Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1696: 5 fairy clouds, happy

Qin Chuan really felt like he was envious of himself...

Yu Luoqing's changes were even more astonishing. Her strength seemed to have improved even more than Qin Chuan's. Qin Chuan couldn't clearly see what her strength was now, but her physique seemed to have made a leap forward. 【Read the latest chapter】

There seems to be a qualitative change.

There are also fairy clouds in her body, but they are not the same kind of fairy clouds as Master Chu Qingzhu and Tantai Huangqing. This fairy cloud has no drawbacks, and there are five fairy clouds appearing in her body.

Immortal energy almost filled the entire body.

Now it would be no exaggeration to say that she was almost a fairy.

She lay shyly in Qin Chuan's arms, not daring to raise her head or speak. It was very quiet after the storm.

Qin Chuan's strength broke through again, and there was no life or death disaster. This shows how strongly this woman resonates with Yang Dao.

In fact, this is not surprising. Some people in the fairyland have no life and death tribulations in the first nine levels, some have life and death tribulations in the fourth, seventh and ninth levels, and some people have life and death tribulations in each of the first nine levels.

Qin Chuan originally had the calamity of life and death in the first nine levels, but due to some unexpected opportunities, he could directly overcome the calamity of life and death. Generally, if he crossed the calamity of life and death, the benefits would be greater than those of the normal calamity of life and death.

So skipping the tribulation of life and death is something to be happy about.

Qinchuan's Yang Dao has reached the realm of harmony between man and nature.

This is a very crucial step. Previously, we broke through to the realm of unity of nature and man. This small state is a crucial step. It means that the realm of unity of nature and man has been truly stabilized. It means that the foundation of the great realm of unity of nature and man has been solid. , this is the most important step.

There is also another fairy energy in the body.

Surrounding the body of Huang Dao Jin Yuan in Dantian makes the little man look even more precious and noble.

The eighth level of fairyland!

Yang Dao!

The other one is the breakthrough of Shenlong Avenue.

This was also discovered by Qin Chuan.

Enter the realm of entering the room.

Qin Chuan had always understood that Yu Luoqing had the inheritance of the Fairy Dragon, so it was logical for him to break through the Divine Dragon Avenue.

The actual combat strength has improved too much this time.

Now there was a hint of brightness outside, and the night passed before I knew it.

It's the wedding night.

Yu Luoqing fell asleep at some point, curled up in Qin Chuan's arms, very quiet. At this moment, Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile, feeling unprecedented satisfaction and tranquility.

This time Qin Chuan did not do morning exercises, but slept with Yu Luo until dawn.

Yu Luo woke up lightly and saw that it was dawn. Her face turned red and she quickly got up.

Otherwise you will be laughed at.

Qin Chuan smiled as he watched her get dressed.

Yu Luo blushed lightly and turned around, turning her back to Qin Chuan to get dressed. Qin Chuan, on the other hand, didn't think so much and generously let her see as much as she could...

Yu Luo gave Qin Chuan a slight glare and walked out of the room.

It's not too late to prepare food. After dinner, according to the custom here today, Mr. Ming will send someone to take them back.

So the group returned to the palace again.

In the next time, Qin Chuan and the others will definitely continue to look around and relax. After all, they are just newlyweds.

Xuanyuan Xuan was left behind again. He could have taken him with him, but he didn't go by himself.

Qin Chuan is not worried about danger when traveling around mountains and rivers. His strength is now much stronger than before. What's more, Yu Luoqing's current strength makes Qin Chuan feel a bit unfathomable.

They visited all the most famous places in the Southern Chu Empire, such as the highest mountain, the longest river, the largest forest...

Playing during the day, the night is naturally very charming, ethereal, and a fairy-like figure, but it can't stop this instinctive pleasure, that kind of amazement, that kind of shock, that kind of blissful impact that only Qin Chuan can feel.

Yu Luoqing was still extremely shy. Qin Chuan knew that it was unprecedented to be able to do this.

She is a cold woman, and it is because of this and that kind of impact that she is huge.

Although she is not that kind of ice beauty, the cold fairy is actually more daunting than that kind of ice beauty.

Of course, if they are melted, the visual, mental and soul impact will be indescribable.

Words cannot describe it.

After the marriage, Qin Chuan would talk to her about personal things. He would make progress every day, his understanding would change subtly, and he would slowly get used to it. Habit is the most terrifying thing.

For example, Yu Luoqing found that Qin Chuan's violent words were gradually getting used to him, and this disciple would use various methods every day to make her say a few words that she had never dared to think of before.

But now it’s two days a day, and it’s been a long time, and it doesn’t feel so awkward.

Before I knew it, a month had passed.

Today, Yu Luoqing looked at Qin Chuan with complicated eyes.

Qin Chuan was stunned: "What's wrong, honey?"

Yu Luo placed his hand lightly on his lower abdomen.

Qin Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Yu Luoqing in surprise.


Qin Chuan didn't expect it to be so fast? After all, normally, it is difficult to get pregnant at this level, and it took a long, long time for Yuan Su and the others to get pregnant.

One month is the fastest, and the fastest for ordinary people is one month.

Qin Chuan happily hugged her waist: "Aren't you happy?"

Yu Luo came back to his senses and looked at Qin Chuan with a smile: "It's just too unexpected."

"Are you happy then?" Qin Chuan asked a little worriedly.

"Happy, I'm very happy." Yu Luo gently hugged Qin Chuan's neck and said in his ear.

Qin Chuan smiled. A woman is happy to be pregnant with her child. These are the most beautiful words.

"Is your husband strong?" Qin Chuan asked.

"What is strong or not?" Yu Luoqing asked puzzledly.

"You're pregnant in one month." Qin Chuan smiled.

"I'm going to die!"

Yu Luo thought about it for almost a month. This guy had to do it every night. He blushed just thinking about it, so he hugged Qin Chuan's neck and didn't let go, fearing that he would make fun of him again.

Although the pregnancy is quick, it will probably take a long time until birth.

"Then do you think my husband is strong?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Qiang, are you satisfied?" Yu Luo chuckled.

This is the ultimate level of Yu Luoqing now. She can say it out loud, but if she continues to be an asshole, she won't cooperate.

Qin Chuan felt full of strength and said with a smile: "I am satisfied. If I can say it every day in the future, I will be even more satisfied."

"Qin Chuan, am I going to be a mother?" Yu Luo said softly.

Qin Chuan knew that she was also a little scared, hopeful and happy, but also a little overwhelmed.

Feeling her emotions, Qin Chuan comforted her: "It's not that fast. It may not be born in ten or eight years. Don't worry, don't delay anything. I guess you will expect the little one to come out by then."

Hearing Qin Chuan's words, Yu Luo sighed with relief. She was really afraid that she would be born soon. Although she was looking forward to it, she was still a little unprepared. It would be better if she had a few years.

"Do you like a boy or a girl?" Yu Luo asked lightly.

"As long as your baby is just a little piglet, I will be happy too."

"You are a pig..." Yu Luoqing glared at him angrily.

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