Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 165 Yuan Su's Pride, Never Returning from Death...

Hearing the elder's proposal, Qin Chuan shook his head slightly: "Elder, I will not stay in the Nine Spirits Sect."

In fact, Qin Chuan also knew that the old man was just here to find out. Based on his experience as an old man, he naturally knew that he would not stay, but the strength he showed shocked them, who would dare to stand out rashly.

"That's right, Qin Chuan, you are a genius in the sky, and this tiny place really can't keep you, but the Nine Spirits Sect will always be your home." The Great Elder smiled gently.

"Thank you Great Elder." Qin Chuan said politely.

"Qin Chuan, I won't beat around the bush anymore. The Nine Spirits Sect cannot live without a suzerain. Who do you think is qualified for this position?" The Great Elder finally said that it was time to get down to business.

"Great Elder, I don't understand these things. You can discuss them. I am just an ordinary disciple and I will leave here soon. I will not interfere with the affairs of the Nine Spirits Sect." Qin Chuan laughed.

He knew that the Great Elder was just letting himself express his opinion.

The Great Elder hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Then I won't force you, old man. In the future, if it is convenient for you, I still hope that you can bless the Nine Spirits Sect."

Qin Chuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "I will try my best!"

The Great Elder left happily!

Qin Chuan's name was quickly passed on. Young genius, peerless genius, and unworldly evildoer, this time his reputation became so great that even some powerful forces in the Three Kingdoms and Six Dynasties knew about Qin Chuan.

Zhaixing fell asleep, and Qin Chuan sat beside her bed. After the matter was resolved, she felt relieved. She was exhausted and couldn't hold on for a while, so she fell asleep directly.

Seeing her frown stretched, a smile appeared on her sleepy face, so beautiful, Qin Chuan also smiled involuntarily.

Walk out slowly and close the door. This is his small courtyard in Jiulingzong, that is, the outer door. Qin Chuan walked outside and walked towards the formation building.

When fighting against the Pei family and others, I accidentally saw Yuan Su's figure. She looked at herself from a distance, and when she finished the fight, she never saw her figure again.

He doesn't hate her, even if he uses her, he admits it, and he wants to satisfy her, no matter it's true or not, she treats him well, and he can feel that it's really good.

As for utilization, the relationship between people is basically a relationship of interest. Good friends say that you help me and I help you, but it’s ugly that you use each other, and both are useful to each other.

Standing outside the array,

This is still the formation he had set up for her before, without any change. Looking at the formation, Qin Chuan was in a daze.

Thinking of the bits and pieces of the past, if he really wants to say that the one who left the deepest memory in his heart is not Concubine Qian, nor Master Chu Qingzhu, but Yuan Su.

This capricious, sinister, vicious, femme fatale woman touched Qin Chuan the most.

It is more of a kind of gratitude to Master Chu Qingzhu. The reason for picking up the stars is because of Master Chu Qingzhu. If there is one reason, it is the Yin-Yang Dragon Fruit.

Concubine Qian has been away for a few years, time has made him miss her a little bit, it is hard to say what will happen in the future, time will change everything.

As for Li Yan, this is even more of an accident, and Qin Chuan is even less optimistic. Her achievements will be very high, and the inheritance of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, it is hard to say whether the two people's lives will intersect.

On the contrary, it is Yuan Su, who can be said to have saved Qin Chuan's life. Without Yuan Su's protection, he would have been miserable. The array, the three flower gods, the eye stone of the beast array, and the direct and indirect benefits are limitless .

And Qin Chuan's heart was moved for her, the softest part was touched by her, as if her brand was in his heart, this woman made him feel pity, love, and an indescribable hatred.

This kind of hatred is wonderful, it hurts so badly, I hate myself for being incompetent, I hate myself for not being able to make her fall in love with me.

Qin Chuan passed through the formation and came to the front of the formation building.

"Miss Su!"

Qin Chuan called softly.

The door opened, and Yuan Su stood at the door, still wearing a blood-red floor-length dress, with a snow-white face, a straight nose as white as jade, smooth black hair draped behind her, her eyes were deep and clear, full of wisdom But there is also a kind of coldness, exuding a strange charm, but there is an alluring aura in the coldness, the beautiful eyes are slightly narrow and long, and when the eyes are slightly narrowed, the whole body will emit endless majesty and danger.

That dangerous breath came back again.

Qin Chuan felt that there was a separation between the two of them. He didn't like this feeling, but this feeling was very strong. He couldn't see the gentleness in her eyes.

The tall figure is extremely graceful, but it looks a little thinner, and it looks more and more slender and tall.

"I'm not your Sister Su, don't come to the formation building again, or I'll be rude to you, have you forgotten?" The cold voice made Qin Chuan feel very uncomfortable.

The more she was like this, the more uncomfortable Qin Chuan felt. She was lonely and helpless, pretending to be strong, guarding her strong self-esteem and pride, she didn't want to be weak in front of herself.

She is the queen, she wants to be above others, so she will not accept herself, she cannot tolerate her weakness, she would rather believe that she is using Qin Chuan for revenge.

But he refused to accept Qin Chuan's help for revenge.

Because that would be charity in her eyes!

Qin Chuan didn't speak, he just looked at her, he suddenly felt very tired, because he felt powerless towards her, and he knew why but he couldn't do anything about it.

If you don't say anything, don't ask, that would be great, just pretend you don't know anything.

Yuan Su turned back to the formation building and closed the door.

Qin Chuan just stood there, and after a long time, he shouted directly: "Yuan Su, you stupid woman, you are self-righteous, is it fair for you to treat me like this? Even if you use me, I am willing to be used by you, what else do you want? "

"As long as you have self-esteem and pride, I have it too, and I have it too. For you, I threw it away..."

Qin Chuan cried helplessly.

Yuan Su stood behind the door with tears rolling down her face. She used Qin Chuan, and sometimes she didn't know if she was using her. She knew that her feelings for him were true, because her heart would hurt...

He understands everything, it turns out that he understands everything, but why does she still pretend to be self-deceiving, she knows that she is not a good woman, she is cruel and merciless, many disciples deserve death, but they are killed for provoking her.

He is right, he also has pride, he is young, but he can kill the Pei family, and his future achievements will be limitless, isn't that what I fancy him.

Is a person's pride so easy to let go, let go, or is it her?

She is the lonely queen!

After an unknown amount of time, Yuan Su opened the door, but Qin Chuan was no longer outside, and the sky was gradually getting dark.

Yuan Su sighed softly, her figure trembled slightly, and her long eyelashes drooped. At this moment, she was very pitiful, without that sense of danger, and what was left was only pitiful.

No matter how strong and powerful she is, she is still a woman. When she is vulnerable, she also wants to find someone to rely on, someone to talk to...

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