Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,706 The Real Undead Clan

The speed of the City Lord's Mansion is still very fast. [No pop-up novel website]

Although he was stopped, Qin Chuan was not worried at all. There were many people on the other side, dozens, close to hundreds.

To have so many people come over in such a short period of time is still a strong one, which shows the power of the City Lord's Mansion.

The one at the front was an old man who looked a bit like the city lord. He was looking at Qin Chuan and the others with a sullen face.

"Who are you? I hope you can give a satisfactory reason. Remember, I don't have that much time to listen to your explanation, so I have to talk about the key points." The old man said, resisting the urge to take action directly.

Jun Wushuang smiled, looked at the old man on the other side and said lightly: "Get out now, I won't kill you."

"Kill!" The old man was also angry and gave the order directly.

Jun Wushuang shook his head slightly, a divine light flashed across his body, and when he stepped on it, the surrounding earth shook, and Jun Wushuang shot it with one hand.

The roar is like thunder shaking from the sky.

The huge handprints, with a hint of light, were swatted towards the person who was rushing towards them.

They are not on the same level at all. The gap between these people and Jun Wushuang is really too big.

There is no resistance, just like a person slapping a bunch of ants to death.

This is the difference between the strong and the weak.

This blow also let the other side know the gap between the two sides, and the old man who was the first to take the hit was killed directly.

Most of the remaining people were dead, and no one alive was intact. They all looked at Jun Wushuang in horror, as if they were looking at a devil.

You must know that these people are much more powerful than the previous city lords and princes, but they are still vulnerable now.

Now everyone can see that Jun Wushuang's strength far exceeds theirs, but Jun Wushuang frowned slightly.

Qin Chuan asked: "What's wrong?"

"Things don't look that simple. I still underestimated this fairyland." Jun Wushuang smiled bitterly and looked into the distance, in the direction of the city lord's palace.

"You mean where is the real undead clan?" Qin Chuan asked.

Jun Wushuang nodded: "Well,

He is looking here now. "

"What's the opponent's strength?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Very strong, not as good as me." Jun Wushuang smiled bitterly.

Qin Chuan shuddered. Now he was playing too big. He originally thought that Jun Wushuang was from the Divine Realm, and he seemed to know the existence of the Jiutian Xuannv Temple, so he thought he could be unscrupulous in the Immortal Realm, but the result was a bit unexpected. .

"How much difference?" Qin Chuan asked.

Qin Chuan is also worried now. He knows very well that at Jun Wushuang's level, Qin Chuan's current strength will be difficult to resist.

"At least a little bit, I will hold him back in a while and you can run away." Jun Wushuang said seriously.

Qin Chuan was relieved when he heard that he was just a little behind. He felt relieved. The opponent's strength was still acceptable. If he was a little behind, he could easily make up for it, and he could far surpass the opponent.

Cang Lan also breathed a sigh of relief, he knew Qin Chuan's ability.

Time passed little by little.

Soon a figure appeared in the distance.

He looked very handsome, but his face was frighteningly pale, as white as a dead person. He wore simple light-colored clothes and had a special rhythm when he walked.

He seems to be integrated with the earth, giving people a special feeling.

The way of heaven.

In other words, this is authentic.

The undead clan is said to be the darlings of the earth, and they are also called the underground clan.

This also shows that their bodies are adapted to the earth.

The man looked at Jun Wushuang: "Are you also after that thing?"

His voice was stiff and emotionless, making it uncomfortable to stop. It was low, hoarse, and had a sinister feeling.

The eyes look dull but sharp.

Jun Wushuang was stunned: "What?"

"Pretend to be confused. You are not strong enough for that thing from the Sun Mansion. If you leave now, I will let you live." The man looked at Jun Wushuang and said.

Qin Chuan could see a hint of uneasiness deep in the other party's eyes.

This is paralyzing Jun Wushuang, and the opponent is preparing to kill him with one blow.

Today's matter will never be resolved peacefully.

Jun Wushuang also knew it, so he was always on guard. At this time, his body tensed up and he kept winking at Qin Chuan.

But Qin Chuan is now curious about what can actually make a person from the immortal clan do this.

"I don't understand what you are talking about?" Jun Wushuang said lightly.

"Then what are you going to do? I'll let you go now and let you live. Do you want to?" the man said.

Jun Wushuang knew that as long as he turned around and took Qin Chuan away, handing his back to him, he might be beyond redemption.

"No need!" Jun Wushuang said flatly.

He knew that the chance of survival was very slim. Only by dragging the opponent head-on could Qin Chuan and the others find a way to survive.

So Jun Wushuang knew it very well.

"Very good, I've given you the opportunity. Since you don't want it, don't blame me for being rude. Just do it. I'll let you make the first move." The man said.

From the beginning to the end, the man is using his inner tactics to retreat in order to advance.

But Jun Wushuang had no choice. All this was because the other party was superior in terms of strength and took the initiative.

"Brother, go ahead and beat him to death." Qin Chuan spoke at this time.

Jun Wushuang was stunned.

Qin Chuan directly used the Five Elements Formation of the Holy Buddha and the Thirteen Flowers Goddess.

Because Qin Chuan was afraid that the other party might want to take his side.

Therefore, Qin Chuan is ready to stand up and stand up when necessary.

According to the huge change in Wushuang's face, this was not a shock, but a surprise, because his strength had increased by more than twenty times.

More than twenty times...

What a concept.

Qin Chuan smiled. Jun Wushuang was extremely excited. With Qin Chuan here, he felt like he could break the sky.

"In that case, then you are ready." Jun Wushuang said.

The man smiled: "Come on!"

Although the formation surrounding Jun Wushuang's body seemed to have increased a lot, it was still not enough in his opinion.

Jun Wushuang moved!

With every step you take, a figure separates.

One step, two steps...

Eighteen figures!

Knowing this, the man opposite seemed to feel something was wrong.

At this moment, eighteen figures suddenly surrounded the man from the undead clan, and then rushed directly towards the man in the middle.

The violent aura, the strange suppression.

God's way!

The power of heaven!

At this moment, the divine power of heaven exuded by Jun Wushuang was surprisingly terrifying.

Boom boom...

The men of the undead clan evaded, but these eighteen figures rushed over. Except for the real body, the others would burst as soon as they touched the target.

The moment it explodes, terrifying lethality will erupt.

This is a trump card of Jun Wushuang. He was not sure that he could kill the opponent at first, but after being boosted by Qin Chuan, he suddenly gained confidence, so he wanted to kill this undead man in seconds.

He wanted to see if the undead clan was really immortal.

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