Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1583: The Twilight of the Gods Teleports the Spiritual Stone

"Isn't it normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines?" the leader's wife said.

"I am an innocent boy." Qin Chuan said.

"Bah, how many women do you think you have now?" The leader's wife spat at Qin Chuan angrily and couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Do you really dislike them?" the leader's wife asked.

"Like does not mean love. There are many people who like you, such as the leader's wife. I also like you very much, but liking doesn't mean anything." Qin Chuan shook his head and said.

The leader's wife wasn't angry either, she glared at him and stopped dwelling on the issue.

Qin Chuan felt much more relaxed in the following days, and the Sikong family no longer had anything to fear.

However, the Sikong family is very worried because they know that Qin Chuan has not agreed to reconciliation, and Qin Chuan is very close to the leader's wife. If the Sikong family is targeted, the Sikong family is now in a very dangerous situation.

With the death of the ancestor, the Sikong family fell mainly in this way, causing the Sikong family's scenic spot status to plummet.

The Great Elder has gained the upper hand, and the Presbyterian Church is now completely on the side of the Great Elder's wife.

Sikong Tenglong and Sikong Zhuo were together with their father Sikong Ding.

"Father, we must get rid of Qin Chuan." Sikong Tenglong said.

"Why?" Sikong Ding said.

"I have received news that the reason why that woman is so powerful is because of Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan has terrifying formations and formations, as well as powerful weakening abilities. During the battle, the ancestor was weakened a lot. "Sikong Tenglong said.

Sikong Ding's eyes lit up: "As long as Qin Chuan dies, we still have a chance."

"Yes, but how can we get rid of Qin Chuan?" Sikong Tenglong said.

"I will do this, but I have to prepare in advance. Okay, I'll go to the Sun Sect and the Heavenly Serpent Demon Sect." Sikong Ding said.

Sikong Ding went to the Sun Sect first.

It must be Zhang Jiuming and the leader of the Sun Sect.

"Master Sikong, why are you here free?" Leader Zhang said with a smile.

Zhang Jiuming was seriously injured last time, so naturally he is inseparable from the head of the Sikong family.

"What happened last time was an accident. My son was also seriously injured. The young master of the Heavenly Snake Demon Sect even broke two legs. I am here to apologize." The head of the Sikong family said quickly.

"Okay, okay, you won't come to me if you have nothing to do. Tell me, what's the matter?" Leader Zhang shook his hand and said.

"I want to get rid of Qin Chuan, and I need Leader Zhang's help." Head Sikong said.

Leader Zhang looked at Patriarch Sikong and shook his head: "Do you think we can defeat him and the leader's wife together?"

"Since I dare to come to see Master Zhang, I naturally have extraordinary means." Patriarch Sikong said with a smile.

"Oh, Patriarch Sikong, with all due respect, Qin Chuan will definitely skyrocket in the future. I really can't offend him now. If he kills me by then, do you think I'm stupid for doing this?" Leader Zhang smiled. said.

Patriarch Sikong looked at Leader Zhang with a smile: "Although you say that, don't Leader Zhang feel aggrieved? What a warrior fears most is being angry. Besides, you just want to see a talented young man who has had problems with you grow up. Do you feel proud of him?"

"People should act according to their ability. It's OK to take risks, but if the risk is too big, it's unnecessary. The effort and reward are out of proportion." Leader Zhang said with a smile.

"I will naturally give you the harvest, and it will definitely satisfy you. Don't you want to hear my method?" said the head of the Sikong family.

"Oh, tell me?" Leader Zhang asked curiously.

"I have a Ragnarok teleportation stone that can teleport ten people to the land of Ragnarok for twelve hours. You should know the land of Ragnarok. Where do you think it is? Isn't it easy for us to kill him? "The head of the Sikong family said.

Leader Zhang's eyes lit up: "Twilight of Ragnarok teleportation spirit stone?"

"Yes, I'm not 100% sure, and I don't dare to provoke him now."

"Who among the ten people are you going to let go?" Leader Zhang said.

"You and I, Qin Chuan is one of the people who was killed. There are still seven people left. In order to kill Qin Chuan, we have to find seven special people."

"Ragnarok is the legendary place where the gods fell. No matter who you are there, you will become an ordinary person. You cannot use any abilities. Formations and vitality cannot be used. Even tamed beasts cannot be summoned." Leader Zhang said.

"Okay, so there are seven people left. One of them I want to invite the leader of the Heavenly Snake Demon Sect. As for the last six, I decided that we will discuss it after the three of us get together. No accidents will be allowed this time." The head of the Sikong family said.

"I just don't know what I will gain?" Leader Zhang said with a smile.

"I'll give you a Ragnarok teleportation stone, a death-free gold medal, and..."

Qinchuan's life is very regular. There is a library, a small courtyard, where Jinxiu and Xiaoyao go to Qinchuan to have dinner from time to time. Now there is another person added to the family.

Madam of the leader.

The leader's wife has a very good relationship with Jinxiu and Xiaoyao.

"Qinchuan, how do you plan to deal with the Sikong family?" asked the leader's wife.

"Who said I have to deal with the Sikong family?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Can you bear this tone?" the leader's wife said lightly.

"Let's talk about it later. I'll wait for the Sikong family's statement. The head of the Sikong family can abolish his cultivation and the debt can be settled." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Half a month later!

Qin Chuan is already certain of one thing, that is, if he wants to reach the fourth level of the semi-immortal realm, he needs to survive a life and death calamity.

Qin Chuan didn't feel anything about this result. It seemed to be expected, and it seemed that it felt good.

Qin Chuan has the gold medal to avoid death and is confident that he can break through easily, but it will take at least a month or two to break through.

So he was not in a hurry and would eat the food one bite at a time.

Just today Sikong Tenglong appeared.

He came to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was a little surprised to see the man who was once the number one in the inner sect again.

He was still extremely proud, raised his head slightly, and looked at Qin Chuan: "Do you have the guts to go to a place with me?"

"No!" Qin Chuan said simply.

Sikong Tenglong almost choked to death.

"Come on, come with me. The conflict between us will eventually be resolved." Sikong Tenglong said.

Qin Chuan thought about it and nodded. He was an expert and bold man, so he didn't worry about the other party's tricks.

In Qin Chuan's view, if the other party had a method, he would have used it long ago, and would not wait until the ancestor was gone before using it.

The ancestor's presence is the last barrier for the Sikong family.

Without their ancestor, their confidence would be gone.

So Qin Chuan followed Sikong Tenglong and left.

I left the Taiyin Sect and went to the Yin Yang Fan.

"How do you plan to solve it?" Qin Chuan asked as he walked.

"Aren't we here to negotiate with you? We will try our best to meet your needs. You have also seen that the Sikong family is doomed." Sikong Tenglong said.

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