Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,652 Snowman’s magical skill, Ice Explosion

Xuanyuan Xuan and the others also looked at Qin Chuan.

"I don't have to, this bit of coldness has no effect on me. Well, I have a special physique, a pure Yang body, a true man's body, and I'm not afraid of the cold..." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Canglan looked at Qin Chuan, rolled his eyes, and shook his head: "Okay, I've never seen anything that can stump him, so don't worry about him."

Everyone else likes this dress made of snow jade mink fur. The main thing is to keep it warm, but it also looks good.

Qin Chuan was still wearing a thin snow-white single clothes, and he looked more and more elegant in this cold world.

"Are you cold?" Yu Luo gently held Qin Chuan's hand and asked.

"Look, my hands are warm. Not to mention my cold constitution, it won't matter even if it's ten times colder." Qin Chuan smiled and raised her hand.

In fact, Yu Luoqing felt it naturally and asked just because he was a little worried.

Now when I hear Qin Chuan say this, I know that he is really fine.

Looking at Qin Chuan with a smile, the smile on her face was always faint, which made Qin Chuan feel that she was really tender now.

The relationship between Canglan and Princess Mingyue didn't develop too fast. They were still friends, so Xuanyuan Xuan was very good among them and would not make the two of them look so embarrassed.

But Xuanyuan Xuan also knew that he had to find another partner, otherwise when Canglan and Mingyue Palace Master were also inseparable, he would be left alone. Wouldn't that be very lonely?

Qin Chuan and his party continue to move forward!

I have to say that Qin Chuan's forging ability is really unparalleled, and the snow jade mink skin is really powerful. Now they don't feel any discomfort at all, and they are even warm and indescribably comfortable.

In terms of value, this dress is extremely expensive.

Not to mention that the material itself is very good, but only about the clothes. Many places are inaccessible because of the cold, but if you can go in with this clothes, you may be able to find priceless treasures.

"Look, the Ice Palace!"

Xuanyuan Xuan pointed to the hazy shadow of the Ice Palace in the distance.

Qin Chuan looked up, and the golden eyes made him see very clearly. It was indeed an ice palace, but a group of ice crystal palaces. Although it could be seen, it would take at least three days to get there.

It can be seen that the distance is not close.

"Let's go take a look, but everyone should be careful." Qin Chuan said.

I released a few treasure beasts and rushed to where they were, as well as the baby dragon. The main purpose was to explore whether there was any danger. If there was any danger, I could know in advance so that I could make early plans.

You can see various little beasts running by from time to time on the road. The little beasts here are not very cultivated, but their fur is very special. They are special beings nurtured by the soil and water.

In this kind of climate, such a weak little beast can live very comfortably.

Three days passed before I knew it.

Now you can see the Ice Palace very clearly.

These ice palaces are as tall as crystal, unparalleled in beauty and majestic.

There are hundreds of them in a row, which makes Qin Chuan feel that there may have been a group of strange beings living here.

But now it's all empty.

The construction of these ice palaces is very special. Looking at it now, Qin Chuan can only sigh that the people who built the ice palace are powerful. This is a huge piece of ice that is more than a thousand years old and then carved...

Is there any treasure here?

Qin Chuan was curious and prepared to take a look, but soon felt something was wrong. The treasure beasts were all here and he didn't get any special information.

Is there no treasure?

But Qin Chuan soon understood that the treasure beast had only arrived here not long ago, and the treasure was not so easy to find. Even the treasure beast was not necessarily so easy to find.

The palace is like ice crystal. You can't see anything from the outside. It is not transparent.

The ice palaces here are all open, with many floors above and below. There are actually traces of people living inside, but they must be very old.

The Immortal Battlefield, this is a relic, the opponent who once fought fiercely, this is a real place, but currently Qin Chuan knows that it can only be transmitted here from a specific entrance.

Since there are people living in the place, there must be some leftovers.

Who rules the ice palace?

Qin Chuan was very curious, and then searched, little by little, even if he found some classics, he could find out who lived here.

Not to mention, the treasure was not found, but the book was actually found. Qin Chuan, who had nothing to do anyway, picked it up and read it.

I was really attracted by this look.

The story here is about a long, long time ago. Qin Chuan doesn't know the specific time, but he can only be sure that it was a long time ago.

The people living here are the Yeti clan.

Qin Chuan has heard the legend of the snowman. The snowman family is tall and naturally good at ice and snow abilities. It is a natural demonstration of the snowman's tall stature. In ancient times, the snowman family was also a powerful existence against evil forces.

There are many things about the Yeti clan recorded in the classics, but later the Frost Dragon clan appeared and they had to leave here.

The following things were not explained, but many things were mentioned. The battlefield of immortals was once, perhaps in ancient times, or after ancient times. There were evil forces in it, fighting against evil forces. It can be seen that there is terrifying evil in this world. Forces exist, as well as the Frost Dragon clan...

These made Qin Chuan a little yearning, but also a little worried.

Because it is said that the Nine Heavens Xuannv Temple fights against one of the main forces of evil forces, and even the leader of the evil forces, the Nine Heavens Demonic Dragon Palace, the Nine-Headed Demonic Dragon, the Twelve-Winged Demonic Dragon...

There seems to be more than one evil force, so Qin Chuan is very worried about Master Chu Qingzhu and Tantai Huangqing. He needs to become stronger as soon as possible so that he can go to them.

Until the end, a sentence suddenly appeared.

Being able to see this means that you are destined to be a destined person. Since I am destined to be a destined person, let me give you a meeting gift. Go to the Ice Palace in the center, take one step in, take one step to the left, three steps to the right, five steps forward, and one step back. Use one point of force for each step, and add one point of force for each subsequent step...

Qin Chuan walked out of the ice palace, then rose into the air and looked at the ice palace below. The ice palace in the center was not difficult to find.

After finding it, Qin Chuan walked in, one step, then three steps to the right...

Each step adds a little more force, and when the last step falls.


The ice beneath his feet shattered, revealing a small dark grid with a blue book inside.

There were four words written on it, and the ice burst.

Looking through it, Qin Chuan's face was extremely exciting. This is actually the most powerful combat skill of the Yeti clan. Using the power of freezing to freeze the opponent, whether it is successfully frozen or not, it will explode. When the explosion occurs, there is a chance that the opponent will freeze. The opponent is stunned.

It causes huge damage when it explodes. Once frozen, you cannot move...

Qin Chuan is very happy. He likes this ability very much, because this ability is a universal elixir that can be used with his golden dragon vine and baby dragon.

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