Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1613: Suzaku Mark

Qin Chuan's cooking skills shocked Xuanyuan Xuan so much that he didn't say a word.

I can only prove it with my actions. I stopped drinking and just kept eating. After a long time, I finally breathed out: "It feels good, it's delicious, it's really delicious!"

Qin Chuan smiled and said nothing.

But Xuanyuan Xuan looked at Qin Chuan with a smile: "What's going on between you and Fairy Yuluo?"

Qin Chuan was stunned: "What happened?"

"Didn't you play together for a long time a few days ago? Didn't you develop some good feelings?" Xuanyuan Xuan asked.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "We are just a normal ensemble."

"Fairy Yuluo, her beauty is unparalleled in the world. Unfortunately, she is too cold and too strong. She also disdains men. You are the first man she has taken the initiative to contact." Xuanyuan Xuan said with a smile.

"Fourth brother, is it okay for a big man like you to be such a gossip? Do you think it's possible for us?" the proximate said angrily.

"That's right, even if there is a show, we can't be so fast." Xuanyuan Xuan said seriously.

"Brother, let's discuss something." Xuanyuan rolled his eyes.

"Apart from not being able to come to my place to eat, everything else is fine." Qin Chuan said.

"Uh, that's okay..." Xuanyuan Xuan said speechlessly.

Qin Chuan smiled, and the two of them got up and walked outside.

"It will probably take a while before we go to the Immortal Realm," Qin Chuan said.

"Don't worry, we are still young." Xuanyuan Xuan said with a smile.

The wind was very strong today, causing their clothes to flutter and their hair to fly.

Busy Holy Palace disciples kept passing by around them.

"Qin Chuan, if someone is looking for you, I'll stay out of the way." Xuanyuan Xuan pointed forward with a smile, turned around and left.

Qin Chuan looked up and saw Fairy Yuluo.

I haven't seen him since I left last time. He is still wearing that gray dress, spotless.

At this time she looked at Qin Chuan,

Wherever he stood, he seemed to be waiting for Qin Chuan, but he was far away, so he didn't know if he was waiting for Qin Chuan, but he was indeed looking at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan walked over: "Wait for me?"

"Yeah!" Fairy Yuluo said softly.

"Is something wrong?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Are you busy today?" Fairy Yuluo asked.

"I'm not busy. I'm very free. I have time all the time." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"I found a mysterious musical score. It's hard to learn. Please help me read it!" said the Fallen Fairy.

Qin Chuan nodded: "Okay!"

The two of them arrived at Yuluo boy's courtyard.

This is Qin Chuan's first visit to Fairy Yuluo's courtyard.

The small courtyards are all the same, very simple, and they look no different from other small courtyards. The difference is that this place is a little too clean, and it feels a bit deserted.

Walking into her living room, you can feel that it is spotless, cold and clean.

A touch of coolness.

Fairy Yuluo invited Qin Chuan to sit down.

She took out a piece of music score and handed it to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan took it.

Seal of Suzaku!

Well, the music music Qin Chuan learned before was mainly about Phoenix combat skills.

Suzaku, in fact, in Qin Chuan's understanding, Suzaku is Phoenix, but now it seems that Suzaku and Phoenix may be different.

Suzaku, also known as "Red Bird", looks like a phoenix and is the god of the south in ancient mythology. Because of its bird-like shape, it is located in the south and has the attribute of fire, so it often appears in the shape of a phoenix.

But in fact, the Suzaku and the Phoenix are two different creatures. The Phoenix is ​​the king of birds, while the Suzaku is the spiritual beast of the sky. It is rarer, more noble and more destructive than the Phoenix.

According to historical records, the red bird can also be said to be a phoenix or black bird. Suzaku is one of the Four Spirits, Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. These are the four spiritual beasts.

Suzaku is also said to be the phoenix bird, reborn from the fire and reborn in Nirvana.

According to records in ancient books, the phoenix is ​​a beautiful bird, and with its singing and appearance, it is the king of birds. It can bring auspiciousness to the world, and it also has the following characteristics: "If it is not a parasol tree, it will not live there, and if it is not a bamboo tree, it will not eat it." The special spirituality of "don't drink from the spring without wine".

Qin Chuan looked at the Vermilion Bird Seal and looked at it with the Golden Eyes. It seemed that it was not as difficult as imagined. With her talent and qualifications, she shouldn't be unable to learn it, but why did she ask for help?

Qin Chuan was puzzled and read it carefully again to make sure that he could understand it and try it.

"I'll give it a try." Qin Chuan put down the music score and said.

The music scores played by Qin Chuan and the woman all belong to combat skills.

Fairy Yuluo nodded.

Qin Chuan began to try slowly. As Qin Chuan's fingers brushed, a pleasant sound sounded, like a spring flowing, but in an instant, a high-pitched and cool sound rose into the sky.

It's not sharp, but it's cool and sharp. It sounds great and doesn't feel harsh. It just invigorates people and makes them feel full of endless energy.

With another move, a red bird shadow appeared on the guqin, getting clearer and bigger, but this was a room and Qin Chuan didn't let it grow bigger, but the figure of Shen Yun became clearer and clearer, as if it were real. .

Although it is only one meter in size, it exudes supreme power and is a born king. It spreads its wings and is surrounded by light. It has a compelling aura and exudes a violent aura.

Qin Chuan controlled the "Suzaku" to swim and fly. This movement surprised Qin Chuan. He played according to the music score and could actually control it with his consciousness.

Then the same Suzaku appeared on Qinchuan Guqin again, and two Suzakus flew back and forth.

Qin Chuan can control three, but only three can coexist.

But Fairy Yuluo was shocked, because she knew that it was Qin Chuan's first time coming into contact with the Vermillion Bird Seal, but he could get started immediately.

And you can control three more.

She practiced for a week, but she was still at the same level as Qin Chuan's current level.

Qin Chuan stopped.

Fairy Yuluo and Qin Chuan exchanged their experiences. She didn't say that she didn't know how to do it. Instead, they each talked about their own opinions, which made both of them make great progress. Many paradoxes became clear at once.

The two of them passed by without realizing it.

The two stopped when the sky darkened outside.

But there is a very strange feeling. Because of playing the piano, the two of them seem to have become much closer, and they seem to be familiar with each other.

This familiarity is strange, like an old friend, but not like it.

"It's getting late, I'm leaving!" Qin Chuan looked at the sky and said.

"Stay and finish your meal before leaving!" Fairy Yuluo said.

"Okay!" Qin Chuan thought for a while and said.

"You do it!" Fairy Yuluo said.

Qin Chuan smiled and looked at her.

Fairy Yuluo seemed a little embarrassed and lowered her head slightly: "I want to eat!"

"Okay, I'll do it." Qin Chuan walked into the kitchen with a smile.

Fairy Yuluo watched Qin Chuan walk into the kitchen. In fact, she was also very complicated inside because she had never asked a man like this.

But she didn't know why she did this to him.

It wasn't until the aroma of the food wafted out that she came back to her senses, walked in, saw Qin Chuan preparing several dishes and said softly: "You don't have to cook so much, you can't eat so much."


Qin Chuan cooked four dishes this time, but the quantity was not bad, and he also made a soup.

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