Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,713: The Demon Gate Temple and the Nine-Heaven Goddess...

Seeing that she was a little shy and angry, but not angry, Qin Chuan smiled happily. 【Read full text】

"Don't laugh!" The Demon Lord looked at Qin Chuan angrily.

"You look very much like my niece now." Qin Chuan said seriously.

"Nonsense, by the way, why are you here?" Demon Lord asked curiously.

"My ambition is to travel across the mainland, and I just happened to be here." Qin Chuan said.

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it. This is a poor excuse." Demon Lord said.

"Okay, this is one step closer to my woman." Qin Chuan said.

The Demon Lord blushed: "Who is your woman?"

Qin Chuan was stunned. In fact, he was not talking about her, but obviously she thought that he would talk about her again, but this matter could not be explained, and it made her feel a little unable to step down.

"You, I was kissed by you, you can't be irresponsible." Qin Chuan said.

"Go to hell, that's me you kissed..."

After saying that, it seemed a little inappropriate, and she unconsciously thought of the scene where she was kissed by him, and how she was imprisoned for hundreds of years, and it was him who rescued her. She would never forget her feelings when she saw him.

In fact, she never thought about being able to come out. Even when she saw Qin Chuan come in, she just felt that she would not be so lonely if she had company. At least she would have someone to talk to, which would make the rest of the time easier.

So she was still happy at the time, but she didn't expect that this young man was unusual and actually broke the formation.

Qin Chuan didn't speak anymore, just looked at her with a smile, his warm eyes made the Demon Lord sway slightly.

Because she could only accept such a look from Qin Chuan, and no one else was qualified to give her such a look. Besides, if it were anyone else, she would feel disgusted.

But Qin Chuan gave her nothing but warmth and an indescribable kindness.

After all, she was alone all the time, so Qin Chuan could make her put down all her guard and burden. She felt relaxed in front of him, truly relaxed.

Being looked at by Qin Chuan like this, she found it a bit overwhelming, and only then would she realize that she was a woman.


"Look again!" The Demon Lord gently tapped Qin Chuan on the forehead.

But she smiled happily, a real smile, a smile from the heart. After not seeing her for so long, she still looked so familiar, without any strangeness.

"Tell me about the Demon Gate Temple!" Qin Chuan said.

The Demon Lord thought for a while and said: "The Demon Sect Temple is a higher level of Demon Sect, but it is more complex. To put it bluntly, it is a large sect. It cannot be said to be good or evil, but each has a different stance."

Qin Chuan understands that no matter what the forces are now, unless they are particularly evil, most of them are not good or bad, only positions and camps.

What's more, the Demon Sect Temple also carries the word "temple".

The two of them chatted about some of the forces in this area. If they didn't talk, they wouldn't know. Qin Chuan was also surprised by this conversation.

The depth of the water in the Immortal Realm is a bit unimaginable. Although the Immortal Realm is not as powerful as the legendary Divine Realm, it is completely different from the previous six realms.

After the strength of the fairyland is the venerable, and after the venerable is the monarch. In the fairyland, there are not only venerables and monarchs, but also even more terrifying existences. It is hard to imagine how deep the water in the great world of the fairyland is. For example, if you encounter The man from the immortal clan has an immortal clan in the fairyland.

This is truly a place full of thousands of people, so you don’t need to make a fuss about anything you encounter here.

When I came here, I still wanted to find a big force to rely on.

The Demonic Temple is an existence.

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly. He had asked people from the Demon Sect to join the God of War Temple, and now he was looking for a successor to the God of War to join the Demon Sect.

However, as time goes by, it will be gradually discovered that the relationship between the Demon Sect and the Temple is really too complicated. With Qin Chuan's current vision and experience, it is still not clear what the fight between them is.

Qin Chuan looked at Jun Wushuang and the others and then asked: "Do we want to join the Demon Sect Temple?"

Jun Wushuang's eyes became more complicated. He looked at Qin Chuan and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Qin Chuan once again saw Jun Wushuang's expression and seemed to understand something. He thought for a while and said with a smile, "Brother, if you have anything to say, just say it. It'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Jun Wushuang asked again.

Although he knew that asking Qin Chuan in such a situation would put Qin Chuan in a difficult position, he thought that it was Qin Chuan who took the initiative to say it before, so it should be fine.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Of course I'm sure!"

He nodded and said: "I know that there is a Demon Gate Temple in the God's Domain, and the Demon Gate Temple has its biggest enemy."

Jun Wushuang said, looking at Qin Chuan, because he didn't need to say anything, he felt Qin Chuan should know.

But Qin Chuan knew that, as expected, the biggest enemy of the Demon Sect Temple should be the Jiutian Xuannv Temple.

This bloody thing is really bloody.

Because Qin Chuan thought of another point.

It's just that the Demon King's talent is not unexpected, she will arrive in the God's Realm sooner or later, and her destiny should be the Demon Sect Temple. If that day, wouldn't it be that several of her women will have to fight?

I really can’t think of this picture.

The Demon Lord was stunned: "Are you saying that there are Demon Sect temples in other places?"

However, she was extremely smart and felt that she shouldn't be so surprised that there was a Demon Gate Temple outside. The problem was that the Demon Gate Temple in the God's Domain had its biggest enemy.

When she thought about it, although she didn't know exactly what it was, she definitely knew that the biggest enemy of the Demon Gate Temple had a close relationship with Qin Chuan.

So she looked at Qin Chuan with a smile, but she didn't speak. She knew that Qin Chuan would naturally say what he wanted to say. If he didn't want to say, she would do whatever he wanted.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Will you go to God's Domain?"

"I don't know, just let nature take its course!" said the Demon Lord.

"If you go to God's Realm, will you enter the Demon Gate Temple in God's Realm?" Qin Chuan asked again.

"I don't know!" Demon Lord said he didn't know again.

Shaking his head and smiling, Qin Chuan stopped asking.

The Demon Lord said at this time: "No matter when, I will never do anything to harm you, whether directly or indirectly."

Qin Chuan smiled: "Good sister, but you have to promise me not to hurt yourself."

The Demon Lord smiled: "Okay, you are the only one in this world who allows me to give up everything, so the situation you are worried about will not happen."

Qin Chuan is very happy now, but times have changed, everything may change with time, and nothing can withstand the passage of time, so now is now, and who can guarantee anything in the future.

The reason why it doesn’t change is because the cost of letting it change is not enough. Sometimes the disease cannot be solved by “death”, because sometimes it really makes people want to die and have no way to live. Life is worse than death, but death is not the only way. No.

But it is enough for now. Thinking too far will only add more worries. After all, it is the God's Domain. It will take a long, long time to get to the God's Domain. What we have to do now is to increase our strength. By then, it will be the best to control the battlefield and dominate the battlefield.

Qin Chuan had this confidence, so his mood was not affected in any way. If he had the strength, such a situation might be interesting.

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