Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1576: Heavenly Snake Demon Sect

But the feeling is not there.

Qin Chuan even thought about what it would be like if he hugged her as soon as he saw her going up.

"Are you still alone?" Qin Chuan asked gently.

Beiming Glacier trembled slightly. Although the amplitude was very small, Qin Chuan still saw it.

"Hmm!" Beiming Glacier hummed softly.

After hearing this answer, Qin Chuan stopped and looked at her. He didn't know whether he was happy or sad, but he felt happy in his heart.

Beiming Glacier lowered her head slightly, and she knew Qin Chuan was looking at her.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Beiming Glacier raised his head and looked at Qin Chuan, his eyes a little complicated.

"Sorry, I haven't seen you for so long." Qin Chuan sighed.

Beiming Glacier sighed inwardly. Qin Chuan's sorry words made her feel that the two of them were really awkward.

"You once told me not to say sorry, but you said it today." Beiming Glacier still looked at Qin Chuan without blinking.

"Because we are really strangers to each other." Qin Chuan said softly.

"It's strange. The guard told me today that there is a person named Qin Chuan. The first thing I thought was that it was the same name. I didn't dare to go out. I was afraid that the person I saw would not be you wherever I went. When you came here, I saw When I arrived at you, I didn't see the person I was familiar with." Beiming Glacier was as weak as a flower in the wind, crumbling.

Qin Chuan took a step forward, almost touching the Beiming Glacier.

Beiming Glacier raised his head, looked at Qin Chuan, shook his head slightly and smiled softly: "Don't force yourself."

"Qin Chuan, I have never blamed you for not coming to see me. I know you have a lot to do, so I never thought about it that way. I have thought about many ways to meet, but I have never thought about why it is like this? Qin Chuan, I can't feel love from you." Beiming Glacier was smiling, but tears were falling down one after another.

Like a broken bead.

Qin Chuan was very distressed and helped her wipe away her tears, but the more she wiped, the more tears she shed.

The most wonderful thing between men and women is the relationship. Qin Chuan didn't expect why this happened. It wasn't that he didn't have her in his heart. Beiming Glacier occupied a very important position in Qin Chuan's heart.

"I have never forgotten you, but I thought you didn't like me anymore. Because I like you, I will respect all your decisions." Qin Chuan said with a wry smile.

Qin Chuan hugged her and didn't speak anymore. Sometimes there was no need to speak, and the more you spoke, the worse it would be.

So we still have to talk about practical actions.

Qin Chuan kissed her, picked her up and entered a room.

Beiming Glacier did not stop him, but her body trembled slightly, indicating that she was nervous.

At this time, Qin Chuan knew that he had to confirm the relationship between the two, otherwise he would really feel sorry for her if this continued, because she said she would only marry him in this life.

In this case, Qin Chuan will marry her this time.

The red candle is swaying, as beautiful as a flower!

Qin Chuan kissed every inch of her skin tenderly, her icy muscles and jade bones were frozen like jade, and her fragrance was delicate.

Beautiful and charming!

The scarlet jade beads stand on the white jade peak, exuding a fatal attraction.

Everything fell into place and slowly merged together.

Singing softly like a song, humming like a cry!

The fusion of yin and yang is the way of heaven and earth.


Qin Chuan broke through to the second level of semi-immortal realm.

The cultivation level of Beiming Glacier has also broken through, and it has broken through a lot, but it was only for a moment, due to geographical restrictions.

It became quiet, and Qin Chuan looked at the woman in his arms.

Beiming Glacier nestled shyly in Qinchuan's arms.

She still feels like she was in a dream, she has become his woman.

Qin Chuan felt sorry for her in his heart and held her lovingly. Their hearts were close together and they could feel each other's heartbeats.

It wasn't until dark that the two of them got together. Sometimes it was like this. There was just one last step between two people. God created men and women with magical powers, magical exchanges of yin and yang and reconciliation of yin and yang, both physically and mentally. Up.

Now Qin Chuan found that the two of them had regained the feeling they had before.

Qin Chuan hugged her, kissed her, and led her out.

Visit the night market!

Beiming Glacier was very happy, walking on the street.

Qin Chuan looked at Beiming Glacier at this time. If there hadn't been a barrier, and they hadn't seen each other for so many years, he didn't know when they would be able to truly break through this relationship.

So a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise...

The next day, Qin Chuan and Beiming Bingbing went to meet Beihai Bingbing's parents to discuss the wedding date.

Qin Chuan once proposed to Beiming Glacier's parents.

Beiming Glacier's parents knew that their daughter had been waiting for Qin Chuan, and they were very satisfied with Qin Chuan. It was because of Lian Xinshi that they knew about Beiming Glacier's life experience. Later, they took Beiming Glacier to Jiuxuan Taiyun Palace and rescued him. killed her parents...

The wedding is in the middle of this month. Qin Chuan still has friends here, but he hasn't seen them in several years.

Ning Shaoqing, Wang Xu, You Xi...

Several people were naturally very excited when they saw Qin Chuan and drank together. They were naturally very happy when they found out that Qin Chuan was going to marry Beiming Glacier. Congratulations.

The Wang family, Ning family and You family are all very close to Jiuxuan Taiyun Palace.

You Xie still has a lot of contact with Beiming Glacier, and the four of them even get together occasionally.

Qin Chuan was also very happy to see them. Sometimes friends are just pure friends. At least Qin Chuan was. He was really happy to see them. It was a mood that could not be replaced by many things.

The wedding in Beiming Glacier was naturally extremely lively, and almost many of Jiuxuan City and local big forces showed up uninvited.

The wedding went smoothly. Qin Chuan made a big fuss here at the beginning. We know the style of the people here. Zhongli’s family, Zhongli Chi, Santian Sect, Bai Ziya...

After getting married, Qin Chuan has been here, living a happy married life with Beiming Glacier.

Three months!

Three months later, Qin Chuan left. During the two months, Qin Chuan took time to go back home once and also visited Cheng Cheng, Yuan Su, Mu Yuwu and others.

Return to Taiyin Sect in Two Realms City.

After a while, Jinxiu came, looking very unhappy.

Qin Chuan was stunned: "What's wrong?"

"The little demon was captured." Jinxiu said.

Qin Chuan was stunned and directly used the Dragon Searching Technique. However, what surprised Qin Chuan was that he could only roughly know that his Dragon Searching Technique was in the north, but he could not confirm the specifics.

"Tell me what happened quickly." Qin Chuan said quickly.

"The little demon went out to perform a mission before, but everyone else came back. He didn't come back. It's been more than a day." Jinxiu said.

"What mission is this and who issued it?" Qin Chuan asked.

"It's just a normal mission to fight bandits."

At this moment, a disciple came over and said, "Senior Brother Qin, I have a letter from you."

Qin Chuan took it and opened it. He was startled to see that there was only one sentence on it.

If you want to find the little demon, go to the Heavenly Snake Demon Gate.

"Where is the Heavenly Snake Demon Sect?" Qin Chuan asked looking at Jinxiu.

Jinxiu's expression changed: "Sky Snake Demon Sect?"

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