Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,737 Tianyi Sect, the martial arts competition begins

It would be fine if it was just a little bit, but if the Yin family is going to be born and become the overlord here, then it is not just a little bit. It would be good to leave some for others.

Therefore, other people are naturally not happy about the birth of the Yin family, but there is nothing they can do if they are not happy.

Naturally, the birth of the Yin family was to declare their supremacy, and this time they competed with each other. Once the Yin family achieved supremacy, the others would consciously hand over most of their resources.

This is an unwritten rule, so this time everyone discussed with each other how to deal with this hundred schools of thought.

It's said to be a martial arts show of hundreds of families, but actually it's just a contest between the Yin family and the sects here.

If the Yin family loses, there is no need to be born. If the Yin family wins, it will be equivalent to achieving hegemony.

We don’t have much time, so we are preparing.

Qin Chuan and the others were the most leisurely, but Demon Lord had to go to negotiate. After all, she was the master of the True Temple, one of the nine temples of the Demon Sect Temple.

The first two days were discussions within the sect, and then there were discussions between several large sects.

The closest one to the Demon Sect Temple is the Xianyun Qing Palace, so the two sides also discussed several teams.

Not only that, several large sects nearby also came together to discuss the matter.

Qin Chuan had previously told Demon Lord that they would fight with her when the time came, so in the end Demon Lord only agreed to Nuo Xue to join.

Many people wanted to fight with the Demon Lord, especially some young people, but the Demon Lord refused.

These people actually fought with the Demon Lord just to get closer contact with the Demon Lord and Noxue.

Qin Chuan did not participate in their negotiations, so he did not know about it until the Baijia Martial Arts Competition began.

During this period of time, Qin Chuan still gained a lot, that is, the realm of the venerable has stabilized. Needless to say, the importance of the stability of the one-star venerable is the foundation of the realm of the venerable, just like the existence of the foundation.

The battlefield is in Tianyi Sect!

Strictly speaking, the Tianyi Sect is even stronger than the Demon Sect Temple and Xianyun Qing Palace.

The Tianyi Sect is located in the northeast of the Demon Gate Temple. Countless people poured into the Tianyi Sect today.

Tianyi Sect is a large sect.

When Qin Chuan and his party arrived at the Tianyi Sect, they saw it. It was really too big. The sect that had been passed down for eternity was indeed different. The heavy aura was precipitated by countless historical rings.

Demon Lord and Noxue are together.

Seeing Qin Chuan, Nuo Xue's eyes lit up slightly, but she looked away quietly. No one noticed, and Qin Chuan didn't see it either.

Seeing that Qin Chuan didn't pay much attention to her, Nuo Xue had an indescribable feeling and lowered her head slightly.

The Demon Lord was next to Nuo Xue, looking at Nuo Xue in surprise. She had seen it before. If Nuo Xue hadn't been so disappointed now, she wouldn't be sure of anything. In fact, she couldn't be sure of anything now, but she felt that there was at least this sign.

"You like my man?" Demon Lord said suddenly.

"No, no..." Nuo Xue was speechless for a moment.

She didn't want any estrangement between the sisters. She cherished Demon Lord as a sister. They were closer than her biological sisters. She couldn't lose Demon Lord without a man.

So Nuo Xue decisively and instinctively said no, it was just a bit disadvantageous.

The Demon Lord held her hand: "I am not the only woman he is. I am just telling you that no matter what happens, it will not affect our sisters. We will always be the best and dearest sisters."

Nuo Xue smiled: "Well, we will always be the closest sisters. I don't need a man. I don't have a man, but I must have you. Give me a hug tonight."

The Demon Lord glared at her: "You are even more of a bastard than him."

"Oh, it turns out he is also a bastard. My dear sister, tell me how you are such a bastard. I am very curious..."

The Demon Lord looked at Nuo Xue speechlessly with a red face.

There are still three days left for the Baijia Martial Arts Competition, but they are all here today.

Yin Liang and others are also there, and naturally Gao Leng, Prince Jinlong and others are also there.

There are rumors that the Gao family is likely to become the new master of the Demon Sect Temple.

The Gao family and the Yin family are very close.

All the master families in the Demon Sect Temple have ugly faces, and the unfounded rumors outside may not be unreasonable. Moreover, they know that if the Yin family wants to become a hegemon, they must kill chickens to scare monkeys. When the time comes, their family will meet the requirements.

Not only the master family of the Demon Sect Temple, but also the sect masters of several other sects also have this threat. After all, the Yin family must use its own people to rise to the top, so the favor given to these people is naturally no greater than helping them rise to the top. It makes them even more desperate.

Qin Chuan got this news from the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord actually frowned. She didn't want the Gao family to rise to power, let alone the palace master's family. After all, the palace master was kind to her and had taken care of her.

The master of the palace is an old man. When the old man helped the Demon Lord, he was not sure whether he saved the Demon Lord's life, but at least he saved the Demon Lord one disaster, because that time he was at least seriously injured, and it would have been difficult to hold the child in his belly. Hard to say.

It is said that a drop of water's kindness will be repaid by a spring, so the demon king wanted to help the palace master and his family.

After Qin Chuan knew that there was still this link in the middle, he told the Demon Lord to tell the palace master to leave him a seat when they finally fought.

The Demon Lord smiled and nodded. She knew Qin Chuan's ability. Although she didn't know whether Qin Chuan's help could reverse the situation, she must try. Otherwise, she would not be able to overcome her own hurdle.

Three days passed quickly.

Today, the Baijia Martial Arts Competition is finally about to begin. Many people are looking forward to all this turmoil. After all, this turmoil will not affect too many people. It will only cause turmoil in the top circles in this area, and it will still be a big turmoil.

This time the Baijia Martial Arts Competition was hosted by the Tianyi Sect and the Yin family.

Qin Chuan saw a young man coming up, handsome and handsome, dressed in white, with a hint of fairy charm. His eyes were like stars and his nose was like gallbladder. He had one hand behind his back and looked around.

"My name is Yin Tiange. The Baijia Martial Arts Competition is about to begin. Let me tell you the rules. Swords have no eyes, but they cannot intentionally maim or cause death. However, it is a competition after all, and casualties are inevitable, so everyone should try to be careful and use all their strength. From now on, we warriors have been living a life of licking blood with the blade of the knife, so we can never relax at any time. Well, without further ado, the rules of the competition are very arbitrary. The number of people does not necessarily need to be figured out when fighting. As long as both parties negotiate well, A hundred people can beat one person." The young man laughed.

This sentence has a purpose. When the time comes, the Yin family can beat many people by one person. This is also to destroy the opponent from the heart without being able to suppress others.

The Yin family also knew it, so soon a young man from the Yin family came up and started this martial arts competition among hundreds of families.

Those who can go to this martial arts platform, even young people, are outstanding young people.

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