Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,709 The Most Treasured Spirit Bead

"Is something wrong?" Jun Wushuang looked at the city lord and asked. 【】

At this time, the city lord said gratefully: "Thank you very much. My city lord's mansion has been under his control for a long time. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. If you don't mind it, please come to the mansion and rest for a while."

The city lord is very sincere.

Jun Wushuang was stunned and looked at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan smiled and said nothing.

Jun Wushuang wanted to refuse and leave here, but at this time the city lord seemed to see something and hurriedly said: "He is dead, and the Sun Mansion treasure he has coveted for a long time is gone. If nothing happens, the Sun Mansion treasure will appear within three days. You guys The appearance made him think he was robbing the treasure, so he took action against you."

"Treasure?" Jun Wushuang was stunned.

"Well, the Sun Mansion ended up like this because of this treasure. In fact, he did all of this. The child was also forced to have no choice. Now he has also received the punishment he deserves. The city lord who this treasure brought... The mansion is inauspicious, if you kill him, you should take this treasure." The city lord said.

Jun Wushuang looked at the city lord with a smile.

The city lord smiled awkwardly: "The treasure can only be obtained by those who are destined, and only you have the strength to obtain it. However, people say that there are undead souls guarding the treasure in the Sun Mansion. I don't know whether it is true or not, so I ask you to be more careful."

Jun Wushuang looked at the city lord with a sharp look in his eyes.

There was a cold sweat on the city lord's face: "I don't mean anything else, I just have good intentions, I just made a suggestion."

In fact, the City Lord's Mansion is still a bit selfish, because the Sun Mansion has "dead spirits" here, which is somewhat of a threat. Legend has it that they are the undead spirits condensed by the resentment and death energy of the Sun Mansion. Although it is only within the scope of the Sun Mansion, it is After all, it is a terrifying existence.

Jun Wushuang and Qin Chuan can naturally feel it a little bit, but they can only understand this situation in their hearts. After all, they can decide whether to go or not.

But there is a treasure problem. Wealth and honor are found in danger, and misfortunes and misfortunes are shared. So if you want treasures, you have to take risks.

Humans have very weak control over treasures, especially powerful treasures.

So the city lord's goal was achieved now, and he knew that if nothing unexpected happened, the other party would definitely go to the Sun Mansion.

Regardless of whether the other party gets the treasure and gets rid of the "dead spirits" or whether they all die inside, it is a good thing.

Get rid of the undead,

Without a hidden danger, they all died inside, which was just a way of venting their anger. After all, the son was crippled and his brain was damaged.

So no matter what the outcome is, as long as Qin Chuan and the others go to the Sun Mansion, it will be a good thing for him.

Qin Chuan looked at the city lord at this time and said with a smile: "I wonder how strong that undead spirit is?"

The city lord shook his head: "I don't know, but since you can kill him, there is no problem in dealing with the undead."

Qin Chuan knew that it would be difficult to get any information from this city lord. After all, the other party actually didn't have a good impression of him, even though he actually helped him.

Jun Wushuang looked at Qin Chuan blankly: "You make the decision!"

Qin Chuan hesitated for a moment. If the undead were the existence of the back, Qin Chuan would have to think carefully about it, but he was really not very afraid of the existence of this kind of death and resentment.

"Let's go, let's go to Sun Mansion now." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The city lord was overjoyed, but his face remained calm.

The city lord once again invited Qin Chuan and others to his mansion, but Qin Chuan refused. He decided to go to Sun Mansion now and stay at Sun Mansion at night.

Let the city lord lead the way.

The city lord was polite again and took Qin Chuan and his party to the Sun Mansion.

However, when he reached the vicinity of the Sun Mansion, the City Lord did not dare to move forward. He felt guilty because he knew that the "dead spirit" of the Sun Mansion had a deep resentment towards the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord explained awkwardly that he could only send it here, but the Sun Mansion was already in sight.

It can be seen that since the other party did not want to move forward, Qin Chuan did not force it.

The Sun Mansion is also a big family, and the mansions in this area are all Sun Mansion, but now it is very empty and deserted. Even many people nearby have moved away, suddenly making the area a desolate place.

Several people walked into the gate of Sun Mansion, which was always open.


As soon as I entered the Sun Mansion, I felt a strong aura. Although it was broad daylight and the sun was high in the sky, it was very cold here.

Qin Chuan actually has his own understanding of cows, ghosts and snake gods, such as undead spirits. In fact, in Qin Chuan's view, they are similar to the female corpses of the Seven Evils. They are just a resentment and resentment that merged with some kind of treasure and absorbed some spiritual energy from the world. , a "fetish" that can only be limited to one place.

After all, some plants with natural resources can run on their own. In a world filled with thousands of races, it is not surprising at all.

Mingyue's face looked a little unnatural. Women are most likely to be afraid of these undead things.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Don't be afraid, I will set up a formation first. If you are afraid, just stay in the formation and don't come out."

I found a large house and set up the Five Elements Sun Gathering Formation.

Specializing in restraining undead spirits and the like, Qin Chuan has many ways to deal with spirits. This is why he comes here to make the decision.

Another one is the baby dragon.

The existence of Zhiyang absolutely restrains the so-called undead here.

Unconsciously the sky darkened.

Several people are drinking.

As night falls, the Sun Mansion becomes increasingly cold.

I'm not too worried, but I still feel a little nervous or excited, which I can't tell.


The wind blew, and the entire Sun Mansion compound became darker. When it got colder, you could even see the black wind flowing in the air.

"Here we come!" Qin Chuan laughed.

There was a dense black flame in the distance, and in the black flame a figure over ten meters tall was walking slowly.

Well, the treasure, the treasure is on this black shadow. The city lord said before that the undead guard the treasure, but it seems that he lied.

The original Seven Evils Orb was in the body of a female corpse with resentment, and became the Seven Evils Female Corpse.

And today's treasure is an earth spirit bead.

No wonder the man from the must-die clan covets the whole treasure. How good is the Earth Spirit Pearl? For example, it is a treasure among the five elements of earth. The Earth Spirit Pearl is the most precious treasure among the earth elements. Its benefits to the five elements of earth are unimaginable.

The undead clan is the darling of the earth. Once they get the earth spirit bead, they will almost reach the sky in one step.

This thing is a good thing. Qin Chuan also likes it. It can be said that he likes it very much. He is practicing the Five Elements. Having the Earth Spirit Pearl will have many benefits. It will be useful for the Nine Divine Dragons, the Five Elements Immortal Flag, the Five Elements Divine Refining Technique, and the Divine Dragon Five Elements Hand. Etc. has huge benefits.

Moreover, the earth spirit beads can enhance the ability of the earth and help to understand the magical power of the earth and the way of the earth.

Another thing that cannot be ignored is Yang Dao, Yang, the earth is, and the Earth Spirit Pearl belongs to Yang.

The Earth Spirit Pearl is a treasure, and it is a good one among the treasures.

So Qin Chuan wanted to order this Earth Spirit Bead, but he didn't dare to be careless. The big guy opposite was not an ordinary monster.

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