Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1780: Movements in Diyin Sect

The Immortal Binding Rope is a good thing, especially in the hands of Qin Chuan, this thing can also be regarded as a trump card.

There is one more treasure, and it is also offensive. The previous gods, Buddhas, and beast array eye stones cannot be attacked directly, but this fairy binding rope can, and it is enough of a threat.

Yes, I am still very satisfied with what I got from this trip.

But Qin Chuan could only shake his head. He originally came here to relax, practice, and have fun, and didn't want to get involved in any trouble, but he unknowingly got involved again.

Although it doesn't seem to be involved yet, it will soon happen, and some people will not let themselves live in peace.

For example, the sect and family of the two dead people would definitely know that they were the ones who killed them.

Because the Demon King Tianzhu Baye is here.

But Qin Chuan is not afraid now. With the formation, he has become a dragon, and he has an additional treasure, it is not that easy to touch him.

It seems that no one is practicing in retreat today. It just so happens that we all have a meal together. In the past few months, we have hardly eaten together, even though we live together.

"Have a nice drink today, I'm so greedy." Xuanyuan Xuan said with a laugh.

"That's right. It's been so long since I've tasted my brother's cooking. I can't wait to tell you this." Jun Wushuang and Cang Lan also nodded.

Mingyue and Nuo Xue both looked at the Demon Lord with envy.

The Demon Lord was speechless: "I'm the same as you, I didn't eat either."

"Didn't you eat?" Nuo Xue said with a smile.

Qin Chuan was not in seclusion during this period, so he rested with the Demon Lord at night. When Nuo Xue said this, the Demon Lord blushed and glanced at her, causing several women to laugh.

While eating, Qin Chuan briefly said that the Demon Lord seemed to have a conflict with a Demon King Tianzhu before.

Others didn't feel anything. After all, they had collided with the Five Poison Sect before. This is the sphere of influence of the Medical Sect. The Medical Sect is just on an equal footing with the Five Poison Sect. There is no need for a Medicine King City within the Medical Sect's sphere of influence. Afraid, besides, the medical sect is different from the Five Poison Sect.

Qin Chuan felt that the origin of the thin man must be unusual. After all, he had the most precious treasure to bind the fairy rope, so he would definitely not be of the power of an ordinary family. Moreover, he also had Yin and Yang eyes. Such a being was also an important person in the sect or family.

Now that he is dead, the other party will definitely want to ask for an explanation, or to retrieve the immortal rope.

Sure enough, on the third day, someone came outside Qinchuan's manor.


This is the sound made by clapping with hands. This method will be used when there are formations or restrictions. This is a knock on the door, which is equivalent to knocking on the door.

After hearing this, Qin Chuan knew that the other party was coming. What was supposed to come would always come. There was no need to hide, so he walked out and opened the door of the manor.

Three people came across from them, an old man and two middle-aged men, wearing robes and looking extraordinary.

The leader of the old man's face was very calm. After seeing Qin Chuan, he said straight to the point: "The immortal rope of our Diyin Sect is in your hands. I hope you can return it to us. This is the treasure of our Diyin Sect. It is very important." .”

"I've never seen a fairy rope before." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Qin Chuan's answer stunned the other party, and the old man frowned slightly: "Sir, are you planning not to return it to us?"

"I have never been interested in other people's things. Besides, everything in my hands is naturally mine. There is no reason to return it." Qin Chuan said with a sneer.

This sentence made the old man unable to bear it any longer: "Are you going to keep it for yourself?"

"I don't have time to argue with you. You know what your plans are. Do you need to be so hypocritical?" Qin Chuan said with a sneer.

"You killed people from my Diyin Sect and robbed my Diyin Sect's treasures. This matter must be resolved!" the old man said with a cold face.

"Yes, I was assassinated for no reason. This matter really needs to be resolved. I wonder what explanation you want to give me?" Qin Chuan asked seriously.

"You killed people from my Diyin Sect and robbed the Diyin Sect's treasures, and you still want us to give you an explanation? Don't you think it's too much to bully others?" The old man was furious.


Well, how about I assassinate you starting today? "Qin Chuan's eyes became even colder when he saw the old man furious.

The old man naturally knew that it was one of his own who assassinated someone else and was killed, and the treasure was gone. If the other party was a super strong person, he would naturally ask the Diyin Sect to give him an explanation. After all, he took the initiative to offend a strong person.

But what qualifications does the young man in front of him have, so he not only wants to get back the immortal rope, but also wants to kill Qin Chuan, otherwise how can the Diyin Sect survive here.

"Young man, you draw the line and I, the Yin Sect, will take over." The old man said coldly.

"Let's draw the line, right? I have set up a formation in this manor. If we break the formation, we will slowly discuss it. If we can't even break the formation, then get away. It would be dirty for me to kill you." Hand." After saying that, Qin Chuan turned around and went back.

"you you……"

The old man's vitality and blood rose, and he almost fell down. He was so arrogant. A young man dared to be so arrogant, and an outsider dared to challenge the Diyin Sect like this. Although the Diyin Sect is not the top existence here, who in Yaowang City Not knowing the existence of Diyin Sect is intolerable, intolerable.

Qin Chuan said nothing and stopped asking. It was almost impossible for them to break the formation, but they still had this confidence.

The original formation was also due to poison, not because the opponent broke the formation.

So there is no need for super poison. His formation can be said to be impregnable. He will study it later to see if he can make the poison-avoiding formation stronger. He does not have a clever poison-avoiding formation now.

The formation is powerful. Although Qin Chuan has the divine beast formation eye stone and physical constitution to increase the power of the formation many times, but if the formation itself is too low-level and the power is too poor, even if it is increased ten times or a hundred times, it will still be very weak. For example, the power of the formation is only one. The increase of twenty times is only twenty, but if the power of the formation itself is twenty, then the increase of twenty times is four hundred. The gap between four hundred and twenty is naturally the gap between heaven and earth.

This is the difference between low-level formations and high-level formations, and the same is true for martial arts and combat skills. This is why we must pursue high-level, top-notch martial arts and combat skills. Of course, the premise is that we can master and learn them and exert their power. This is also There is no best, only what suits you best.

Qin Chuan didn't have a high-level poison avoidance array, otherwise he wouldn't have had to worry about the opponent's Ten Thousand Poisons becoming extremely poisonous last time.

However, not everyone has such poisons. The Five Poison Sects spent a lot of money last time, otherwise a large sect may be destroyed just by relying on the Ten Thousand Poisons.

In the next few days, Qin Chuan only felt fluctuations in the formation, and only allowed the formation-devouring beasts to enter the formation. He did not look at it at all.

The Diyin Sect came three times, the first time with five people, the second time with ten people, the third time with twenty people, and then after the entire army was wiped out, there was no movement, as if nothing happened.

Qin Chuan also acted as if nothing had happened. Still practicing dragon transformation, he hopes to enter the next realm as soon as possible and enter the palace.

At the same time, Qin Chuan is also studying the Dragon Binding Seal.

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