Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 156 9 The power of the secluded earth fire

Qin Chuan had already entered the old man's formation at this time.

This place is like a purgatory on earth, there are flames everywhere, and there will be flame explosions from time to time.

Qin Chuan didn't feel anything standing here. He had refined the fire seed of the Nine Nether Earth. This little flame was really nothing. He looked around, and it was just a maze.

Golden pupil!

Qin Chuan's attainments in formations are definitely much stronger than this old man's. It can be said that it is a dream to trap him with formations.

Crossing the world step!

Qin Chuan's figure kept shuttling back and forth, as if he was walking through the nine palaces and gossip, jumping a dozen times in a row, and then directly out of the formation.

Suddenly appeared in front of the old man.

The little old man was shocked, because it was too fast, Qin Chuan was still circling in place before, but he appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye, but the old man didn't panic, he moved casually, and punched Qin Chuan.

Formation step, flame fist!

Dragon Tiger Golden Cauldron Fist!

Qin Chuan's aura suddenly exploded, and he punched out, with the faint sound of dragons singing and tigers roaring.

The old man was shocked. He had underestimated Qin Chuan before, and the blow seemed a bit too strong, but it was too late to stop at this time, so he gritted his teeth and hit with all his strength.

There was a cruel smile on the corner of Qin Chuan's mouth, and his eyes moved!

God Pupil Xianwei!

All of a sudden, the strength of the old man was weakened by 10%.

Not to mention, Qin Chuan wants to let this old man die. This vicious old man beat Yuan Su like this. Qin Chuan feels very uncomfortable. In his heart, this is his woman. Who dares to touch her? court death.

Nine Nether Earth Fire Seeds!

At the moment when the fists of the two sides came into contact, Qin Chuan directly stimulated the fire of Jiuyou Earth.

A cluster of flames flashed on the fist.


Qin Chuan's punch directly followed the other's fist, piercing through without obstruction, like stabbing tofu with a knife.

Silently, without any sound, the old man's arm was burned and disappeared, and his heart was directly penetrated, and he died on the spot.

The body of the old man is slowly disappearing. If you get a little bit of fire from the Nine Nether Earth, it will make you disappear slowly, unless you get rid of it.

Powerful, Qin Chuan used the Nine Nether Earth Fire Seed for the first time. Although he knew that it was very powerful and the power did not exceed his expectations, he was still shocked.

However, the Nine Nether Earth Fire Seed is not omnipotent, because it cannot leave the body, so if the limbs cannot touch the opponent's body, it will have no effect.

However, Qin Chuan's speed is terrifying, and besides, the chance of touching the opponent's body is still very high, which can be used as a trump card.

The old man disappeared, Qin Chuan broke the old man's formation and walked towards Yuan Su.

Cut off the iron chain and carried Yuan Su down. There were scars all over her body, some were burned by fire, and some were injured by sharp objects.

Qin Chuan's heart ached, Yuan Su blushed and grabbed his clothes to prevent Qin Chuan from checking his injuries.

In the end, Qin Chuan didn't hold back Yuan Su. She washed herself, applied medicine, and changed her clothes. Although she was still weak, she was fine.

"Let me revive you!" Qin Chuan said looking at Yuan Su's pale face.

This time Yuan Su did not refuse.

Qin Chuan held her hand and kneaded it slowly. His technique was very simple, but after a while Yuan Su was a little twitchy. She felt a numbness from her hand slowly spreading all over her body.

A little hot, numb, like an electric current, and a kind of panic...

Qin Chuan was very serious about helping her blood circulation, and suddenly heard a slight gasp before looking at Yuan Su. At this time, the woman's face was blushing, and the mist was misty...

"Sister Su, are you okay..." Qin Chuan stopped.

"No, it's okay, it's a little hot, that's it, I feel better." Yuan Su withdrew his hand.

"Who is that old man?" Qin Chuan asked softly at this time.

"Do you know the Poison Gate?" Yuan Su looked at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan shook his head.

"He is a member of the Yan Kingdom's poisonous sect. Pei Jigao hired a master of formation to deal with me." Yuan Su said softly.

"Sister Su, it's all my fault for going out." Qin Chuan looked at her distressedly.

Seeing Qin Chuan's eyes, Yuan Su felt warm in his heart, and shook his head: "A good man has ambitions everywhere, do you still want to be by my side all the time?"

"Do you remember what I said, if I can't even protect the woman I love, then I'd rather become a demon, if you have any accident, do you know how many blows it will deal to me, even if it's me Exterminating it will not relieve the pain in my heart." Qin Chuan looked at Yuan Su.

Yuan Su's body trembled slightly, was she his beloved woman? Everyone desires to be cared for and loved, especially those who are weak and lonely. If another man suddenly cared about her, she would kill him, but Qin Chuan is different. After getting along for so long, so many things happened...

He is her sustenance, and even she herself doesn't know where Qin Chuan is in her heart.

"But is what I did wrong this time? If he knows that I have deceived him and used him, will he hate himself?" Yuan Su was a little confused and hesitant.

"Sister Su, Pei Ji's days are numbered." Qin Chuan said softly.

"Don't underestimate him, he is also a genius of the sky, and he is related to the great strength of Yan Kingdom, you have to be careful, and, did you kill his two sons?" Yuan Su looked at Qin Chuan.

"Yes, but they are courting their own death," Qin Chuan said.

"Anyway, whether you killed him or not, Pei Ji has already been blamed on you, so you have to be careful."

"Well, Sister Su, I'll rearrange your formation here again, and you should have a good rest."


Qin Chuan swallowed a carp leaping dragon pill.

To deal with Pei Ji, once the Nine Nether Earth Fire Seed can't be effective in one blow, it's hard to say that he can survive with his current strength.


Qin Chuanren must reach the Transcendent Realm. Only when he reaches the Transcendent Realm can he crush the Pei family. For a while, forbear.


Qin Chuan swallowed a carp leaping dragon pill.

Break through!

Martial Dao Grandmaster Nine Realms!

A carp leaping dragon pill has reached the ninth level of the great master of martial arts.

Qin Chuan doesn't know how long it will take to reach the Transcendent Realm. Nine Dragons Divine Power is progressing slowly. If he reaches the Three Dragons Realm, he should be able to reach the Transcendent Realm.

But for normal practice, it is estimated that it will take two years, unless you find something that contains dragon power and dragon energy.

There is a big gap between the Ninth Layer Realm and the Transcendent Realm of the Martial Dao Grandmaster. It is normal not to break through in a lifetime. Breaking through in thirty or fifty years can make some people go crazy with surprises.

Of course, some geniuses have breakthroughs in three to five years, and there are many breakthroughs in one or two years, but Qin Chuan can't wait now, the fastest thing is to find something that contains dragon energy, just like the dragon-headed crutch last time.

Suddenly Qin Chuan's eyes lit up.

Longxi Mountain!

Where there are dragon veins, there is dragon energy in the dragon veins.

It also happened to go to see Zhaixing. If he broke through, he would take Zhaixing directly to Pei's house.

"Qin Chuan!"

As soon as Qin Chuan walked out of the formation building, he heard someone calling him.

Looking back, he saw a refined man with two strands of white hair at the temples and an extraordinary bearing. Qin Chuan's pupils were locked tightly, because this man was Pei Ji.

"I've seen the suzerain!" Qin Chuan bent down and said flatly.

"Don't be so rude, go over there, I have something to tell you." Pei Ji was very gentle, smiling all over his face, it was hard to think that this guy was a sinister and cunning person.

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