Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1589: The Demon Dragon Cloud Cave, the Dove Occupies the Magpie Nest

"Will there be any trouble coming here?" Qin Chuan asked.

"They will turn Two Worlds City into their sect, and the original sect will disappear." The leader's wife said.

Qin Chuan frowned: "You mean they will wipe out the Taiyin Sect, the Sun Sect and even the Heavenly Snake Demon Sect?"

"Yes, and that's for sure." The leader's wife said.

"Wouldn't this be troublesome?" Qin Chuan asked.

"What do you think, otherwise I will worry." The leader's wife said and rubbed her forehead.

"Then what should we do?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Fortunately, with you, we are not without the strength to fight. I can only rely on you now." The leader's wife looked at Qin Chuan pitifully.

Qin Chuan almost went crazy because this side of this woman was so impactful, but the charm she revealed inadvertently was really fatal.

"Are you okay?" Qin Chuan asked carefully.

"You are indeed hateful. Okay, you have to help me." The leader's wife said.

Qin Chuan nodded.

On the third day, a group of people came to Taiyin Sect.

The Taiyin Sect in Two Realms City is the most powerful force.

There are thousands of people in this group...

They suddenly swarmed at the gate of Taiyin Sect, and many people from Sun Sect came. After all, they are allies of Taiyin Sect. If Taiyin Sect is gone, Sun Sect will also be gone.

So no one is ambiguous on this issue.

"Who are you and why are you rushing into the mountains?" The Taiyin Cult people stopped the other party.

In fact, the rumors outside are very strong now, so the Taiyin Sect disciples who stop the opponent are all uneasy. This is something they can't afford to provoke, and even the Taiyin Sect can't afford to provoke it.

"We are from the Demon Dragon Cloud Cave. Since you want to die, I will help you." A man stood up and said.

He looks middle-aged, dressed in black, with a dragon pattern embroidered on his body.

Demonic Dragon Cloud Cave is one of the two major forces that dominates the Two Worlds City.

They were also defeated, but the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse. They wanted to make a comeback, so they came to the City of Two Realms, hoping to occupy the magpie's nest.

"I don't care where you come from, this is the Taiyin Sect." The guard said bravely.

"Hahaha, I've never heard of the Taiyin Sect. Well, I've wasted so much time with you. It's worth your death." The middle-aged man in black stretched out his hand to grab the guard.

At this time, a cute little golden beast appeared in front of the guard. Just when the middle-aged man reached his hand, he stretched out his fleshy little claws and scratched out.

It looked unpleasant and meaty, and many people couldn't bear to see it. After all, this little beast was so cute, but it was a pity that it was about to die in the hands of this middle-aged man.


Then the result that shocked everyone appeared.


The middle-aged man quickly retreated, one of his palms was missing, and blood spurted out.

At this time, Qin Chuan and others appeared.

The little beast from before was the baby dragon.

Along with Qin Chuan and the leader's wife, there was an old man who appeared. This was an ancestor of the Taiyin Sect. Knowing that the Demon Dragon Cloud Cave was coming, he naturally wanted to help.

"What a courage!"

The faces of the people in Demonic Dragon Cloud Cave were ugly. They had always been aloof, so naturally they would not take a small place like Taiyin Sect seriously.

"How brave? This is the Taiyin Sect. Who do you think you are? You want to kill people when you come here. Why? You were beaten like a lost dog outside, but you feel superior when you come here. Believe it or not, you are allowed to join the army here. Destroyed." Qin Chuan said disdainfully.

"You little beast, you're looking for death!"

The man who spoke before rushed towards Qin Chuan.

He saw that Qin Chuan was young and felt easy to bully, so he rushed over without any hesitation.

Qin Chuan didn't move either.

There was a hint of viciousness in the man's eyes, and he slapped Qin Chuan on the head.

Just when the opponent's palm was less than a foot away from Qin Chuan, Qin Chuan turned slightly sideways and struck out with one hand.

Diamond Dragon Claw!



The huge golden dragon claws roared past.

Destroy everything!

The ability of the fourth-level semi-immortal realm was much stronger than before. This attack was unexpected, and the man was blown away with one move, and he landed on the ground. After struggling for a few times, he stopped moving.


The atmosphere at the scene was tense, but Qin Chuan faced it calmly.

The people in Demonic Dragon Cloud Cave were very angry, but the few old men leading them suppressed the scene.

At this time, he was very cautious, but he had not finished speaking yet, so his eyes moved.

Two old men, another old man, and dozens of middle-aged men formed a formation in an instant and rushed towards Qin Chuan and others.

The Twelve Flower Goddess!

Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation!

Dozens of people stayed on Qin Chuan's side, but the others quickly retreated.

The Twelve Flower Goddess was given to several strong men, as well as baby dragons and several precious beasts.

There are sixty seats in the Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation, so there are more than fifty people participating in the battle.

Plus a dozen powerful tamed beasts.

This battle is very important. Qin Chuan knows that he must win all the opponents.

Naturally, other people know it too.

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

The wrath of the divine pupil!

The seven-story demon-suppressing fairy tower!

The great yin and yang hand covers the divine dragon seal!

Golden Dragon Vine!

It seems cumbersome, but in fact it is instantaneous. The Golden Dragon Vine is instantaneous, which means that the Great Yin Yang Hand Covering the Sky Divine Dragon Seal is slower.

So Qin Chuan cooperated with the Nine Steps to Defy the Heavens!

As for weakening the ability, it is just a thought.

The power of the golden dragon vine was still so impressive that it immediately disrupted the opponent's rhythm and even injured two people.

I have to say that the people on the opposite side are very powerful. Half of the dozens of people on the opposite side are fairyland level experts.

Qinchuan also has fairyland level powerhouses here, including the leader's wife, the deceased head of the Sikong family, the current great elder, etc.

The number of powerful immortals in the Taiyin Sect also exceeds double digits.

The people on the opposite side were frightened almost out of their wits by Qin Chuan's weakening and sudden attack.

The formation was in chaos, and Qin Chuan launched a ferocious attack.

Puff puff...

They succeeded continuously, and in one fight, four people from the opponent were killed and three were injured in an instant.

Take advantage of the victory!

Among the four people who died, one was killed by Long Baobao.

All in one go!

The Taiyin Sect's side can be said to be very powerful. Qin Chuan raised his hand and waved.




The Earth Golden Dragon Bear let out a thundering roar.

In such a battlefield, the control ability of the Earth Golden Dragon Bear is still very powerful.

Especially with Qin Chuan.

"Go to hell!"

A voice came from behind Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan felt cold all over his body. He was the only old man there.

There was only one old man in the battle, very old.

When he turned around, the old man was already in front of him, and a bone-like claw stretched out towards Qin Chuan.

But Qin Chuan found that he couldn't move at this moment.

A fairyland level powerhouse, and a fairyland level high level existence.

Qin Chuan tried hard to get away, but couldn't move.

It must be said that the old man's eyes are very poisonous, and he actually saw the key to Qin Chuan at once, so he did not hesitate to attack Qin Chuan at his age to get rid of Qin Chuan.

He knew very well that as long as Qin Chuan died, this place would be vulnerable.

The old man's face had a hint of cruelty, determination, killing, and a hint of pride at this time.

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