Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1581 Ancestor Sikong takes action to shake...

The ancestor of the Sikong family came forward and spoke directly.

The leader’s wife cannot be the leader.

He must abdicate immediately and make way for someone more worthy.

When Qin Chuan heard the news, he was still stunned. The leader's wife was really good at predicting things. Originally, Qin Chuan thought that the ancestor of the Sikong family would not come forward, but now it seems that he was wrong.

After knowing the news, Qin Chuan went to the largest hall of Taiyin Sect.

It can't be said that there is a huge crowd of people everywhere at this time, but it is definitely full of people everywhere at a glance, and almost all the disciples of Taiyin Sect are here.

Qin Chuan walked over. The leader's wife was there, the great elder was there, the people from the Presbyterian Council were there, and the head of the Sikong family was there, but now he was standing behind an old man like a grandson.

This old man is Patriarch Sikong.

This is an old man who looks extremely old, as if he has lived for a long time, like a ten-thousand-year-old pine.

His body was stooped and he was leaning on a crutch with a purple and gold dragon head.

He is very old, but he is as powerful as a mountain. Many people look at the old man with awe. This is the only remaining ancestor of the Taiyin Sect, the old monster. To a certain extent, this is the big tree of the Taiyin Sect.

At this time, he looked at the leader's wife: "A girl, who is not at home to care for her husband and raise children, also wants to be the leader of the church. What a nonsense. It's really nonsense." The old man looked at the leader's wife as if he was scolding, but also seemed to speak slowly, calmly and calmly, his voice Not big, not small.

"These are the last words of the leader." The leader's wife said slowly.

"Hahaha, leader, the leader has to call me ancestor when he sees me. I am the guardian of the Taiyin Sect, and the rules are not terrible." Ancestor Sikong said.

"Rules? What rules?" said the leader's wife.

"Women are not allowed to be leaders." Patriarch Sikong said.

"Which rule of the Taiyin Sect stipulates that women cannot be the leader?" asked the leader's wife.

Ancestor Sikong was stunned. The Taiyin Sect did not have this rule, and there were even several female leaders.

"Don't be so messy. You can't be a leader, so don't fight pointlessly." Ancestor Sikong said slowly.

"You are always going to commit the following crime,

You openly opposed the leader's last words just a few days ago? "The leader's wife said.

"Hahaha, girl, don't say the leader is dead, he is alive. I only need one sentence to remove him from the position of leader." Patriarch Sikong smiled boldly.

The leader's wife looked at Patriarch Sikong and said calmly: "Are you saying that you are above everything else, or are you saying that you own the Taiyin Sect?"

Patriarch Sikong looked at the leader's wife and said slowly: "Do you think it is useful to tell me this?"

"This Taiyin Sect was not brought down by you, let alone a powerful family. What contribution have you made to the Taiyin Sect? Can you interfere like this?" the leader's wife looked at the old man and said.

This old man has lived longer, and everyone in the same period has left. He has seniority and strong cultivation.

Ancestor Sikong was also stunned, because no one dared to talk to him like this. Being questioned like this by a junior, despite his age, he didn't care about anything, and he was a little angry.

At this time, the head of the Sikong family spoke: "Madam, the leader, are you too rude to talk to an old man like this? You are so ignorant of etiquette, you are not worthy of sitting in the position of the leader."

"If you don't respect the old man, why should he be respected when he doesn't look old?" Qin Chuan spoke at this time.

Qin Chuan's words were a bit poisonous.

"Hahaha, where did you come from, you wild boy? Do you have the right to speak here?" Ancestor Sikong smiled, his momentum was wild, and he pressed towards Qin Chuan with strong pressure.

But Qin Chuan was indifferent. Ancestor Sikong was powerful, but in the semi-immortal realm and beyond the semi-immortal realm, he still couldn't be suppressed by his momentum. This was only possible if he could reach two realms higher.

Ancestor Sikong was also stunned and looked at Qin Chuan. He didn't expect that this young man could withstand the pressure of his momentum.

The atmosphere here was very strange and tense at this time.

Ancestor Sikong said again at this time: "I say it again, abdicate and make way for someone worthy of your authority!"

"Let Xian? Who is Xian?" said the leader's wife.

"Deputy leader Sikong Ding can do it," Patriarch Sikong said.

Sikong Ding is the head of the Sikong family.

"Are you always trying to turn the Taiyin Sect into the Sikong family?" the leader's wife said.

"Madam of the leader, I am the deputy leader. According to the rules, I should take over as the leader. You are the wife of the leader, not the leader." The head of the Sikong family said loudly.

"In terms of strength and talent, you are more than half way behind my wife. Who will accept you as the leader? There are many female leaders in the history of Taiyin Sect. Senior Sikong, are you, the Sikong family, usurping power for personal gain?" Qin Chuan smiled.

The Sikong family now wants to kill Qin Chuan directly. This young man can make the Sikong family tremble every time he opens his mouth.

Here, in front of almost everyone in the Taiyin Sect, Patriarch Sikong has come forward. The Sikong family has no choice now. With such a big commotion, if the Sikong family cannot become the leader, then the Sikong family will be completely embarrassed.

Besides, if Ancestor Sikong came forward, he must have thought about various consequences, so Ancestor Sikong took action.

"I will clean up the door on behalf of the Taiyin Sect today."

Patriarch Sikong’s voice spread throughout the Taiyin Sect.

"Old man, you think you can deceive everyone in this way. The Sikong family is treasonous and treasonous, and they must be punished for their rebellion." After Qin Chuan finished speaking, he directly activated the Five Elements Formation of the Holy Buddha.

He even used the Twelve Flower Goddess.

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

The wrath of the divine pupil!

The seven-story demon-suppressing fairy tower!

Five Elements Suppression!

Qin Chuan had already united with the Great Elder and others, and dozens of people formed a torrent. Under the influence of the formation, they merged into one body to fight against Patriarch Sikong.

This is also Qinchuan's biggest reliance at present.

The weakening ability of 30% is too strong.

Ancestor Sikong, despite his age, was so shocked that he almost interrupted the attack.

The strongest person on Qin Chuan's side is the leader's wife, who also transcends the semi-immortal realm.

But it barely surpassed the semi-fairyland.

However, after Qin Chuan's increase, the strength of the leader's wife was too strong, which surprised her so much that she could not describe it.

The strength of Patriarch Sikong was weakened, and the strength of the leader's wife was increased, and the magnitude of both sides was very large. This suddenly made the gap between the two sides infinitely close.

Even to a certain extent, the leader's wife can compete with Patriarch Sikong.

Boom boom boom!

Qin Chuan smiled. Mr. Sikong was completely embarrassed this time.

Because he was actually repulsed by the leader's wife.

Although I took only a few steps back, one step back is still a step back.

If he takes this step back, his majesty will be completely wiped out, because he is the ancestor, the legend of the Taiyin Sect, and is unshakable. The word "ancestor" is really too heavy.

But now it was repulsed.

The visual and psychological impact this brought to everyone is indescribable.

Patriarch Sikong's retreat was like the mountain of the Sikong family collapsing.

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