Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,727 The golden bell, the battle treasure, the monster...

Although Qin Chuan didn't know if the golden bell was effective now, so he took out the golden bell and tried it. 【】

It was easy for Qin Chuan to master the use of the golden bell, so he shook it slowly.

This shaking causes the white ape to launch an even more violent attack.


As the melodious golden bell rang, the demonized white ape roared violently and excitedly, and then attacked the dozen or so people even more ferociously.

Qin Chuan's face lit up, and the golden bell in his hand shook even faster. If monsters could communicate with humans and combine human wisdom with the strength of monsters, their combat effectiveness would more than double.

Therefore, the current demonized white ape's strength has increased dramatically, not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of combat effectiveness. He can decisively kill one person with one shot.

This was Qin Chuan's golden pupil that revealed his weakness and allowed the demonized white ape to kill him with one strike.

The old man with beard and hair like steel needles, like a lion, saw Qin Chuan, and his expression changed.

The person who was thought to be dead now appears, and the young man is shaking the golden bell. He has the illusion that this monster is controlled by the young man.

This surprised and panicked him.

But now he was fighting without being distracted and couldn't observe Qin Chuan for a long time.

So he still spoke: "Young man, I know you are from the Demon Sect Temple. Come and help us, we will not be able to hold on any longer."

Qin Chuan looked at them with a smile and said, "Okay, let's get ready!"

Although he promised, Qin Chuan did not move and still shook the golden bell as if it was the best toy.

The demonized white ape launched an even more ferocious attack, and the opponent naturally noticed it at this time.

"Young man, what are you doing?" The speaker was another old man, who had been slightly injured.

"What for?" Qin Chuan said in confusion.

"We are in danger here, and you stand by and watch, aren't you afraid of the sect's punishment?" the old man said angrily.

Qin Chuan could see the killing intent in the other person's eyes, but he just endured it. As long as the crisis here passed, the old man would definitely kill him without hesitation.

"If you die,

Doesn’t the sect know this? Qin Chuan still smiled peacefully.

At this moment, the dozen or so people on the opposite side suddenly felt like a dark cloud was closing in on them.

This young man acted so calmly that they all felt frightened. Now everyone could see that this young man was emboldened and might have come to kill them.

Their main task this time was to kill Qin Chuan.

Although they won't show it, everyone knows that there is something wrong in their hearts. They and Qin Chuan both know about it, but they just don't say it out loud.

"What do you mean, do you still have a sect in your eyes?" The last old man was also angry.

"Okay, stop pretending. Everyone knows what you are doing. Of course you don't have to admit it." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Okay, young man, we admit it, but we can't make the decision in all this. We are just following orders." The old man who looked like a lion said.

"I don't blame you. Everyone has to think about the consequences when they make a decision. For example, if you succeed in killing me, or fail, or die, no matter which outcome, you have to accept it." Qin Chuan said calmly.

"No one is a saint, and no one can make mistakes. If you save us today and let us go, you will definitely repay us twice as much in the future." The old man like a lion said.

Although he said it politely, Qin Chuan knew that the other party's murderous intention had never disappeared, or even worse. Now he just had to bow his head under the eaves.

Therefore, Qin Chuan never wavered in the idea of ​​killing the other party.

What's more, he doesn't need to do anything, this demonized white ape can do it. These people don't have the ability to escape. If they all think about escaping, as soon as their power is dispersed, they will be completely finished soon.

Now I can only barely survive, hoping Qin Chuan and the others can help.

Qin Chuan smiled, and then his eyes flickered with golden light.

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

The seven-story demon-suppressing fairy tower!

This can't be said to be the straw that breaks the camel's back, but it definitely adds insult to injury.

And at the same time, the golden bell in Qin Chuan's hand shook, the black light on the demonized white ape became brighter, and the aura it exuded became more terrifying. In a round of crazy attacks, one old man died, another was injured, and two others died.

The situation that was barely able to withstand the situation completely collapsed.

At this time, the few remaining people didn't care about anything and ran away.

Because the only way to save a life is to run.

Naturally, Qin Chuan would not allow them to run away at this time.

They chose to run, and they were also betting. This was near the White Ape Cave, and the direction of the White Ape was naturally excluded. Running towards the White Ape would mean death.

There are only three directions to run.

They were very smart. They divided the three directions and bet on which direction the white ape should pursue. If he pursued that direction, he would definitely die in that direction.

But two people were blinded and ran with the remaining elder, that is, the old man who looked like a lion.

The remaining four people were divided into two groups.

The white ape was chasing the old man who looked like a lion.

The old man looked shocked, knowing that he was dead.

But he refused to give up and changed direction, but the two people also followed him.

"You two are still following me. If this continues, everyone will die." The lion-like old man was anxious.

Those two people were also confused. Thinking about it, they changed direction again, but it was too late.

Forbidden beads!

Qin Chuan directly played the forbidden bead.

Suddenly those few people and the white ape were enveloped.

This completely cut off the thoughts of these people.

The four people in the other two directions were almost able to escape. They all had means of escape and could use them almost immediately. But at this time, their bodies suddenly hit an invisible barrier and bounced back. .

He rushed over again without giving up, still the same.

One of them took out a treasure and used it. It was a treasure for escape, but to their horror, they found that it was ineffective and the world was imprisoned.

Desperate thoughts suddenly enveloped him.

By this time, Bai Yuan had already dealt with the three people and rushed towards the other four people.

Two directions, but the place is so big, it is too easy for the white ape to kill them at this time.

Unable to escape, the remaining men despaired.

The battle ended soon, and Qin Chuan used his purification ability on White Ape.


The evil spirit disappears.

A huge white ape appeared in front of Qin Chuan.

So big, with snow-white fur, majestic and domineering, and extremely strong. Now this big guy belongs to Qin Chuan, because it is controlled by the golden bell. This golden bell is also a treasure. The white ape can be put into the golden bell to sleep, or Called out to fight.

This harvest is not small. The white ape is not Qinchuan's tame beast. It can only be regarded as a battle treasure and belongs to the golden bell. Whoever owns this golden bell, the white ape belongs to him.


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