Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1722: The Demon King’s Status

A group of people rushed towards Qin Chuan and launched their killing moves together. [No pop-up novel website]

At this time, Qin Chuan was already standing not far away, and the sneering man entered the center of the attack.

He didn't even understand what was going on, but he was already dead.

Gao Leng had a proud smile on his face, and so did those who took action. After all, with so many people taking action, it would not be easy to pursue the case.

The demon king's face was extremely cold at this time. Although she soon saw Qin Chuan standing not far away, how could she bear these people who wanted to kill her man.

And those who took action quickly discovered something was wrong, because some of them had already seen Qin Chuan not far away.

Who was killed?

At this glance, everyone was stunned, but at this time, Gao Leng gritted his teeth, turned his eyes, and one of them shouted: "This is too much! Let's kill him!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards Qin Chuan again.


The devil took action.

Instant kill!

At this time, he still wanted to kill Qin Chuan. The scene was quiet at this time. The devil's face was cold, and he walked over slowly. With a wave of his sleeves, these people flew backwards, vomiting blood, and all their cultivations were destroyed. .

The Demon Lord also completely exposed her strength this time, mainly because she was angry.

"From now on, you are no longer disciples of the True Temple!" The Demon Lord's voice sounded.

"Throw it out!" Demon Lord said calmly.

Someone immediately went up and carried these people out.

It was only at this time that the Demon Lord looked at Gao Leng.

Gao Leng's expression changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down. He was a member of the Gao family, and even the Demon Lord did not dare to touch him.

"Aren't you going to give me an explanation?" Demon Lord looked at Gao Leng coldly.

Gao Leng still looked calm at this time: "What explanation?"

"You want to kill Qin Chuan!" The Demon Lord's tone was very cold at this time.

"Who said I was going to kill him?"

"Dare you do it or admit it? Do you think you can deny the past?

I don't need a reason to kill you. "The Demon Lord was really angry this time.

Gao Leng's expression changed. Although he was not sure whether the Demon Lord's words were true, he knew one thing. It would not be difficult for the Demon Lord to kill him. If the other party was determined to kill him, he would really have to explain it here today. .

At this time, Gao Leng had a layer of sweat on his face.

The Demon Lord's eyes became colder and colder.

"Hall Master!" At this time, an old man came over.

He is an elder of the True Temple, but in fact he is also a member of the Gao family, so he naturally has to speak out at this time.

Gao Leng breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he delayed, his family would definitely come. Then, he would argue with her.

The Demon Lord looked at the old man: "Is there anything wrong with Elder Gao?"

"You see, Young Master Gao is also doing it for the True Temple. He has no selfish motives." Elder Gao said.

This sentence is a bit disgusting. Everyone can see that Gao Leng is targeting Qin Chuan.

The Demon Lord looked at Elder Gao: "Then you said I still thanked him?"

"That's not necessary. You see, martial arts exchanges are still going on. There are still people from Yunxian Palace here. Don't let others laugh at you." Elder Gao said.



I don't know when several more elders came, and they all said in agreement.

Gao Leng is the deputy hall master, and at least six of the ten elders are standing with the Gao family. After all, the Gao family is a big family in this area, and the Gao family has a pivotal position in the entire Demon Sect Temple.

Qin Chuan watched from the side, frowning more and more as he watched.

Although the Demon Lord still has the highest status in the True Temple, he is actually still isolated. He will not be in that embarrassing state, but he can basically only be half the master.

A smile appeared on Gao Leng's face.

The Demon Lord looked at several elders, but there were four elders who stood on the Demon Lord's side, and they spoke righteously.

However, the current situation is special, so we will stop there for now. Besides, Gao Leng has suffered some losses this time, and Qin Chuan is fine.

The next game was boring.

The game is over for the day.

Qin Chuan and others left.

They didn't feel anything. After all, there were many worse situations than this before, so this was nothing.

Jun Wushuang was also very calm. In his opinion, it was nothing. Compared with his situation, it was just drizzle and he didn't feel anything at all.

Grief doesn't count, not at all.

After eating and drinking, Qin Chuan was actually not affected at all. If he had to say something, he saw that the Demon Lord's position was not so stable.

There is also the side of the Demon Lord that takes action decisively for him.

"This is nothing. Remember, brother, don't be reckless. Those people are just clowns." Jun Wushuang said with a smile.

"Don't worry, we are going to God's Domain, to a wider world. This is just a formality. These people like to jump, so let them jump for a few days!" Qin Chuan personally made a table of delicious food. Good wine and good food.

Soon Demon Lord and Nuo Xue came. Seeing them eating so happily, they were slightly startled.

Qin Chuan smiled and said, "Come on, I'll give you a table by yourself."

Nuo Xue was naturally happy, and Demon Lord felt relaxed. Seeing Qin Chuan being so calm, she also calmed down.

"Are you angry?" Nuo Xue asked during the meal.

"If you can get angry at this, why not be so angry?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Don't you have any opinion on what happened today?" Nuo Xue said.

"I was going to talk to you later, so I might as well talk to you now. If what I say is wrong and makes you uncomfortable, just pretend you didn't hear me." Qin Chuan said.

"Okay, don't worry, for the sake of this guy, I won't embarrass you." Nuo Xue said grandly.

"Maybe Gao Leng is also planning on you." Qin Chuan said.

"Having an idea for me?" Nuo Xue was stunned.

"The man standing on the stage today, I don't know his name, he is from Yunxian Palace. He is not a young man, he can almost be regarded as an old man, but his face is fake." Qin Chuan said.

"I just said this person is a bit weird, but his face seems to be real." Nuo Xue said.

"He first peeled off his own face, and then used special things and herbs to make the skin that didn't belong to him grow on his face. That's why almost everyone thought this face belonged to him."

Nuo Xue's eyes lit up: "Sure enough, I have actually had such an idea, but think about who would be so cruel to me, and the success rate is very low. Once it fails, he will have a face like a ghost."

"But he's trying to trick me? What do you mean?" Nuo Xue looked at Qin Chuan and asked.

"Gao Leng is the most possessive of stunning beauties. He will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. Congratulations, you meet his standards." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Your wife is one too." Nuo Xue said angrily.

"Ao Leng has a deep background, and we can't touch him on the surface." The Demon Lord spoke at this time.

"What's Gao Leng's background?" Qin Chuan asked.

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