competition has begun!

The Taiyin Sect and the Sun Sect have had many martial arts competitions. Everything is negotiated between the two families. It is also a kind of friendship exchange. The main purpose is to connect with each other, and then people from both sides can compete with each other to enhance their relationship.

This is a kind of friendly communication among warriors.

So communication is free and casual.

Of course, no one wants to lose, so the battle is very lively, and usually more young people take the stage.

This time the competition was still very lively.

The morning passed and it was still delicious.

The game is very harmonious, with both sides winning and losing, and even if they lose, they can face it well.

When the two families communicate, they never talk about winning or losing. Generally, they will stop fighting when they see one party is about to lose. On the surface, there is no distinction between victory and defeat. In fact, everyone knows who wins and who loses. This is polite, but everyone likes it.

After dinner, continue in the afternoon.

After all, it was a competition, and swords had no eyes, so there were injuries in the afternoon, and one was even seriously injured. He was almost stabbed to death by a sword. This was a mistake.

Two more people were injured in the next two games, one of them seriously.

At this time, Zhang Jiuming walked onto the martial arts field.

Qin Chuan suddenly understood something.

This was an attempt to kill, and the previous injuries were intentional.

Qin Chuan could tell before that the injury was intentional, the attacking party was intentional, and the injured people were the Taiyin Sect and the Taiyin Sect. Although it seemed that the injuries were serious, the person who took action was very measured, and the injured person had deep eyes. But it is peaceful.

This was planned in advance.

And doing all of this is for one purpose. The sword has no eyes, and casualties are inevitable. All of this is to pave the way for Zhang Jiu Ming. If nothing unexpected happens, the person Zhang Jiu Ming challenges next is the person he wants to kill. .

Who will Zhang Jiuming challenge?

Qin Chuan was confused.

At this time, Zhang Jiuming looked at Qin Chuan: "Qin Chuan, the strongest warrior among the younger generation of Taiyin Sect, even Sikong Tenglong is not your opponent. I want to challenge you, but I don't know if I will have the honor."

Qin Chuan was still surprised. This person wanted to kill him, he wanted to kill himself.

The Sikong family was indeed ruthless. In order to kill themselves, they borrowed a knife to kill someone, and the reason was very good. No one doubted that this was the Sikong family's method, because it was Zhang Jiuming who did it.

Zhang Jiuming is a warlike person, and Qin Chuan's current strength and recent reputation are enough for Zhang Jiuming to take the initiative to challenge him.

Therefore, outsiders would never think that the Sikong family did it.

Qin Chuan did not agree immediately, but looked at Zhang Jiuming.

"Zhang Jiuming challenged Qin Chuan. Zhang Jiuming was once the number one master of the younger generation in the Sun Sect."

"Isn't it now?"

"Now he is a little older, but he is still considered a younger generation, but few people regard him as a young man. He is an adult man, and his position in the Sun Cult is also very important."

"Do you think Qin Chuan dares to accept the challenge?" someone asked.

"I don't know. After all, the two of them have special status. If they lose, they will embarrass the sect and will be scolded."

"But if you don't fight, you will still be embarrassed. It will be even more embarrassing. You won't have the courage to accept the fight."

Qin Chuan stood up, Jinxiu, Xiao Yao and others looked at him.

Qin Chuan walked towards the martial arts platform.

No one stopped Qin Chuan.

Even Xiaoyao and Jinxiu couldn't find a reason. Besides, this was just a competition after all, and it might end in a draw.

Qin Chuan stepped onto the martial arts stage, and the people around him were naturally very excited. You must know that watching masters fight is also a kind of enjoyment, an opportunity, and a learning experience. It has great benefits. It can increase your knowledge and broaden your horizons.

Zhang Jiuming looked at Qin Chuan with a smile: "Please!"

Very simple!

Qin Chuan nodded: "Please!"

Zhang Jiuming was not polite and took action directly. With this action, Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes and used his golden pupils.

The power of heaven!

This is not surprising, Qin Chuan also mastered the power of heaven.

Bloodthirsty dragon capturer!

Zhang Jiuming stretched out one hand towards Qin Chuan, his fingers slightly spread.

This is an evil mudra magical power.

A huge and fierce handprint, blood red, containing the power of heaven, grabbed Qin Chuan.

If he were caught, many people would probably think that Qin Chuan would be caught and squeezed to death, and all his blood would be sucked dry.

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