Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,745 Heavy Mountain Stick, Freezing Effect

The thin man was also a person who knew the goods. After catching the dragon-slaying dagger, his face suddenly looked extremely shocked. 【】

This kind of weapon can be said to be the existence of his dream. It feels like as long as this dagger is there, everything in the world can be achieved.

This shows how precious this dragon-slaying dagger is.

It is indeed precious. The dragon-slaying dagger itself is made of extraordinary materials. Coupled with Qinchuan's tempering, recasting, and carved dragon talisman seals, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a divine weapon at this stage.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Okay, get ready to fight. Fight as you should. Don't worry, you can kill him."

The thin man now has confidence, and this dragon-slaying dagger alone gives him a lot more confidence.

Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation!

Gold position!

As soon as the formation was opened, the thin man's eyes were shining, full of fighting spirit. He was also a militant. At this time, before Qin Chuan could say anything, he took the initiative to rush over as soon as the battle started.

This seemingly ordinary man of the Yin family is very extraordinary. Every move he makes has a sense of simplicity, and every move he makes has a sense of simplicity.

In fact, at this level, there are many people who have touched every bit of the Dao, but even the slightest bit of the Dao is displayed very differently in everyone. Some are so powerful that they are heaven-defying, and some are just a slight increase in strength. This is just a slight loss. A thousand miles wrong.

Qin Chuan attacked casually at this time.

The same aura of great avenue permeates the air, impacting the other's aura of great avenue.

Just talking about the realm on the road, Qin Chuan believed that he was more advanced than the other man.

The thin man's attack also had a sharp golden light, which was bright and dazzling.

The thin man's speed was too fast, which made the man opposite him frown. Originally, he felt that the thin man's strength was not so terrifying, but now it has improved too much compared to before, which gave him a vague premonition.

Well, this problem lies with this young man. If you want to have no worries, you must get rid of this young man. Besides, the main purpose of his appearance this time is to kill Qin Chuan.

So he set his sights on Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan, who is in the realm of the Venerable, is actually not afraid of the opponent at all. With Qin Chuan's current resistance ability, he can definitely fight against the opponent head-on.

But Qin Chuan felt that it was not necessary.

The thin man has rich fighting experience. Whether he can go on today depends on Qin Chuan standing till the end, so he will not let the opponent get close to Qin Chuan.

As long as the man from the Yin family moves, the thin man will directly block his way.

Nowadays, the thin man still has the advantage in terms of speed, and the attacks are also mutually exclusive.

The speed of the battle between the two sides was so fast that it was a bit dizzying. After all, one followed the path of an assassin, focusing on speed attacks, close attacks and assaults.

Ding ding...

In the hand of the Yin family man is a two-foot-long short stick. This is not an ordinary weapon. It is called a heavy mountain stick. Don't underestimate such a small stick. It carries the power of the mountain in its attacks, as if every blow is carried. Like a hill.

The ice bursts!

Seizing the opportunity, Qin Chuan made an ice burst.

Then Qin Chuan was stunned.

Because this man was very unlucky, the freezing effect that had never appeared before appeared.

The man froze for a moment, unable to move, and allowed the thin man's dragon-slaying dagger to pass through his body. His eyes were wide open, and the incredible look remained on his face forever.

This was a bit unacceptable to Qin Chuan. He was originally prepared to go through a lot of trouble, but he actually explained the battle in this way.

Not only Qin Chuan was in a daze, but the thin man was in a daze, everyone was stunned.

The battle was over, because Qin Chuan participated in the battle and won another victory, and the people he killed this time were extraordinary, and they were also outstanding among the Yin family's contemporaries.

Everyone in the Yin family was turning blue at this time. There could have been other reasons before, but what happened this time? Two people, two unknown people, actually easily killed a long-established person on their side. killed.

The head of the Yin family almost spit out blood at this moment.

The thin man was very excited. When the two of them walked down, he reluctantly returned the dragon-slaying dagger to Qin Chuan. This thing was too precious. In fact, even if Qin Chuan gave it to him, he would not take it. After all, they were not relatives and it was so important. There is no reason to receive a gift.

So Qin Chuan didn't say send him off because there wasn't that much relationship between the two of them.

The battle competition has now entered an embarrassing stage. The Yin family was originally planning to sweep and crush them. All ages wanted to sweep and crush them, but the younger generation ended up being embarrassed. However, the backbone of a force is not young people, so There is also the middle-aged level and the old level.

But I didn't expect that the current situation at the middle-aged level has reached a critical point. I was not prepared to let the leaders of the middle-aged generation go so early, but now it seems that it is not possible.

So this time eight people came up at once, all middle-aged people, and they were the best among the older generation of the Yin family. Even many powerful old men were no match.

Eight people stood on the martial arts platform, looked around, and clasped their fists: "Please enlighten me!"

No one below said anything, because everyone could see that these eight people were difficult to deal with.

But since the other party has come up, they must fight. This is also a rule, and there is no reason not to fight.

This is not a game of house, where you get a little advantage and stop playing, so this must be continued. If you can't continue, you will lose and you will have to pay a heavy price.

So the generals here are all frowning, because they have to send a few people who are capable of fighting, but the possibility of losing is very high, so the sect is all frowning and thinking deeply.

At this time, Qin Chuan took action again. He took Mo Jun, Nuo Xue, Cang Lan, Xuanyuan Xuan, and Jun Wushuang with him. Then he looked at the thin man, who came over happily, and Qin Chuan threw the dragon-slaying dagger to him.

"Who is willing to come? There are still two people left." Qin Chuan said with a smile and looked around.

"I'll come, I'll come!"

"I come!"

To Qin Chuan's surprise, several people came. Qin Chuan smiled and ordered two people. Unexpectedly, one of them was the youngest son of the master of the Demon Sect Temple.

The other one is a middle-aged man from Yushou Zhai.

The Beast Controlling House is a special sect that practices the method of controlling beasts. It is also a group that requires special talents. They can tame monsters that are stronger than themselves. There can be many of them, so a powerful beast control master can Unimaginably powerful, this mainly depends on his monster.

As for the beast tamer himself, he cultivates body, speed, escape, etc., because to deal with the beast tamer, he will always focus on how to kill the beast tamer with one blow. As long as the beast tamer is killed, then the beast tamer's beast taming will Direct death.

Therefore, one of the most important training exercises for a beast master is to save one's life and hide oneself.

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