Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,785 Qin Chuan’s life experience is very mysterious

Qin Chuan also knew that the great uncle was the head of the medical sect.

In fact, although it is a bit surprising, it is not particularly surprising. After all, the junior uncle is the lord of Medicine King City, which is a city with a very important sphere of influence for the medical sect.

Moreover, the Lord of Yaowang City is from the medical sect, so it is not surprising that the great uncle is the leader of the medical sect.

Qin Chuan did not expect to come to the medical sect's sphere of influence to seek refuge and meet his junior uncle, and the medical sect could be said to be as powerful as his own family.

Qin Chuan couldn't figure out the reason. After all, it had been a long time since they left.

What has happened in these years, and where is Master now? You must know that among people like Master, Uncle, Master, and Uncle, Master's achievements far surpass them.

But now the great uncle can become the leader of the medical sect.

Where is the master now?

Qin Chuan always felt that his junior uncle didn't tell everything, maybe for his own good, or maybe it wasn't the right time yet.

Qin Chuan didn't expect that he would have such a strong backer. Although he didn't know it clearly, he was sure that his master's identity was definitely not simple.

I couldn't figure it out, so I didn't think much about it. It was rare to enjoy this moment of peace.

In fact, Qin Chuan also knows that the situation of the medical sect here is not very optimistic. This is not surprising, it is the same everywhere, and he has known it before.

The Five Poison Sect and the Medical Sect are opposites and enemies.

In the north, there are two more powerful super powers, the Earthly Immortal Sect and the Dengxian Sect, which are much more powerful than the Medical Sect and the Five Poison Sect.

Comparing the medical sect and the Five Poison Sect, the medical sect does not have an advantage. After all, saving people is not as easy as killing.

Once killed, there is no way to bring the dead back to life.

Yaowang City is just two people, Junior Master Uncle and Junior Auntie, but where is the strength, there is also the medical backing, helping the world and saving people, so it is very reliable.

Qin Chuan and others have also moved to the city lord's mansion. There is no other way. This is what the junior uncle asked.

After visiting Yaowang City, practicing, and everything else returned to the same state as before, Qin Qin saw Qin Chuan at the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races. He didn't recognize him at first, so he sent a letter to invite him.

Unexpectedly, it was really Qin Chuan.

Spring passes and autumn comes, when the first white snow falls.

Unknowingly, Qin Chuan also lived in the City Lord's Mansion for a year.

Today, the junior uncle called him to drink tea.

When the aunt saw Qin Chuan happy, she hugged him: "Chuan'er, you cured me?"

Qin Chuan was stunned and quickly understood that it was because his aunt was pregnant.

The junior uncle was very happy. In fact, although the junior junior uncle also wanted to have a child, he loved his aunt. If he had to choose between his child and his aunt, he would definitely choose his aunt. He knew the answer many years ago.

But I don’t have children, so my aunt has a problem in her heart. When she sees other people’s children, she will always feel depressed. It’s not good for the health if it goes on like this. It will always be a problem over time. If it accumulates little by little, the longer it goes, once it breaks out, it is very likely that Can not bear.

Now that she is pregnant, there is no longer that crisis. The younger uncle's happiness comes from this, and his happiness comes from his aunt.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't like children. At his age, he knows the preciousness of children. Basically, the middle-aged junior uncle will also feel lonely. The senior brothers are actually worried about this problem of the junior junior uncle.

Having children by your side and the woman you love most is what makes you happy.

The aunt's eyes were red. She naturally loved her uncle, very much, but she felt that she could not give him a complete family. No matter how much love she had, being unable to give him a child was ultimately an irreparable flaw.

My aunt is a traditional woman, dignified and traditional. In fact, every time she wakes up from her sleep, it is because of this thing. She either dreams about being pregnant, dreams about not being pregnant, or even dreams about giving birth to a child, but she wakes up not believing it. Wake up back to reality.

Because the inability to have children and pregnancy has penetrated deep into her soul, it still feels unreal many times, but it is real.

She knew it was her fault.

"Congratulations, auntie,

Today I cook to honor my aunt. Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Now of course Qin Qin and his wife knew about Qin Chuan's cooking skills. They ate a lot, but they were always excited every time they ate.

But this time is different from before. This time it is a great joy, the biggest wish comes true, and the food will definitely be more delicious this time.

"I'll call Jun'er and the others!" the aunt said happily.

Qin Chuan went to cook, and this time he had to do a lot.

The junior uncle followed Qin Chuan.

"Chuan'er, your medical skills are too strong. Even your senior uncle is helpless. It can be said that your aunt's condition is really incurable." The junior uncle said with a sigh.

Qin Chuan smiled and said, "Uncle Master, in principle, there is no disease that cannot be cured, and people can come back to life. We are just limited by our realm and vision."

Qin Chuan was inspired by this sentence. He could travel through his soul and merge with that little soul. It was either swallowing or merging. That's why Qin Chuan struggled with who he was and went through that hurdle.

If it had been before, Qin Chuan probably wouldn't have known how to face his junior brother and sneak attack his junior brother.

Now he feels like he can face it whenever he gets the chance.

Because he is still Qin Chuan, still the same person.

"That's true. The sky is high and birds can fly. Chuan'er, your future achievements are limitless. Maybe you can follow in your master's footsteps." The young uncle said happily.

"Master's footsteps?" Qin Chuan looked at the little uncle in confusion.

"Chuan'er, it's not that I don't want to tell you. It's just that telling you won't do any good. Instead, it will affect you. You will know later. With your talent, there will be a day." The junior uncle said with a smile.

Qin Chuan nodded and stopped asking. He was not the kind of person with poor self-control.

Demon Lord was very happy, because his aunt was pregnant, she was a woman, and he knew about Xiao Shen's affairs for so many years, so he was naturally happy for her. After getting along with her for a year, Demon Lord also felt a feeling that he had never experienced before.

Even besides Qin Chuan, there were people who were kind to her, really nice, including family members and elders.

This is very rare and especially precious to the Demon Lord. This is why the Demon Lord is more active than Qin Chuan in this matter.

Qin Chuan's breakthrough in cultivation realm has been slow this year, but it's actually pretty good.

I just broke through to the Nine Stars Venerable not long ago.

Breaking through the next few realms requires some opportunities, otherwise time will accumulate.

However, Qin Chuan is not in a hurry. Haste makes waste, and it is actually good to accumulate a lot of experience.

Today Qin Qin found Qin Chuan and took him to the medical door.

Qin Qin and his wife also went.

Going to the Medical Gate is very simple. There is a teleportation array that goes directly to the Martial Medical City!

Qin Chuan was slightly startled when he heard the name of this city. It is now called the Medical Sect, but the previous sect was called the Wu Medical Sect.

Martial Medicine City is actually similar to Yaowang City. After all, Yaowang City is one of the top three cities in the medical sect's sphere of influence. Otherwise, the junior uncle would not be allowed to be the city lord here.

The Medical Sect is not on the mountain, but in the center of the Martial Medical City. It occupies a large area with numerous palaces. This is the Medical Sect's headquarters.

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