Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1603: Talking can make people angry to death

There were quite a few people, all gathered in a large hall.

This hall is very big, big enough for five factions, each with nearly a hundred people.

There were almost five hundred people in the hall.

After all, everyone is familiar, so young people gather with young people, older people with older people.

While eating, drinking, and talking, the atmosphere was quite good.

"Why didn't Jingyuan come?"

The person who asked the question was a young man from the Fire Saint Palace.

"He was defeated by this one, so of course he doesn't need to come." Gangwu said and pointed at Qin Chuan.

"Oh, I never realized it, but there is a new guy here, what should I call him?" The young man said to Qin Chuan, his tone was condescending, as if he was superior to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan seemed to have not heard anything, eating the food slowly and pouring himself a glass of wine.

The young man who spoke before was actually ignoring Qin Chuan, but Qin Chuan just ignored him. Everyone knew very well, and everyone knew the young man's purpose. The Fire Holy Palace and the Golden Holy Palace were not compatible.

In the five elements, fire overcomes metal, and the Fire Saint Palace is always suppressing the Metal Saint Palace. However, the Fire Saint Palace is a little arrogant in its behavior, which is reflected in the actions of the young man before.

This time, the young man also wanted to humiliate Qin Chuan and show off himself.

This is a little trick he always likes to use.

But Qin Chuan ignored him directly, which made the young man feel a little helpless and looked at Qin Chuan awkwardly.

This time, the people from the Fire Saint Palace quit. Another young man looked at Qin Chuan and then spoke: "I don't like this new guy from the Golden Saint Palace. He is not polite."

At this time, Zhou Kang, who was sitting next to Qin Chuan, smiled and touched Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan raised his head: "What's wrong?"

Everyone in the Fire Saint Palace wants to strangle Qin Chuan to death now.

"Friends from the Fire Saint Palace will say hello to you again." Zhou Kang said with a smile.

"Oh, hello, hello, I didn't pay attention just now, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Qin Chuan said quickly and enthusiastically.

This confused many people.

"You're new here, you're not polite, I don't like it very much." The man said again.

Qin Chuan looked at him blankly, then looked at Zhou Kang: "Who is he? Does he like men? I don't like men, and I don't want to be liked by him. It's so disgusting. Who are these people? They are morally corrupt!"


Tian Qingge smiled directly and looked at Qin Chuan. His warm eyes could melt people, and Qin Chuan happened to meet these eyes.

Qin Chuan was shocked. Her eyes were really as soft as water, which made Qin Chuan reluctant to look away.

Eyes are the windows to the soul. The communication between two people is actually the collision between eyes. Without eyes, it seems that there is no soul.

A trace of mist rose up in Tian Qingge's beautiful eyes, and she looked at Qin Chuan, slightly dazed, with complex eyes that seemed to entangle Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan felt it and was slightly shocked in his heart.

But at this time, the man opposite slapped his hand on the table.


The voice was very loud, and Qin Chuan slowly turned his head and looked at the blushing young man.

The young man felt that he had been greatly insulted and stared at Qin Chuan: "You went too far. I ask you to apologize."

"I'm sorry for sharing your privacy. Don't worry, I won't tell others." Qin Chuan said seriously.

Very sincere!

Seeing Qin Chuan's sincere expression, the young man felt like vomiting blood and looked at Qin Chuan angrily: "I want to challenge you!"

"I don't want to fight you. I'm afraid that some bad news will spread and affect my reputation. Please be considerate. I don't look down on you. Really, although I don't like homosexuality, I still respect it. Qin Chuan said sincerely and firmly.

Tian Qingge burst into tears while laughing.

Many people around him were like this, but there were also angry ones, such as the Fire Saint Palace.

The young man from the Fire Saint Palace was now red in the face, his breath was disordered, his body was trembling, his hands were clenched, and he was staring at Qin Chuan.

"What's wrong?" At this time, a middle-aged man came over.

The young man from the Fire Saint Palace banging the table had alarmed the people around him, and someone told the elders.

"He, he, he deceives people too much!" The young man from the Fire Saint Palace spat out these words.

When the elder heard what happened, he asked everyone to calm down and stop arguing over such trivial matters. When he finally left, he looked at Qin Chuan and said with a smile: "Young people are very talkative!"

Qin Chuan seemed not to hear.

The young man did not dare to provoke Qin Chuan anymore. He could not use his hands, only his mouth. He felt that he could be angered to death by Qin Chuan.

"You are so talkative!" Tian Qingge laughed.

At this time, a young man from the Fire Saint Palace sneered and said, "Yes, he is a good talker, and women like those who are good at talking."

"It seems that this person is very experienced." Qin Chuan said lightly.

"We are all men. If you have the ability, don't think like a woman who only talks like a shrew and is complacent." The cold and arrogant young man said with disdain.

"If you keep talking, you can still say something back." Qin Chuan also said disdainfully.

This sentence is cruel enough. If you use your words, you can still say something back. If you use your hands, you will probably only get beaten.

"Come on, don't talk nonsense, let's go out and fight now." The young man who was half-dead with Qin Chuan couldn't help but speak again.

"Sorry, I don't want to fight you. I'm not discriminating against you. I just don't want my reputation to be affected." Qin Chuan said politely.

Everyone could see that Qin Chuan was deliberately irritating, but the other party couldn't help but be angry.

"You go too far, you go too far. I'm going to kill you..." The young man went crazy.

But luckily, I was caught.

Qin Chuan was very indifferent, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Tian Qingge smiled and said: "You are so awesome. I think he will be shadowed all his life, but he deserves it. This kind of person always wants to step on others."

"I have no interests, I just tell the truth." Qin Chuan said seriously.

Tian Qingge smiled like a flower: "You are so kind!"

Qin Chuan chuckled.

The day passed like this.

The next day, the martial arts exchange in the Five Elements Holy Palace began.

One person from each of the five families will serve as a judge, and a handsome young man from Shuisheng Palace will be the referee and host today.

Those who can host such a martial arts exchange conference are all geniuses, and their appearance is also first-class. This represents the appearance of a powerful sect.

"My name is Shui Long. I am very happy to stand here and welcome you all. Speaking of which, we are all from the Holy Palace, so we are like a family. Okay, I won't talk about other gossip. It's still the same old rules. , swords and swords compete in martial arts competitions, and casualties are sometimes unavoidable, but intentional maiming and death are not allowed. Our martial arts exchanges are very loose, and there is no winner or loser for that sect. This is to provide a platform for everyone to negotiate and compete freely..."

This is a platform to fight freely. Just like the water dragon said, everyone can go up on the stage to challenge anyone, or you can go up on the stage and wait for others to challenge you, or you can go up and specify who you challenge, call his name, and ask for a fight.

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