Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,782: Battle on the battlefield of all races

Qin Chuan held the letter of challenge from Demon King Tianzhu Baye in his hand.

The gauntlet is very simple. On the battlefield of all races, one is responsible for life and death. Many people in Yaowang City will go to watch that day and will not wait until the time comes.

Qin Chuan smiled, it's not too late, then it's too late...

So Qin Chuan had no intention of going at all, so there was a scene like this. People of the Demon King Tianzhu's lineage were waiting on the battlefield of all races under the scorching sun.

"What time is it now? Why haven't you come yet?" someone said impatiently.

"There is still a quarter of an hour until the official start. This time has not come yet, and there is news from the distance that the other party has not been found."

"It's not like he's not coming!"

"Who can decide this? Let's ask the Demon King Tianzhu's family to see if they agree?"

Then I got the news that Demon King Tianzhu Baye didn't know whether the other party was coming, and the other party didn't reply to his letter of challenge.

This made many people want to say that you are really a pig.

The challenge has been made, but you have to wait for the other party's reply. If the other party doesn't reply, and you just come here and wait, you will definitely be let go. Even if you are let go, you will be called a fool.

Then the official time of the game started, but Qin Chuan still didn't show up.

At this time, many people couldn't sit still and acted like fools. Many people began to leave.

No one who left scolded Qin Chuan, most of them scolded Demon King Tianzhu Ba Ye for being stupid.

This made Demon King Tianzhu Baye so angry that he wanted to cut Qin Chuan into pieces right away to relieve his hatred.

This time it was not until a week later that Qin Chuan received another letter of challenge from the Demon King Tianzhu Ba Ye. It was still a fight. This time he specifically stated that he wanted Qin Chuan to return the letter of challenge.

Qin Chuan returned and said he would go.

This time, Demon King Tianzhu Baye once again released the news, and countless people went to the battlefield of all races again.

For Yaowang City, for a world with thousands of races, fighting competitions are taking place every day on the battlefield of thousands of races. However, in Yaowang City, Tianzhu's lineage taking the initiative to fight will naturally be highly valued.

So the reaction will be very intense, and a lot of people will go to watch it.

Since Qin Chuan agreed this time, he would go, not to mention that he wanted to put an end to the demon king Tianzhu Ba Ye. He was targeted again and again by the other party without giving any color, and he really thought that he was easy to bully.

The time is three days later.

Now almost everyone in the city knows that people from Tianzhu's lineage have invited people to fight on the battlefield of all races, and even many people with high status in Yaowang City have gone.

Three days later, Qin Chuan was very punctual this time and arrived at the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races with Demon Lord, Jun Wushuang, Cang Lan, Xuanyuan Xuan, Mingyue, and Nuo Xue.

Qin Chuan's current appearance is easy to attract attention. After all, he has long snow-white hair, clear eyes, natural aura, and a perfect combination of awe-inspiring righteousness and femininity. Together with the Demon Lord, he really looks like a fairy.

Calm and natural, it easily attracted the attention of countless people.

Qin Chuan's profession is full of young people, and every one of them is the best among them.

Needless to say, there are very few people who can surpass Canglan in appearance.

Xuanyuan Xuan is also a very handsome man, while Jun Wushuang is older, but more charming than the young man.

But now Qin Chuan is the core, and this is very attractive.

There's still a little time left before the start.

Demon King Tianzhu Baye breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qin Chuan and his party appear. If Qin Chuan didn't come this time, even if he was justified this time, if the other party didn't come, he would be embarrassed.

However, warriors value their trust. Since they have agreed, they must fight or refuse, otherwise it will be difficult to survive once they break their trust.

That's why the other party dared to make such a big fuss, because if there was no big surprise, Qin Chuan and his party would definitely come.

In this Medicine King City, Qin Chuan and his team are like a whole. Others do not know each other, and there are many enemies, such as the Diyin Sect.

At this time, the Diyin Sect looked at Qinchuan and his party, and was very anxious in his heart, hoping that this time Qinchuan and his party would die on the battlefield of all races.

Now no one has taken the initiative to talk to Qin Chuan and his party.

After all, the Tianzhu lineage has great influence in Yaowang City, and no one is optimistic about Qin Chuan and the others now.

Qin Chuan has been sizing up the Tianzhu lineage. There are at least hundreds of people in the Tianzhu lineage, and many of them are masters. The Eighth Master Tianzhu looked at Qin Chuan, his eyes full of disdain, arrogance, and A provocative look.

Soon someone came up. He was the referee of this Ten Thousand Races Battlefield. Naturally, he went up to talk about the rules of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield.

You are responsible for life and death. There are no restrictions. You can use any means. As long as you have it, the dead will fail and the living will win. If there is no distinction between life and death, it will be a draw...

When the battle begins, both parties need to negotiate on their own whether it will be a single battle, a two-player battle, or a multi-player battle.

Master Tianzhu didn't go up, but a man who was stronger than Master Tianzhu came up. He was about the same height as Master Tianzhu, but he was at least a third bigger and uglier, with a big upturned nose. , wearing expensive armor, he looked a bit more heroic, but he was still ugly.

He stood on the stage and said to Qin Chuan: "How to fight, we let you tell first."

"Then let's have a singles fight first!" Qin Chuan said and walked directly onto the battlefield of all races.

When two people fight together, many people open their eyes. One is as handsome as a fairy, and the other is as ugly as a pig demon. In fact, he is a pig demon.

The Tianzhu people are lustful, greedy, and most jealous of others saying they are ugly. Although they know they are ugly, they will wear gorgeous clothes to change their appearance, but gorgeous clothes cannot change their appearance.

"This couldn't be better, let's get started!" the big man Tianzhu said arrogantly.

The battle begins!

Qin Chuan summoned the precious beast Vajra Rat.


The big sky pig roared and turned directly into a huge demon pig. It was full of stench, or fishy smell. It had a pair of blood-red eyes, a big nose pointing up to the sky, huge fangs, and a bloody mouth. It rushed directly to To Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan frowned slightly and reached out to take out the fairy rope.

Just in time to try the power of the Immortal Binding Rope.

Qin Chuan smiled and waved.

The golden Immortal Binding Rope was like a shining golden dragon, rushing directly towards the huge Heavenly Pig.

The monster pig's bloody mouth stretched out towards Qin Chuan, intending to swallow Qin Chuan in one gulp. Its huge blood-red eyes were full of murderous intent, and the opponent planned to kill Qin Chuan this time.

You can only succeed, not fail, otherwise the Tianzhu clan will not have to hang out here.

Qin Chuan also intends to kill the opponent. Besides, the Ten Thousand Races battlefield is basically a fight to the death. Unless both sides are unable to move, the battle will not end as long as one party can move. Therefore, only one person can survive in the Ten Thousand Races battlefield, and both sides can survive. The probability of going down is less than one percent.

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