Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,698 The power of gold, the golden spirit with blood eyes

There was a lot of discussion below, but no one wanted to be the first person anymore, after all, so many people were dead in front of them.

So now we are taking a wait-and-see approach.

The splendid Jincheng, this is truly splendid, a miracle, and its shocking beauty has a huge impact on everyone, but the more beautiful it is, the more dangerous it is, not to mention that most people come here to fish in troubled waters.

I won't do this at all.

And those strong people are naturally unwilling to take risks.

So at this time, some weak people are likely to suffer.

For example, at this time, a weak person suddenly flew up and flew towards Jincheng. This was not of his own free will, but he was kicked out.

"Look, someone rushed over!"

"That was kicked over."

"Who is so wicked?"

"This is how the weak will be bullied. I wonder what the fate of this person will be?"

The man screamed and fell at the gate of Jincheng, but he was not turned into a golden man. The man was stunned and entered the golden city in a flash.

"Li Santong, I will remember this kick of yours." These were the words left by the man when he entered Jincheng.

In fact, not many people in the crowd knew about Li Santong, but many knew that this Li Santong was not from the Nanchu Empire, but from the Li family of the Xiyun Empire.

The Li family is also a big family in the Xiyun Empire, and is considered one of the top big families.

Li Santong is a middle-aged man with a somewhat fierce appearance. When he heard that man's words, his face turned ugly.

He was not worried about that man, so what if he was the first to enter? What he was angry about was his own reputation. After all, doing such a thing was very despising.

Many people around him took the initiative to get out of the way, leaving a no-man's land around Li Santong's house.

"Come on, let's go in too!"

Qin Chuan had golden eyes, so he could feel it. He greeted Cang Lan and his wife, and then appeared at the gate of the city.

At this time, many people woke up from a dream and were very upset. At this time, everyone came to their senses and rushed towards the golden city in a swarm.

At this time, Qin Chuan and Yu Luoqing had already entered.


As soon as they entered, two golden lights fell on Qin Chuan and Yu Luoqing.


This is metal energy!

This is the power of gold, such pure power of gold. Qin Chuan found that he and Yu Luoqing had the same power. At this time, he saw the person who came in before rushing in, and Qin Chuan's golden eyes swept over him.

It is also the power of gold!

The three people got the same thing. In addition to gaining pure gold power, their bodies also became more suitable for practicing gold-based techniques.

Qin Chuan himself is proficient in the five elements, so his current ability in the metal system has improved a lot, and Yu Luoqing naturally does not need it. The metal system focuses on sharpness, sharpness, and indestructible momentum.

She practices the guqin, and her attacks have the burst of flames. Now she has the sharpness and indestructibility of the metal system, which can also greatly increase the destructive power.

No wonder everyone is willing to be the first to enter the miracle. It turns out there is this benefit.

The first three or five will receive the gift of miracles. This is generally a type of power of the five elements, so at the beginning they rush forward desperately. Once successful, they will definitely gain huge benefits in this department. The benefits are equivalent to a physical transformation, turning a cocoon into a butterfly, and achieving a genius body. This is the most important step.

Some miracles are not dangerous, but this time there is danger. Those who rushed forward for the first time turned into golden men.

The power of gold that Qin Chuan obtained is a very pure power of gold in the world. In addition to the normal power of gold, Qin Chuan also has the understanding of turning stones into gold and the application of turning stones into gold. A big progress has been made, which is what surprises Qin Chuan.

Of course, the benefits are still great. For example, the Diamond Dragon Claw and Golden Dragon Vine are tough and sharp.

After Qin Chuan, Yu Luoqing and Canglan couple met up, they walked inside.

This place seems to be a huge and magnificent underground palace.

The air is filled with golden energy.

There is golden light everywhere, which is dazzling to see.

This is an extremely huge golden city. When you are in it, it feels like a separate world.

No one knows what treasures and dangers there are inside.

Many people poured into Jincheng.

There are many passages here, like a maze.

"Which way should we go?" Canglan asked.

There are many roads here, each one is extremely wide, and there will be many more roads as you go forward. So at the beginning, many people entered, but soon you will find that there will be fewer and fewer people around you. .

This will gradually make people feel panicked.

There are only four people on Qin Chuan's side. Qin Chuan is not sure which path is right now, so he looks at Yu Luoqing and says, "Madam, choose one."

"I don't understand." Yu Luo said lightly.

"It's okay, just pick one, I believe you." Qin Chuan said.

"Then this is it." Yu Luo pointed to the leftmost one and said.

"Okay, let's go!" Qin Chuan greeted them.

Many people have entered this road.

But when they walked for two-quarters of an hour, two roads appeared in front of them. They chose the left again, and some chose the right.

This time Qin Chuan once again let Yu Luoqing choose.

Yu Luo nodded lightly and pointed to the left: "Then continue to the left!"

They chose the left path and continued on.

Two quarters of an hour later, three avenues appeared in front of them.

The avenue on the far left!

Four avenues.

Still choose the avenue on the far left.

Going deeper and deeper into the Golden City, when ten avenues appeared in front of him, Yu Luoqing still chose the leftmost avenue.

This time the road seemed very long, and it seemed that it had not reached the end after walking for an hour.

Suddenly Qin Chuan stopped and reached out to stop the others.

Because a figure appeared in front of him.

This passage is magnificent, but in front of it is a pale golden person. I had no idea before. If it weren't for the pair of blood-red eyes, I probably wouldn't have noticed that it was a figure.

The color of the opponent's body is almost the same as that of the surroundings. There is a golden light here, so it is easy to ignore the opponent if you are not paying attention. However, those red eyes hang like two bleeding blood cells. Only then will you realize that the opponent is a figure.

Human figure.

"This is the blood-eyed golden spirit!" Canglan said in surprise.

"What is the Blood-Eyed Golden Spirit?" Qin Chuan asked.

"This is a kind of golden elf in the legend. It can only be bred in the extremely rich gold element. It is a treasure of heaven and earth. However, this kind of blood-eyed elf is a demonized golden elf. It is an evil existence. Unless it can be Purify his bloody eyes, otherwise it will be useless."

Qin Chuan also looked at the blood-eyed golden spirit in front of him curiously. This thing is between plants and animals. The spirit in the gold element can be refined into gold beads. It has many uses and can be regarded as a treasure of heaven and earth.

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