Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,777 The battlefield of all races

Qin Chuan paid special attention to this race. This is the largest group among the demon clan, and they are present at all levels of strength. They are wise and greedy. This seems to be their nature. It can't be changed.

The Immortal Realm is a big world with thousands of races. It is not surprising that human beings and various forces coexist. As long as they can coexist, it will be a balanced environment, restraining each other, and each has its own way of survival or is subject to some kind of restrictions.

For example, the city does not allow various races to fight, and each city will have a battlefield of all races, where you can fight, and you are responsible for life and death. You can only represent the people fighting, and hatred can only be resolved on the battlefield of all races.

The battlefield of all races is a restriction set by each race. Once something involves racial issues, it must be resolved on the battlefield of all races, otherwise it will be killed by those who maintain the rules, no matter who is justified or not.

Of course, if one party does not fight back, then the other party will be executed. If they all take action, then they will all be executed, regardless of whether it is justified or not.

Of course, the rules are like this. Rules are dead but people are alive. Besides, there are special people everywhere, so they are not so absolute. However, on the surface, the rules are unbreakable and they are still extremely strict.

The battlefield of all races is sacred, and in principle everyone must abide by it. After all, if this rule is not implemented, the consequences will be disastrous. Once there is a riot among all races, there will be rivers of blood and lives will be lost.

So no one dares to challenge this rule, because even big families and sects cannot resist. This is not a local rule, this is an untouchable rule.

Now this Tianzhu man is actually irritating Qin Chuan, hoping that Qin Chuan will take action, and then he can get rid of Qin Chuan without having to take action.

This was the idea of ​​Demon King Tianzhu, because he was sure that these two people were not locals, because it was impossible for him not to recognize such outstanding people.

Fortunately for Qin Chuan, he had a habit of checking some important things first wherever he went, such as what big forces he needed to avoid, some special rules, etc.

This time, I specifically saw the rule of Ten Thousand Races Standing. After all, this rule is the biggest, so I immediately saw the conspiracy of this sky pig.

Qin Chuan smiled and said, "Look, it doesn't matter if you are good-looking and others look at you."

But he couldn't make him feel so comfortable, so Qin Chuan smiled and said, "Let me tell you a joke!"

"Okay!" Demon Lord smiled.

Qin Chuan took a sip of tea and moistened his throat: "One day, a warrior from the city came to a small village. He had been busy practicing and had never been to the village. He wanted to see what the village was like and what ordinary people were like. Life. The warrior saw a farmer in an orchard, holding a pig in his hands and lifting it high so that it could eat the apples on the tree. The warrior said to the farmer: "I see your Pigs really like eating apples, but isn’t it a waste of time?”

The farmer replied: "What does time mean to a pig?"

The demon king smiled, and the demon king Tianzhu opposite him frowned slightly.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Isn't it funny? Then let me say one more thing. This one must be funny. Listen carefully."

The Demon Lord naturally knew what Qin Chuan was doing.

A toad pursued a swan, and the swan said disdainfully: "If I had grown up like you, I would have died long ago!"

The toad was dissatisfied and said, "Then why is the pig still alive and well?"

The Demon Lord smiled and looked at Qin Chuan. Although he didn't smile much, he was still very happy. Maybe the Demon Lord didn't know that the person looking at them was a pig demon king, but Qin Chuan's jokes this time were all related to pigs. And this time, both the lazy toad and the pig appeared.

Demon King Tianzhu naturally knew that the other party was talking about him, and he was naturally unhappy, so he looked at Qin Chuan with a cold face: "What do you mean?"

Qin Chuan seemed to have not heard: "How about I say one more thing? This time the pig is even stupider, worse than a toad. Well, he is also very perverted and very funny."

Naturally, Qin Chuan had no good impression of the demon king Tianzhu who was so unscrupulous and wanted to plot against him, so it was best to make him angry.

Qinchuan felt that treating others with their own treatment was the best way.

"Young man, don't bully others too much. In Yaowang City, no one will give me the respect of Master Ba. If you are dissatisfied, you can go to the battlefield of all races to solve the problem. How about it? Do you dare?" Tianzhu Demon King said with a sneer.

Although he was sneering, his look was really disgusting. His ugly face and ugly intentions made Qin Chuan shake his head: "I'm just a little disgusted. Can you sit further away?"

Demon King Tianzhu was extremely angry at this time. You must know that he hates people saying he is ugly the most, especially in front of beautiful women. He also hates handsome men. What he is most willing to do is to kill handsome men with his own hands. man.

Qin Chuan's hair was white now, but he was extremely handsome. In addition, he said that Tianzhu was ugly, so Tianzhu was a little uncontrollable.

Fortunately, he finally held back: "Do you dare to fight on the battlefield of all races?"

"I won't fight with ugly people." Qin Chuan said angrily.

"You, you, very good, if you have the ability, don't leave Yaowang City." The Tianzhu Demon King said viciously with a livid face.

"Well, I have the ability, so I won't do anything." Qin Chuan didn't look at him.

Demon King Tianzhu almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood. There was nothing he could do to deal with Qin Chuan like this.

"Madam, let's go, this place is too disgusting." Qin Chuan shook his head and pulled the demon king away.

If Demon King Tianzhu's eyes could kill people right now, Qin Chuan would probably be shattered to pieces by now.

The Demon King Tianzhu, who called himself the Eighth Master, called two people and said calmly: "Let's see where he lives."

Although it is said that different races must be dealt with on the battlefield of all races, but the same race does not need to, so the eighth master looked at Qin Chuan's back with a sneer: "I really thought that I couldn't deal with you without going to the battlefield of all races, how naive."

As long as there are rules, there will be loopholes, so some people will naturally have friends of other races.

In such a situation, you can find someone to help.

This is the plan of the Demon King Tianzhu Baye. He has many powerful human friends. It will not be easy to say hello when the time comes. He must get such a beautiful woman.

When I think of the Demon Lord, this ugly Eighth Master, his twisted face is all red, very red, blood-red, and his eyes are the racial characteristics of the Tianzhu clan.

Qin Chuan actually thought that the other party would find the human race to deal with him, but he was not worried now. He saw the eighth master's cultivation level and really didn't take it seriously. Especially now that his own cultivation level has greatly increased, he is really not afraid. them.

Birds of a feather flock together, so this friend of Demon King Tianzhu will not be much stronger. There are formations in the manor. After all, he plans to stay here permanently, and the manor was bought. If he wants to enter, he must break through the formations. His formations The law is not so easy to break.

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