Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,615 The Incomparably Spectacular Holy River

Tempering this ability is very special, very powerful, and very heaven-defying, but it also requires materials, and it depends on the materials.

Qin Chuan decided to give it a try, tempering his own Forged God Sword and Hammer, as well as the Vajra God of War Armor, and reforging his boots.

Qin Chuan forged boots first.

Liufeng Shen boots!

There are plenty of materials, and there are too many collected over the years. It can be said that they are all top-quality materials, and the bad ones take up space.

The divine forging method, coupled with the eight-level forging hammer, makes the forging almost smooth and smooth, without any obstacles.

This feeling is really good and refreshing.


As a pleasant sound sounded, the Liufeng Divine Boots were completed. They were a pair of pale golden boots that matched well with the Forged Divine Sword and Hammer and the Vajra War God's Armor.

Qin Chuan looked at this pair of Liufeng Shen boots in surprise. They were ten times better than the ones forged before.

This is the effect of the God-Forging Way that reaches the realm of perfection.

Qin Chuan was very satisfied. Even at the level of a fairyland warrior at this stage, these boots were at the level of small artifacts.

With these boots, you can increase your speed a lot, which can increase your combat power a lot in combat.

Carved talisman and seal!

Wandering Dragon Talisman Seal!

Good thing. Qin Chuan is very satisfied with it. The more he looks at it, the more satisfied he becomes.

Well, tempering!

Qin Chuan experimented with this pair of Liufeng Shen boots, and then started tempering them with the same materials.

Well, as the tempering was performed, this small piece of metal melted into the Liufeng Divine Boots, emitting a faint halo.

Don't see the difference!

Qin Chuan looked at it with his golden eyes. There was still a little bit, or a slight change, a real slight change. The flexibility and quality seemed to have improved so slightly that it was almost negligible.

After thinking about it, Qin Chuan took out a piece of special high-grade material.

This material cannot be forged, so I want to try it to see if it has any effect.



Qin Chuan looked again, well, his eyes lit up this time. Although it still increased a little, the increase this time was obvious, and the effect could increase by one to two percent.

Then Qin Chuan continued to temper.

When it reaches ten percent, no more can be added.

Qin Chuan also seems to understand that the current tempering is estimated to have a bonus of 10%, which is 10% of the effect.

It seems that there will be opportunities to improve this tempering ability in the future, so that when the state is high, it can be doubled or even several times...

Qin Chuan tempered both the Forged God Sword Hammer and the Vajra God of War Armor, and they both increased by ten percent.

Don't underestimate 10%, it is still very effective. After all, it is not easy to forge the sword and hammer of the God of War and the armor of the God of War.

Time always slips away.

A month has passed.

Qin Chuan thought of the bottle of elixir that Fairy Yuluo gave him when she left, saying that if he used it in a month, he could directly reach the peak of Half-Step Fairyland.

Qin Chuan was still looking forward to this.

After all, in that case, Qin Chuan can try to break through the fairyland.

There is only one pill in the porcelain bottle.

The snow is as white as jade and crystal clear. As soon as you open it, you can feel the refreshing air coming to your face.

Without any hesitation, Qin Chuan swallowed it directly.

Suddenly a powerful energy rose up, instantly filling Qin Chuan's limbs and bones.

Very gentle, just so ordinary, Qin Chuan reached the peak of Half-Step Wonderland.

In principle, Qin Chuan can now try to break through the fairyland. As long as he survives the calamity of life and death, he will be a strong man in the fairyland.

But Qin Chuan didn't do it right away. He felt that his mentality needed to be adjusted.

Maybe the breakthroughs during this period were too fast, or maybe I was pursuing breakthroughs too much.

Qin Chuan decided not to think about anything, no longer thinking about strength, and was going to relax.

Well, you can go and see the so-called holy river.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up and he stood up to find Xuanyuan Xuan.

"What, you want to see the Holy River?" Xuanyuan Xuan asked in surprise.

Qin Chuan nodded.

Xuanyuan Xuan thought for a while and said, "Okay, do you want to go now?"

Qin Chuan nodded.

"Then let's go!" Xuanyuan Xuan smiled.

The two people left and used a teleportation array.

Appeared in an imperial city. There was no one in this city, it was desolate, cold, and the wind was roaring.

There was no one in sight as far as the eye could see.

Qin Chuan was stunned: "Where is this place?"

"This is the deserted city. This is the closest place to the Holy River. Only here is the teleportation array. So if you want to go to the Holy River, you usually go here first, and then go to the Holy River from here." Xuanyuan Xuan said.

"Why is there no one here? Although the conditions are a little worse, it's not like there's no one here!" Qin Chuan asked doubtfully.

"Because it is very dangerous here. It is said that some evil creatures appear from time to time." Xuanyuan Xuan said.

The two people rushed directly towards the holy river.

Three days later!

Qin Chuan saw the so-called holy river, which could almost be said to be the Tianhe. From a distance, the river reached up to the sky and down to the ground, running from east to west, as if it were a water curtain. The water flow was surging and the momentum was unimaginable. .

Is this the Holy River or the Tianhe River?

Could it be that the so-called Immortal Realm and Holy Realm are just carrying a barrier of the Milky Way?

That's wrong, because why can't you come back after you've passed?

It seems that there is a lot of mystery here, and what danger is there in this holy river?

Golden Eyes!

Qin Chuan looked at the rolling holy river.

Torrent, undercurrent!

Well, there is a huge boulder passing through the water. This boulder is as big as a small mountain, but its speed is indescribable. If it is hit, the consequences are unimaginable. Qin Chuan's physical body is very powerful, and it feels a bit scary. No wonder Crossing the holy river is dangerous.

Well, monster, what is this? Water dragon?

A green giant python-like monster, more than a kilometer long, ferocious and ferocious, like a python and a water dragon, extremely fierce.

The speed of the gravel shuttle is too fast, so its power is more powerful than hidden weapons.

Qin Chuan took a look and saw that there were so many dangers and they were so dense. It was not easy to cross the holy river.

Qin Chuan thought of Tian Qingge's father. He had crossed the holy river. It seemed that his strength was really good.

Xuanyuan Xuan looked at Qin Chuan's serious look and did not disturb him.

After a while, Qin Chuan came back to his senses.

"How's it going, brother?" Xuanyuan Xuan said with a smile.

Qin Chuan smiled: "It's not bad, there are quite a lot of dangers."

At this moment, a group of people appeared not far away.


Qin Chuan was stunned when he saw it. Could it be that these people came to cross the holy river?

Xuanyuan Xuan's face turned ugly after seeing these people.

"What's wrong?" Qin Chuan asked.

"You're in trouble, brother, run away as soon as you get the chance." Xuanyuan Xuan said in a very tangled voice.

At this time, these people came not far from Qinchuan and Xuanyuan Xuan.

The leader was a young man.

"Xuanyuan Xuan, I caught you. How confident are you of escaping today?" the young man said with a smile.

There are about ten people on the other side, only the leader is young, the others are semi-old and old.

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