Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,767 Immortal magic, Immortal Sect, Demonic Insects,...

She is like a beam of light, illuminating the hope of many people at this critical time.

In fact, many people from the Demon Sect Temple have also left. The Demon Sect Temple is letting people go. After all, this is the situation. You can leave if you want, and you can stay if you want.

In the current situation, the Big Mac Five Poison Sect has spoken out. There is no hope. Naturally, many people have left. The majority, the majority, and the powerful ones have also left, because they can find someone wherever they go. Good future.

If they stay here, they can only wait for death. They don't want to die. Although it is a bit unethical to leave at this time, survival is instinct when it comes to life and death. Besides, if the Demon Sect Temple lets them go, they will naturally not stay.

The weak ones also left. If they stayed here, they would be easily killed by the poisonous gas, because their opponents were the Five Poison Sects.

So now the Demon Sect Temple is very empty, with less than one-tenth of the people remaining. As soon as Nuo Xue came, the Demon Lord held her hand and said, "Why don't you leave?"

"We are good sisters who share life and death. If you don't leave, of course I can't leave." Nuo Xue said with a smile.

The Demon Lord smiled and said no more polite words.

Qin Chuan has been thinking of countermeasures.

The most terrifying thing about the Five Poison Sects is naturally poison. As long as they can solve the opponent's poison, they can compete.

But that will be later. What they are currently fighting against is the Qinglong Immortal Sect and the White Tiger Sect. Since the other party has disintegrated this place, they will definitely have a back-up plan.

Qin Chuan knew without thinking that the Five Poison Sect must have forced the White Tiger Sect and the Qinglong Immortal Sect to deal with him.

Qin Chuan was not afraid of them, but he was worried about the next attack from the Five Poison Sect.

Qin Chuan didn't feel much about the choice between the White Tiger Sect and the Qinglong Immortal Sect. He just felt that the White Tiger Star Lord had done a very stupid thing.

"I wonder what the other party will do?" Canglan asked curiously.

The master of the Demon Sect Temple said at this time: "The reason why the Qinglong Immortal Sect is called the Immortal Sect is because they have immortal skills."

"Immortal magic?" Qin Chuan was stunned.

"It is said that the founder of the Qinglong Immortal Sect was a disciple of the immortal sect. He was just a very unqualified disciple. He came here to create the Qinglong Immortal Sect. However, the Qinglong Immortal Sect was very powerful at the time, but it gradually declined later and has declined to this day. In such a realm, it is said that there are very few immortal arts left in the Qinglong Immortal Sect, and I know that one of them is the shuttle magic."

Qin Chuan is actually still thinking about that immortal technique, the Immortal Sect. This sentence contains a lot of information.

When he came back to his senses, the master of the Demon Gate Temple had already talked about this shuttle magic: "The shuttle magic can pass through formations, and even has enough realm to travel through the nine realms..."

"So this time, if nothing unexpected happens, they will send people directly here and fight us directly." The master of the Demon Gate Temple said.

"Don't be afraid if you pass it inside. There are formations everywhere here, so you won't be able to take advantage even if you come here." Qin Chuan said.

"The reason why the Qinglong Immortal Sect is called the Immortal Sect is that it not only has magical skills, but also some treasures. Not surprisingly, they can make the formation malfunction in a short time. Of course, this also depends on the formation. If the formation is powerful, one is that time will segment, a range will be smaller.”

Qin Chuan was really surprised this time. He actually had such a heaven-defying treasure?

But think about it, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are all mutually reinforcing each other, and so is the food chain in nature. For example, there are powerful dragons in the legend, but there are dragon-eating insects in the legend, which are also called hell bugs and devil bugs. These bugs are highly poisonous. Horrible, the legend is that it lives in the Wangchuan River. Of course it is a legend. Legend has it that this kind of bug can get into the target's brain. Once it gets inside, it will be difficult for gods to save it.

This kind of bug is very small, less than the size of a fingertip in historical records, extremely fast, capable of flying, good at the five elements, has no aura fluctuations, and is difficult to guard against.

This is also what an animal tamer dreams of. If you can tame such an insect, you will laugh out of your dreams.

It is said that this insect has only one natural enemy that can destroy it, and that is the Golden Sun Crane.

The demonic insect belongs to the Yin existence, and is special. Only the Golden Yang crane can eat it. The Golden Yang crane is only as big as a fist.

But it is a real fairy bird, and it is the only one that can eat demonic insects that are no bigger than the size of a fingertip and move like lightning.

Regardless of the legend, it means that it is difficult to be truly invincible. There will always be someone who can restrain you. Qin Chuan is confident in his formation, but that does not mean it is invulnerable.

It seems that there will definitely be a hard fight this time.

But he is not too worried. Now that he is the Seven-Star Venerable, even the Star Lord has the ability to hold the opponent back. With his treasures and monsters, not to mention the poison, he is not afraid of the White Tiger Sect and the Qinglong Immortal Sect.

Now he is just worried about the giant Five Poison Sect.

Three days!

Three days later, Qin Chuan felt the fluctuations in the formation. It was night, and Qin Chuan got up directly without calling anyone, but the Demon Lord naturally followed suit.


At this time, a dozen figures entered the Demon Sect Temple.

There are formations in the Demon Gate Temple, such as a place where people live.

The small courtyard where Qin Chuan and Demon Lord live also has formations.

The other party actually walked directly towards Qin Chuan very quickly.

It seems that the other party wants to kill him as quickly as possible and completely disintegrate him. The Five Poison Sect wants to die, as long as he dies, or wants the Demon Sect Temple to perish.

In fact, the Demon Sect Temple is not in their eyes. If they kill themselves, the Demon Sect Temple will be destroyed in an instant.

"What should I do?" Demon Lord asked worriedly.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Don't be afraid, I will call out the white ape in the golden bell later."

"Yeah!" Demon Lord nodded.

The Demon Lord himself has the power of a Star Lord and can also join the battle.

Several treasure beasts and baby dragons had been released long ago.

Even the three-eyed snow jade mink was released.

Then Qin Chuan and Demon Lord walked out of the room.

At this time, the moonlight was like water, bright and bright. As soon as Qin Chuan and Demon Lord came out, they saw more than ten people in the distance rushing towards this side.

Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation!


Thirteen Flower Goddess.

Golden Dragon Vine!

He stretched out his hand and punched it out.

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

The seven-story demon-suppressing fairy tower!

The realm of gravity!

Midas touch!

Now the opponent can't avoid the Midas touch!

And then finally the ice burst!

All of this was done in a dazzling way, and it actually forced the opponent's group to dodge in embarrassment.

Although Qin Chuan was only in the realm of the Venerable, his attack methods made even Xing Jun dare not be careless.


When these people were in a panic, Qin Chuan knew that he had to disrupt their rhythm and make them fear and panic.

Baby dragon!

Soaring dragon!


The cooperation between the baby dragon and the dragon leopard beast was perfect. In just one moment, the moment when the dragon soared, the baby dragon directly scratched the opponent's neck.


It has to be said that the power of the dragon baby and the strength of the eight-star lord can easily kill the star kings by themselves. However, the ones they killed before were all low-level star kings, but this time they killed high-level stars in cooperation with the dragon and leopard beast. The star king of realm.

This suddenly made the other party panic.

There was a sudden roar.

A huge white ape appeared, with a violent aura and looked extremely ferocious.

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