Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1807: Someone is coming from the Immortal Sect

So it is certain that the Dengxian Sect gave up the medical sect directly.

Normally, the Immortal Sect shouldn't be so weak. After all, there are two major forces. Although the medical sect is not popular, it still has some status. What's more, it is still a medical sect. Those who practice medicine are still very useful.

But if you give up now, give up. If nothing else happens, the Dengxian Sect must be threatened. This threat is not a normal threat. For example, if an important person in the Dengxian Sect is poisoned, or something like that, we have no choice but to give up on the medical sect. Otherwise, we have no choice but to give up. The other person may be unwilling to heal.

Of course, this is just Qin Chuan's guess, but it should still be possible, so Qin Chuan spoke up this time and decided to give it a try. After all, everything can be easily solved by ascending to the Immortal Sect.

Although Qin Chuan felt unhappy, there was nothing he could do about it. After all, you were just a nobody, a small and unconventional sect. Why should I spoil you or help you, especially when there are conflicts of interest and special circumstances?

However, the medical sect belongs to the Dengxian sect after all, and tribute is paid every year. Therefore, in principle, the Dengxian sect must protect the safety of the medical sect, but the principle is a principle, and the specific situation is a specific situation.

After getting ready, Qin Chuan started shouting.

"Senior of the Dengxian Sect, I am a member of the medical sect. We need your assistance. If there is anyone who needs treatment, as long as he is still breathing, no matter what kind of poison or injury, I can cure it. If it is for other reasons, , such as formations and talismans, I can also do it. I hope senior can give me a reply and try it first without suffering any losses..."

Qin Chuan actually didn't know whether the other party believed it or whether he would agree.

However, Qin Chuan decided to give it a try, so he went to the doctor in case of emergency.

At this time, there was someone on the sound transmission stone of Dengxianmen listening to the Sichuan sound, and then recording it and reporting it.

There are three middle-aged people guarding here at this time.

In fact, the three of them were very unhappy. This was the third time the medical sect asked for help. According to the rules, the immortal sect should help. They were a large sect with justice, but now they had to ignore the situation.

But the three of them had no choice. The elders had spoken, and they ignored the doctor's message. No matter what was transmitted, they pretended not to have heard it, and just ignored it.

This time I heard the message from the medical school again, but this time it was different from before.

"Seniors of the Immortal Sect, I am a member of the medical sect, and we need your help.

If there is anyone who needs treatment, as long as he is still breathing, no matter what kind of poison or injury, I can cure it. If it is for other reasons, such as formations and talismans, I can also cure it. I hope senior can reply first. Try not to suffer a loss..."

This message stunned them, and one of them spoke: "Elder Chen has spoken, just ignore it!"

"Wait a minute, the sound transmission this time is different, you can see the record."

Then the three of them looked at the recorded message, but soon the man on the left shook his head: "The medical sect has no choice, that's why I say this. If you have this ability, the immortal sect will not be willing to sacrifice the medical sect."

"No matter what, let's go report it. Maybe the elders can give it a try, so as to give the medical school a chance." One of them said seriously.

The other two hesitated, nodded, and one of them left.

Qin Chuan's group was waiting somewhere, but time passed by little by little, and there was still no reply, like a stone sinking into the sea.

But Qin Chuan still insisted on staying here.

After all, it was a large sect, and there must be someone guarding the sound transmission stone, but Qin Chuan was worried about whether the other party would pass on his sound transmission.

Wait, after all, I made it very clear, especially at the end, I said, you can try something.

"Hello, I am Chen Chen from the Immortal Sect. I don't like others to lie to me. I believe you once. We will arrive at the Medical Sect within half an hour."

The sound transmission stone rang.

Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the other party comes, this is a stepping stone. You have great ability, it is useless if you can't get in. You have no doubt about your own ability. Real gold is not afraid of fire, so as long as the other party agrees, everything will be done. Easy to say.

Now that they have agreed, Qin Chuan and his party are ready. After all, all hope is now in the Dengxian Sect. If the Dengxian Sect does not take action, the Medical Sect is doomed, and now there is no way to stop the Earthly Immortal Sect.

On time, less than half an hour later, the other party appeared, dozens of people carrying a huge couch.

There were about ten people in the group above, but these ten people were motionless and looked like they were all old people.

Qin Chuan opened the formation and let these people enter the medical door.

An old man at the head stood up and said: "I am dust!"

This man looked young among the old men, but he was definitely not middle-aged. His eyes were clear and wise, and he glanced at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan stood up: "Let me take a look!"

"Did you send the message?" The old man named Chenyi frowned slightly.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Yes!"

Qin Chuan has white hair now, but after all, he is too young, but his temperament is excellent, which makes people admire him, but after all, he is still too young, even if he is admired, he can see where he is.

Chen Chen wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't, but who could tell that he had no hope for Qin Chuan.

Not only him, but other old men also frowned slightly. The people they brought were all poisoned by the Earthly Immortal Sect. Only the Earthly Immortal Sect had the antidote. If they interfered with the medical sect this time, those who came to the Immortal Sect would This is an old man who must die.

These ten old men had a very high status in the Dengxian Sect, and three of them were of unparalleled importance, so they refrained from taking action and allowed the Medical Sect to be destroyed.

Qin Chuan was looking at the first old man at this time. He was actually a little worried. After all, the poison that could kill the male protagonist of the Immortal Sect was definitely not an ordinary poison. However, after seeing it, Qin Chuan felt relieved.

This poison is very powerful and overbearing. Unfortunately, Qin Chuan can still detoxify it. There is no other way. The golden eyes, powerful physique and acupuncture skills are specially used to restrain poison, cure diseases and save people. So far, he has not seen anyone who can surpass him.

Qin Chuan looked at Chen Mo and nodded: "Can we start treatment?"

"You said you can cure it?" Chen Ai looked at Qin Chuan in surprise.

Qin Chuan nodded.

Chen Chen looked at Qin Chuan and looked at Qin Chuan as if he was joking. He thought for a moment and said, "These people are very important to ascending to the Immortal Sect. If you can't do it, don't treat them."

Chen Chen is actually struggling in his heart because he is worried about a situation now, that is, the medical profession is finished. These people want to take revenge. For example, if they can cure diseases, they will directly kill the patients. This possibility is not impossible, and it may even be very likely. Big, so they all looked at Qin Chuan, and if Qin Chuan made any slight movement, they would kill him directly.

Qin Chuan naturally took note of these people's reactions.

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