Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,725 ​​7 Colorful Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill

Everyone else looked at Qin Chuan. 【Read the latest chapter】

Qin Chuan was looking at the gates of Liuyun Immortal Mansion at this time. The two gates were tightly closed. If he stepped forward and pushed them open now, who could guarantee what would be behind them?

So Qin Chuan is watching, hoping that the golden eyes can discern some clues.

After watching for a long time, Qin Chuan found no danger, which made him very confused.

But now, he needed to try.

But he didn't want to use brute force to open the door of Liuyun Immortal Mansion. It was disrespectful, and he couldn't bear to destroy it.

Qin Chuan walked over slowly, and then slowly pushed away. He raised his strength to the peak and evacuated immediately if there was any special situation.

But there were no surprises. When the door was opened, a place like a fairyland on earth came into view.

Beautiful, very beautiful!

Qin Chuan didn't know how to describe it. There was actually a faint fairy mist here, making people feel like they were in a fairyland.

The aura is abundant and terrifying. There is a huge ancient tree not far away, and it is still alive, exuding a terrifying aura.

This is the laurel tree!

But this is not an ordinary laurel tree, this is an immortal laurel tree, an ancient tree that is at least tens of thousands of years old. The aura here is so abundant, and it has a lot to do with this laurel tree.

This place is so beautiful, Qin Chuan feels that there will be no more traps and dangers here, because that will destroy the beauty here.

Besides, we have already gone through dozens of tests outside, but now that we are here, there is no need for them.

This is Liuyun Immortal Mansion, but why is there only an empty shell left?

This is not normal. Qin Chuan and the others walked slowly in the Liuyun Immortal Mansion and looked around. Everything here was kept intact and spotless. There was no fighting. Why was there no one there?

Did everyone move out?


Or did the whole family leave for some reason?

Qin Chuan shook his head, unable to find a definite answer, but he was certain that the disappearance of Liuyun Immortal Mansion was not caused by someone else, but rather that he left by himself.

Liuyun Immortal Mansion is very big,

Really big.

The group of people walked around slowly, and every place here was shocking and rich.

Well, there is a stone tablet!

It didn't take long before I discovered a stone monument, which was actually very conspicuous.

There were many words engraved on it, and Qin Chuan's eyes lit up when he saw it.

Seeing the stone tablet means that you or you have entered the Liuyun Immortal Mansion, so first of all, congratulations, there are some things left for you here, but the condition is not to destroy the Liuyun Immortal Mansion. The people from the Liuyun Immortal Mansion have moved out, maybe everyone There will be time to see you again in the future...

I just left something behind to prevent people coming in from damaging Liuyun Immortal Mansion.

In fact, without this stone tablet, Qinchuan would not have destroyed Liuyun Immortal Mansion.

There is a treasure room above, and the things left for them are in the treasure room, and the location is clearly written.

So a few people decided to go take a look at the treasure first. After all, it was safe to have the treasure, because no one could guarantee whether someone would come next moment.

The location of the treasure room is not hidden, and there are no restrictions. It seems that there are no restrictions set here as if it is afraid of being damaged by others.

Walking along the quiet stone ground to the door of the treasure room.

Push away slowly.

When the door was opened, a faint light came out, colorful, and then they stared blankly at the strange things in the room, many of which exuded an exciting halo.

This is the rhythm of getting rich...

Even Qin Chuan couldn't help but sigh, the foundation of Liuyun Immortal Mansion was really rich.

"Okay, let's go and pick, see who has the best eyesight." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The others were not polite to Qin Chuan and walked in to look at the large treasure room and the objects there.

Not sure if these are treasures, but at least they look good.

"Well, the ruler is a good thing!" Canglan said with a smile, holding an emerald-colored ruler.

"I also have one, um, four, now, one for each..."

Qin Chuan looked at the ruler in his hand. In fact, Qin Chuan had always wanted to get a ruler like this because it was very useful for traveling short distances and even for escaping during battles.

It's better now, and he can know how to temper the blood, which is the so-called recognition of the master by dripping blood. In fact, it is not that magical, it just makes the master and the shrinking ruler closely connected.

Put it away. The Five Elements Fairy Flag cannot be used now, which makes Qin Chuan very unaccustomed. Now there is a shrinking ruler, which he can use first. With his own constitution, the shrinking ruler can exert an effect ten times that of a normal shrinking ruler.

Qin Chuan glanced at the things in the room. Although there were many things, they seemed to be treasures, but they could not all be. However, where was the foundation of Liuyun Immortal Mansion, so there were quite a lot of treasures here. Of course, they were all ordinary. It's pretty good, at least the treasure hasn't been discovered yet.

It is difficult for ordinary treasures to enter Qin Chuan's eyes. After all, he only has several treasures on his body.


Qin Chuan's eyes lit up when he saw something.

He was very excited because he was sure that this was an Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill, and it had never been seen before. If nothing else happened, maybe this time he would be able to collect all the nine Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pills in the Nine Divine Dragons. .

So he was excited.

Holding it in your hand, this is a simple, colorful stone, not as gorgeous in appearance, but it still makes people feel that it is extraordinary.

This is the Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill, and it is indeed something Qinchuan has never had before.

This last one is also the soul of the nine divine dragons.

Colorful Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill.

The legendary dragon is said to be seven-color gold, but is it seven-color, gold, or seven-color gold...

These flashed through Qin Chuan's mind, but he quickly shook his head and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

At this moment, he was very excited. The nine divine dragons were all in place. Qin Chuan was looking forward to what would happen after returning to their positions. He was very excited.

He put away the Colorful Ancestral Dragon Golden Emperor Pill and continued to see if there was anything he needed.

Diamond beads!

There is a golden bead in Qin Chuan's hand, the size of a fist, golden and flawless, exuding a heavy aura.

A Buddhist magic weapon that attacks the target from a distance. The attack is twice that of the user. It has a certain ability to ignore the target's defense. It has a probability of penetrating the target and a probability of hitting the target hard, causing damage four times or even eight times the user's strength. A heavy hit The target has a chance to slow down or even stun the target briefly.

Good thing, this thing can be regarded as a hidden weapon, a very good hidden weapon. Qinchuan's hidden weapon skills and abilities are good. The most important thing is that this is a Buddhist treasure, so Qinchuan's most precious golden Buddha has a terrifying effect on this diamond bead. Amplification ability.

It was really good stuff, which made Qin Chuan very excited and looking forward to it.

Qin Chuan put it away, and the others also gained a lot. Before they knew it, most of the day had passed.

They took away the useful ones. Most of the things inside were taken away. The rest were useless at least under the observation of Qin Chuan's golden eyes.

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