Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 169 I don't know how to live or die, I ran away

Qin Chuan was pushed out by Su Ho in a daze, just in time to see Qin Feng coming out of the room.

Qin Chuan touched his head in embarrassment: "Father, don't think about it, it's not like that."

Everyone in the Qin family knew that taking the little girl as a daughter, Qin Chuan gave the little girl a pendant as a gift, with a formation engraved on it, just like the one on Pei Ji, which Qin Chuan studied later.

It's a talisman.

"Su Ho is a good woman. If you like her, treat her well and don't play with other people's feelings." Qin Feng said with a smile.

"I know, Dad!"

"Come on, how about going against me today?" Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Of course!" Qin Chuan said happily.

Qin Feng is also a genius, he practiced Nine Dragons Divine Power Kungfu and reached the level of a dragon.

Qin Chuan also gave the Dragon-Tiger Golden Tripod Fist to his father, and the Dragon-Tiger Golden Tripod Fist is very powerful driven by the Kowloon Divine Power.


It's okay in the morning, Qin Chuan's mind is full of the words Miao Gu Bao Ti.

He never thought that Su Ho would actually have a wonderful bone body.

Only the body of pure yang can be stimulated, and after being stimulated, it will grow slowly, and can slowly and automatically absorb the vitality of the world, because she is a treasure body, just like a treasure beast.

It's just a human body.

Soon she will become stronger, with speed, strength, and body flexibility. It is said that she will soon reach the level of being difficult to hurt with a sword, similar to the resistance of a dragon and leopard beast.

The speed of Dragon Leopard Beast, etc.

Su Ho has a wonderful bone body, even if he doesn't practice in the future, he will automatically absorb the energy of heaven and earth to break through.

And this wonderful bone, the three wonderful hands come from her wonderful bone, that man would be willing to own her, even if he lost his life.

What's more, her wonderful bone body was stimulated last night, the body of pure yang, isn't this me?

Do you have a pure Yang physique?

This Qin Chuan is not too surprised,

It should not be a pure yang physique before, and the reason why it became a pure yang physique is definitely the most direct relationship with the Haoran domineering physique.

Motivate her later, let her become stronger earlier, as for the future, the road is very wide, and she can even compete with herself.

I have the mighty domineering physique. Although the Miaogu treasure physique is not as good as the awe-inspiring dominance physique, it is definitely ahead of all physiques. This is also a god-level physique.

At this moment, Qin Qing ran in anxiously: "Qin Chuan, hurry up, Su He and the little girl were taken away."

Qin Chuanhu stood up.

The golden pupils opened directly.

"Where is it?" Qin Chuan asked while observing.

"In the north, it's not the people from South Sea City, but the three Gale Beast Chariots." Qin Qing said anxiously.

"I know, it's okay, I'm here!"

After speaking, Qin Chuan's figure appeared directly in the distance, and disappeared in a flash.

Qin Chuan wants to see who eats the bear's heart and dares to break ground on Tai Sui's head.

I was still thinking about Suho before, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Thinking of Su Ho's amazing appearance in the morning, Qin Chuan also understood that some people who came to Nanhai must have had evil intentions when they saw Su Ho, and did not pay attention to Nanhai City.

The origin of being able to ride a blast beast car seems to be not simple.

The Gale Beast is a monster, but it is docile. The Gale Beast looks good, its whole body is snow-white, it looks like a white-haired lion, it is very beautiful, it runs like the wind, and its value is terrible. I don't know how many times stronger.

In the Three Kingdoms and Six Dynasties, no one has heard of a Gale Beast.

Ordinary people can't tame it at all, and the Gale Beast is notoriously difficult to train. Only the nearby Yan Kingdom can see the Gale Beast.

Qin Chuan's speed was very fast, and he took a shortcut directly. In this way, it was half an hour later when he stopped the Gale Beast Chariot, and he was almost about to leave South Sea City.

It can be seen how fast this wind beast is!


The Blast Beast Chariot stopped, and Qin Chuan looked at the three Blizzard Beast Chariots lined up side by side. There was a handsome young man in his mid-twenties standing on each of them.

Martial Dao Grandmaster Ninth Level Martial Artist!

This strength is very good, absolutely good, at this age, this strength, there is not much in the Three Kingdoms and Six Dynasties.

"Brother Yang, there are people blocking the way, and there are people blocking us in South Sea City." The young man on the left laughed.

"Let him go!" Qin Chuan said coldly.

"Haha, did you hear that he told me to let me go." The young man in the middle laughed.

"It's like this in a small place. I think I'm great. I haven't seen the world. Just kill me. Don't waste time. We have to go back quickly. Brother Yang is still waiting." The young man on the right said.

"Okay, let's go!"


The Gale Beast Chariot rushed directly towards Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan directly took out the mysterious heavy bow!


An arrow shot at the beast cart on the right.

The golden light is shining, and the arrows are like shooting stars!

The golden halo is dazzling.

Like a golden dragon opening its mouth and rushing forward, fierce and quick, it came in a flash.


It penetrated the Gale Beast, and also penetrated the young man in the car.


The beast carts scattered immediately.

Dragon Tiger Golden Cauldron Fist!

Qin Chuan punched the beast cart rushing towards him.

Dragon and tiger roar together!

The golden tripod is shining, the dragon and the tiger appear together!


The Gale Beast's combat power was not strong, Qin Chuan smashed the Gale Beast to death with one punch, jumped, and rushed directly to the young man on the left.

Because the young man was scared now, and desperately slapped the wind beast, trying to run away.

Dare to touch his family, don't even think about leaving!


Qin Chuan directly fired the Nine Nether Earth Fire Seed!


"Don't kill me, don't kill me..." The last young man was left limp on the ground.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Qin Chuan asked.

"We are from Yang City of Yan Country. I am from the Yang family. My brother said there are treasures in the South China Sea. Let me come here to have a look. I am obsessed with ghosts, please don't kill me..." The young man lowered his head with his eyes turned.

But Qin Chuan still saw the fluctuation in his eyes.

Suddenly, the young man turned his hand and slapped a magical stone on his body, and a halo flashed.

"Boy, if you dare to kill the Yang family, wait for death, wait for death!" The young man stared at Qin Chuan resentfully, and shouted loudly.

Teleportation stone!

Qin Chuan originally wanted to find out the origin of the other party, but he didn't expect that the other party actually had a teleportation stone, so he was careless.

Qin Chuan opened the animal cart, carried Su He and the little girl out, tapped two fingers lightly, and woke up.

"Father, there are bad guys!"

The little girl yelled as soon as she woke up.

"The bad guy was beaten away, it's all right!" Qin Chuan laughed.

"Father is amazing!"

Qin Chuan burned down the place before, but he knew that things would not be that simple, and that Young Master Yang would come again.

It seems that this time can not leave.

You have to get this sorted out before you can leave.

Su Ho lowered her head slightly. She felt that she was a burden, a drag on Qin Chuan. The gap between herself and him was too great. Three people have said before that the Fengyang Dynasty is not worthy of carrying shoes for any big family...

Qin Chuan called out the Earth Golden Dragon Bear, grabbed Su Ho and jumped on it.

"What are you thinking? I am your patron saint. By the way, Sister Su, I have good news for you. Would you like to hear it?" Qin Chuan felt a little bit of Su He's thoughts.

Su Ho smiled and looked at Qin Chuan: "Did I cause you trouble again?"

"Is it troublesome to drive away a fly? Don't say there is no trouble. If there is any trouble, I am willing to solve it. If you dare to bully my daughter and my daughter's mother, this is courting death. If you don't give me an explanation, I will tear down their house." " Qin Chuan hugged the little girl and laughed.

"Daddy is the best!"

The little girl was very happy.

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