Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,750 The new ability of the Chaos Furnace, I hope...

As the days passed, Qin Chuan's cultivation level broke through to the realm of a two-star master after two months.

With the help of Qin Chuan, the Demon Lord broke through to the Eight-Star Venerable.

It is difficult to break through at this level. Xuanyuan Xuan, like Qin Chuan, is also a two-star venerable, and Canglan seems to have always been at a higher level than Qin Chuan. Although his actual combat strength is not as good as Qin Chuan, he is already a four-star venerable.

Jun Wushuang has the highest realm. He is the peak realm of the Venerable. It can be said that Qinchuan and his group are invincible as long as they are below Xing Jun. But above Xing Jun, it is a bit troublesome. It is hard to say whether they can do it or not.

This is why Qin Chuan set up a formation just in case.

Along with the great road, magical powers, baby dragons, blood emperor bones, and the weirdest three-eyed snow jade mink in Qin Chuan's opinion. The third eye of this monster is particularly evil. It has been used once before to kill the target. After being dragged into the third eye, Qin Chuan could see the stars, sun and moon from the third eye of the three-eyed snow jade mink. Where exactly he was, Qin Chuan didn't know if he could survive.

There has been no movement in the Yin family for two months, which surprised Qin Chuan. Normally, it is impossible to be so calm. It has been two months, and there should be some movement.

Even if there is no movement, Qin Chuan can slowly accumulate strength.

The other one was the golden bell, the giant white ape in the golden bell. Qin Chuan discovered that the opponent was half the strength of Xingjun.

But today Qin Chuan somehow put the golden bell into the chaos furnace and refined it subconsciously. He could have stopped it immediately, but he didn't know why, so he didn't stop.

Then what surprised Qin Chuan was that Jin Ling's realm had risen by one level. He was stunned, but very pleasantly surprised.

This was originally a good thing, but he couldn't summon the white ape.

And he knew that this was not because of Jin Ling, but because of Jin Ling's breakthrough, which made the white ape stronger. With Qin Chuan's current strength, he could not summon the powerful white ape.

Moreover, the golden bell after refining could recognize its owner, but Qin Chuan failed to recognize its owner because the strength gap was too big.

This left Qin Chuan helpless. Treasures are only given to those who are destined to be with him, so Qin Chuan directly called the Demon Lord and tried to identify the owner, but he succeeded easily.

Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked the Demon Lord to call out the White Ape in anticipation. When he called out, Qin Chuan's eyes lit up and he smiled. Although he didn't know the White Ape's current strength, he was sure that he was in the Star Lord realm.

Qin Chuan was happy and his eyes were bright. With this huge white ape here, what else could Qin Chuan be afraid of? The Yin family might really have nothing to do with him now.

The Demon Lord naturally thought of it, and a smile appeared on his face.

But Qin Chuan is thinking about other things now.

It is your own Chaos Furnace that can refine treasures and improve the realm of the treasures.

This ability can be said to be unbelievable, but it has not been completely determined yet. Maybe it is just a coincidence that Jin Ling has improved? So Qin Chuan must try again.

What Qin Chuan wants to upgrade most is the Five Elements Immortal Flag. If the Five Elements Immortal Flag can be upgraded, maybe the Immortal Gate Shield can be used. If it can be used, he can go back.

Thinking about it, Qin Chuan was very excited. He told the Demon Lord, found a quiet place, and directly put the Five Elements Immortal Energy in the Chaos Furnace.



After failing, Qin Chuan was stunned and found that the refining failed. He tried again, but still failed.

Soon Qin Chuan knew the reason. The golden bell was of a low level and could be successfully refined to improve its level, but the Five Elements Fairy Flag was of a high level and could not be refined. To put it bluntly, the level of the Chaos Furnace was not high enough.

Although this failed, Qin Chuan still has a little more hope. By improving the Chaos Furnace, it is possible to raise the Five Elements Immortal Flag in the future. As long as the Five Elements Immortal Flag is raised, there is great hope of returning.

Although there is still hope, I am still a little disappointed, but this can be considered an unexpected hope, and I should be happy.

"What's wrong?" Demon Lord's soft voice sounded.

Qin Chuan felt the deep concern and pulled her back with a smile: "No, just a little emotional."

Qin Chuan would not say that he was homesick, because the Demon King had no home, and he was her home.

So if you are happy and strong, she will be happy, strong and full of hope.

"You are so young, what are you feeling?" The Demon Lord held Qin Chuan's face in his hands, his comforting eyes filled with the warmth that only existed when facing Qin Chuan.

"Good sister, what do you think we are living for in the end?" Qin Chuan asked.

The Demon Lord was stunned and laughed: "In fact, it is best not to think about this question, and don't think about it, because whoever thinks about it will have a headache, because there is no standard answer to this, and there is actually no answer to this, because no matter whether you answer it or not When it comes to the answer, the more I think about it, the more irritating it becomes.”

Qin Chuan nodded, really agreeing. Some people may say that it is for money, for getting ahead, for beauty, for power...

Our ancestors have a saying, it is rare for people to be confused.

In fact, people are like this sometimes. They are confused when they should be confused. Understanding people and smart people, the more they understand and the smarter they are, the less interesting they are.

For example, some people just have to get along with some things. You must understand that they are asking for trouble and unhappiness, causing trouble for themselves and others. There are many more, such as flattery, which you know is a compliment, but you insist on it. There's no point in worrying about it.

Of course, these are just a few aspects of life, and living a dull life is not necessarily a bad thing.

If you plan carefully, plan everything, be disciplined and organized, even if you achieve it step by step, you won't necessarily be happy.

So many times, life is a process, and the trajectory of life is a circle. Finally, we return to the starting point and finish our life. The beauty is the process, and the beauty is the unforgettable and unforgettable moments in the process...

Live your life happily every day, it’s that simple.

After thinking about this, Qin Chuan smiled and hugged the demon king. What else did he feel dissatisfied about now? With a wife like this, what could a husband ask for? Why would he make himself so uncomfortable?

Since he embarked on this road at the beginning, he had to think about all possibilities. Besides, he just couldn't see them for the time being, so he felt that he had suffered a lot from his women.

But he himself didn't know that although several of his women were married to him, they didn't expect Qin Chuan to stay with them for the rest of their lives. It wasn't that they didn't want to, it was just that they knew they couldn't. In addition, each of them is independent. As long as Qin Chuan can visit them often, he will be satisfied.

Therefore, Qin Chuan must raise the level of the Five Elements Immortal Flag. This is one goal. The other is to go to the Jiutian Xuannv Temple and find Master Chu Qingzhu, Tantai Huangqing, and Yu Luoqing.

This is also why many warriors do not get married, but only find Taoist partners, Taoist partners who can practice together, so that they will not be lonely on the road of cultivation and can always be with them.

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