Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 153 Great Chance, Absorbing 9 You Da...

A strong suction made Qin Chuan unable to resist, and fell directly towards the lake of fire.

A channel of flames, the raging flames exuded a terrifying temperature.

A cool breath rose from his body, diluting the burning of the surrounding flames, making Qin Chuan feel less uncomfortable.

Qin Chuan just felt dazed, and he didn't know how long it had been. This place seemed to be the inside of the lake of fire, at the bottom of the lake of fire, he could see the sea of ​​fire above, the sea of ​​burning flames.

Qin Chuan looked at it as if it was a palace-like existence, ancient and unsophisticated, this is the oldest and unsophisticated ancient palace Qin Chuan has ever seen.

The light here was flickering and dimming, and there was a terrifying sense of danger here. He stepped on the ancient stone under his feet and walked slowly, looking around.

This should be the so-called treasure place in the treasure map, but why is it under the lake of fire.

Well, Qin Chuan raised his head and looked forward.

That's a lamp!

This lamp is very different, an ancient lamp, full of the feeling of endless years, with a heavy historical sinking, burning a ball of flame on it, the size of a fist, khaki, the purest khaki, charming and charming, let People feel extremely beautiful, like a dream, like a most beautiful painting.

But the aura emanating from above seems to be able to burn the world indistinctly.

Golden pupil!

Nine Nether Earth Fire Seeds!

Qin Chuan was dumbfounded all of a sudden, his eyes were wide open, standing a few meters away, there was no temperature, but he didn't expect it to be a fire.

It is still the fire seed of Jiuyou Earth.

Fire, never extinguished!

Qin Chuan was extremely excited at this time. The fire seed is definitely an existence that cannot be met. This is also a legendary thing. Whoever can refine and absorb the fire seed will get huge benefits. Many other uses.

Tinder can be used for attack and defense, and can be used for alchemy and seal carving...

There are many types of fire in the world, each of which is a treasure-level existence, such as chaotic fire, yin fire, yang fire, hell fire, sky fire, earth fire, Li fire, dragon flame, water flame...

Kindling is also divided into grades, some are powerful and some are weak, but even the weakest kindling is a treasure.

Qin Chuan looked at the Jiuyou Earth Fire Seed in front of him. You couldn't feel the temperature when you stood in front of it, but the entire Lake of Fire, the entire Huoyun Mountain was related to the fist-sized Jiuyou Earth Fire Seed.


It is said that the tinder is spiritual, just like some natural treasure-level medicinal herbs can move, the Jiuyou earth tinder suddenly rushed towards Qin Chuan.

This time Qin Chuan's face turned pale. If it was glued on, it would instantly turn into ashes.


Qin Chuan narrowly dodged it, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat. If it was glued on, he would be dead without any hope of surviving.

The Fire Seed of Nine Nether Earth floats in the air. It has its own spirituality and can attack actively, as if it has its own consciousness.

Qin Chuan's scalp was numb. It was a great opportunity to meet the kindling, but if he wanted to refine the kindling, absorbing the kindling could be said to be close to death, and the chance of success was less than one in ten thousand.

Many people don't even think about refining and absorbing it when they see the fire. The probability is too small. Only some crazy people will take a gamble.

Qin Chuan took out the mysterious heavy bow and arrows.

Qin Chuan looked at the Fire Seed of Jiuyou Earth. This time, the golden pupil saw a message, which made his eyes light up.

Thunder and earth fire, merged with blood essence!

The earth fire of Jiuyou belongs to the earth fire, the strongest earth fire, the thunder fire, and the sky thunder can move the earth fire and melt it into blood essence, Qin Chuan fell into deep thought.

Talisman arrow!

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly discovered a mystery, but he didn't know if it would work.

If he succeeds and refines the fire seed of the Nine Nether Earth, then he can ascend to the sky in one step,

The matter of picking up the stars will be resolved, and maybe I will also be qualified to know about my mother...

Qin Chuan found a quiet place and began to seal seals and arrows.

Carve the talisman array on the arrow branch.

Thunderbolt Talisman!

This is a first-level talisman. It can be said that it does not have much lethality. It seems that it is not used in battle at all. It belongs to one of the five elements.

Qin Chuan had a lot of materials for carving talismans in Xumi Mustard Seeds. After a little while, Qin Chuan carved a talisman for falling thunder, and added a drop of his own blood essence to the materials.

Bow and take arrows!

After Qin Chuan carved the seal, he wanted to try this effect. If it didn't work, he was thinking of other ways.


The golden halo on the talisman arrow is also red, blue, flickering, mysterious and powerful.

Golden pupil, locked!


The arrow branch crossed a beautiful streamline and shot towards the fire seed of Jiuyou Earth.


There was a slight sound, and the arrow branch disappeared.

Qin Chuan was surprised, and felt a burst of disappointment in his heart. It was like throwing a stone into the sea without even a ripple, let alone a wave.

But at this moment, a little red and a little blue appeared in the flames.


A trace of lightning burst out.


Qin Chuan was shocked, whether a single spark can start a prairie fire, or a thunder from heaven and earth.

That trace of lightning actually caused such a big effect.

Then Qin Chuan looked at it with the golden pupil again, and found that the fire was a little weaker, which made his eyes shine.

can do.

Opportunities are for those who are prepared.

The first priority is to have a treasure map, find the location, and enter here with a gambler's heart, just want to refine the fire, and you must know that most people will leave immediately when they see the fire.

The other is to know thunder, all three conditions are indispensable, and there is only one chance to come here.

Qin Chuan found that he was too correct during the two or three months at Tantai's house, otherwise he wouldn't have learned talismans...

Next, Qin Chuan began to carve talismans and seals, adding essence and blood.

a day or two...

This time, in order to refine the fire, Qin Chuan directly carved all the materials into the thunderbolt talisman seal.


Qin Chuan's arrows shot out continuously.

Crackling, bang bang...

Arrows shot out one after another.

The aura emitted by the fire seed of Jiuyou earth is getting weaker and weaker. The sky thunder can hook the fire, but the sky thunder can't weaken the fire, but the fire will be consumed every time it explodes, and it will gradually weaken if it is consumed. Only the sky thunder can hook the fire. The ground fire can make the fire of Jiuyou earth explode and consume, weakening it.

The fire seed of Jiuyou earth is an unowned thing, pure, blood essence is the best thing to possess, and the blood essence of the thunderbolt talisman is to establish a connection with the fire seed and prepare for the next most critical step.

Fire into the body!

This step is extremely dangerous, and one mistake will directly turn into ashes.

Refining fire can almost be said to be as difficult as climbing the sky.

This also shows the power and preciousness of fire.

I don't know how long it took, but Qin Chuan's arrow branches were almost used up. At this moment, Qin Chuan's body showed a great domineering aura, which was like a nine-day king.


The fire from Jiuyou Earth flew directly towards Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan's heart trembled, but when he felt the strong breath above, he was relieved. The essence and blood had an effect. If there was no breath of his own, or the breath was too weak, he might be incinerated by the fire.

He closes his eyes.

The fire from Jiuyou Earth directly entered Qin Chuan's body.


Qin Chuan felt like he was in a sea of ​​flames, and his consciousness was blurred.

The clear stream of Haoran's domineering body was added instantly, entangled the fire of the Nine Nether Earth that had entered Qin Chuan's body...

It worked!

Qin Chuan's mind was completely dark, and he passed out immediately, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

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