Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1814: Beheading, Identity, Face

But soon the young man stopped laughing.

His speed is very fast, and his trump card is also very useful, but this speed is still not enough in front of Qin Chuan.

Even though Qin Chuan felt that he had underestimated the other party, it was still just a slight. He was still able to move with ease, reaching out and hitting the other party's hand with the silver light.

There was a faint golden light on Qin Chuan's hand.


Since the other party had killed him, Qin Chuan was naturally not polite. He smashed the other party's hand and kicked the other party directly in the heart.


Falling in the distance, he was very rare, breathing heavily, and spurting blood wildly. Since he wanted to kill someone, he had to be prepared to be killed, so Qin Chuan had no mercy, because such a person deserved to be killed, and with this hand, He also knew that the other party had killed many people.

Everyone around was stunned. This was the young master of a large family in King Kong City. The Cheng family could not be said to be the largest family in King Kong City, but it was also one of the top three families in King Kong City.

He is very powerful. In Vajra City, if you don’t look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha, whoever dares to beat the married family to death should be beaten to death in a fair and just manner. Those who are beaten to death are the direct members of the married family. Even the playboys are also the direct members of the married family. Now they are being beaten to death. Beat him to death, it would be a huge loss of face.

"Don't leave if you dare!" A man who followed the young master Cheng's family shouted with a pale face and a trembling voice.

Qin Chuan didn't have any good impression of this kind of dog-legger who bullied good and feared evil, so he directly killed him with one blow.

No one dared to say anything this time, but the young master pointed at Qin Chuan, spurted blood continuously, and died in a moment.

After the murder, the surroundings were very quiet. The remaining members of the family ran away without knowing who took the lead. One person ran away, and the other ran away.

But at that time, many people around were talking about it.

"Young man, why don't you leave quickly? Why don't you wait here until you get married and come to trouble you?"

"It's a good death. You should have died long ago. Young man, please go away."

"It will be too late if you don't leave. He has a powerful family and is a man with great eyes and hands in King Kong City."

"If you can't leave, you will definitely not be able to leave if you kill the person who started a family. It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers."


He was so impulsive. He killed people in King Kong City and still wanted to leave. It was just a dream. "

The last few people spoke, and those who spoke in front slowly stood back, as if they were afraid of being recognized. Qin Chuan knew at a glance that these people behind might be the minions of the Cheng family, but he did not dare to anger himself now.

But Qin Chuan is too lazy to argue with these people now, so he can't kill them directly.

Qin Chuan looked at the stranger with a smile. At this time, he was hugging her. She was very light and slender. The stranger was a beauty, and a very beautiful woman, especially she had a rare body of thunder and lightning. Between her beautiful eyes, there was a glint of light. The divine light of nothingness.

Seeing Qin Chuan looking at her, she didn't have any special reaction, she was just a little dazed. She still couldn't believe that this was reality. She never thought that she would meet Qin Chuan again, let alone that Qin Chuan would pay attention to her.

These years were actually very difficult for her. When she left, she said she had unfinished business and couldn't die. Only two of the three people could leave. She just took one, but she was also disheartened. After completing what I wanted to do, I left. I came here by chance and could not go back, alone.

The hardship and loneliness of a person, coupled with the fact that she is a super beauty and a unique kind of woman, naturally there will be a lot of trouble.

This time she was targeted by this young master from King Kong City, who was so unscrupulous that she had no choice.

In fact, she had been in despair before she had fallen or not. Now when she saw Qin Chuan, she was distracted for a moment. She was holding Qin Chuan's clothes tightly with both hands. She could no longer care about anything.

Don’t care anymore.

Canglan and others were also stunned. They looked at Qin Chuan and smiled. Mingyue also looked at Qin Chuan in surprise, and then looked at the stranger Qin Chuan was holding.

Leaning in Qin Chuan's arms, he closed his eyes slightly, not knowing whether he was seriously injured, but he actually fell asleep.

Several people walked out of the crowd and found a restaurant to stay first. Qin Chuan did not intend to run away, and there was no need to run away.

King Kong City is powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, it cannot be stronger than Martial Medicine City. Strictly speaking, this place actually belongs to the sphere of influence of the Medical Sect, and Qin Chuan's identity is the young master of the Martial Medicine Sect.

This was the token given to him by his uncle, which could save him a lot of trouble, so Qin Chuan happily accepted it.

So Qin Chuan is not worried at all. King Kong City Ring does not have such courage.

Besides, the Married Family is just a big family in King Kong City, so even if the Lord of King Kong City comes, he has to be polite.

Qin Chuan treated the stranger's injury quickly and easily. In less than two-quarters of an hour, Qin Chuan closed the injection, covered her with a quilt, and walked out.

When I got to the living room, I found Canglan and others there.

Xuanyuan Xuan saw Qin Chuan smiling and said, "I have to accept it. Brother, no one can compare to your popularity as a woman."

"Is she okay?" Jun Wushuang asked.

Qin Chuan smiled: "It's okay!"

"Who is she?" Cang Lan looked at Qin Chuan with a smile.

"A former friend." Qin Chuan said.

"Oh, a former friend?"

Canglan was stunned, because Qin Chuan was not talking about former friends, but about the past, so that meant that they were no longer friends?

Qin Chuan shook his head: "Just as we were once rivals, aren't we also brothers now? She is actually doing what she should do. It is fate that we meet here."

Several people were talking when suddenly there was movement outside, and the entire restaurant was immediately surrounded by people.

"I'll give you a cup of tea now, or I'll make your life worse than death." A loud voice sounded.

The sound was like thunder.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Let's go, let's go down and have a look."

Several people walked out directly.

The people around him had been surrounding him from afar, and most of them were watching the excitement. No less than a hundred people blocked the place directly at the entrance of the restaurant. People inside the restaurant were not allowed to go out, and people outside were not allowed to come back. Go in.

Opposite them stood five and a half old men, older than middle-aged, but not older than an old man. One of them was somewhat similar to the young master of the married family who was beaten to death, but Qin Chuan knew that this was not the head of the married family.

Such a thing would not cause the family head to come forward so quickly, but the relationship between this person and the family head is definitely related by blood, but it does not matter who it is, Qin Chuan is too lazy to waste time, so he said: "Who can be the master."

"You little bastard, you are so brave. Don't you know how to get married in King Kong City?" The half-old man in the lead looked directly at Qin Chuan and shouted.

Qin Chuan frowned slightly and looked at the old man: "If I want to kill you, I don't even need to take action. The head of the married family will chop you up."

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